
A/N- Well my lovelies, I think this is the last chapter (I'm calling it the epilogue… can it be an epilogue if it's set just one week later? I don't know, but nothing important happens, and there was a prologue, so this is an epilogue) :'( I'll be really sad to let this story go… but I think I may write some more… once I get a good idea for one that is!… Thank you thank you thank you for the reviews on the last chapter! FallingLOVEDeeper, pancake2, Geekquality and HopelessRomantic110 you all were especially lovely! So anyway, read on :)

Disclaimer- If iCarly was mine, Jennette would sing the theme song ;D (I'm not hating on Miranda, she's very awesome, but I LOVELOVELOVE Jennette!)

Sam's P.O.V.

"Fredduccini! Get me a cream soda!" I shouted. There was no need to shout. Carly and Freddie were sat at opposite ends of the couch, and I was lay between them, with my feet on Carly's lap, and my head in Freddie's, so he was well within hearing distance.

"But that would mean that you'd have to move your head for me to get up." He said looking down at me.

"Hmm… fair point… Caar-leee? Would you pretty please go get me a cream soda?" I asked. She rolled her eyes, lifted my feet off her knee and went into the kitchen.

"How's your head doing?" I asked Freddie, as I reached up and stroked his hair. It was about a week after the incident (making today New Year's Eve.) He no longer had to wear a bandage, and he was having his stitches taken out soon.

"It's ok, I guess… nothing a kiss couldn't make better" he smirked down at me and cocked and eyebrow.

"Ugh…" I groaned as I sat up, but smiled at him and kissed his head all the same. "better?"

"Not quite…" he smirked, as he leaned into me for a kiss on the lips this time.

"Ok, I'm just gonna go… away…" Carly said when she walked back in to her living room to find us like this. We just laughed as she put my cream soda on the coffee table, before backing upstairs.

"May as well make the most of some time alone" Freddie grinned as he pulled me onto his lap.

"I guess so" I smirked, placing my legs either side of him, and kissing him full on the lips. Soon he had a hand in my hair and one on my hip, and I was pushing him further into me with my arms around his neck. I was totally lost in the moment, which is probably why we didn't hear the front door opening. But we did her a load of chizz that had been collected from the junk yard being dropped and a shriek of

"Oh my goodness!"

"Um… hey Spence…" I greeted Carly's older brother, laughing at his reaction to our make-out session. Then Carly came running down stairs.

"I heard a crash, is everything ok?" she asked.

"It was just Spencer dropping his Junk yard crap." I laughed. I'd still not moved from Freddie's lap; I found Spencer's shock to hilarious.

"I just need to get used to the two of you being all… Nyeh…" he mumbled.

"Seriously Spencer? When I dated Griffin, you went crazy because we were kissing! Sam's as good as your little sister to, and she's practically straddling Freddie, and all you say is that you need to get used to it?" Carly said jokingly, looking kind of annoyed and kind of amused at the same time.

"You know what Carly… you're right. Sam may as well be my sister to, which means Freddie, I'd like a word in the hallway please" he said, looking very serious. I looked at Freddie and began laughing.

"Oh, go and get the 'big brother talk'" I whispered in his ear and winked at him, before climbing off his lap and sitting on the couch instead.

"Uh… Ok…" Freddie got up, looking a little worried, and followed Spencer outside. Carly came and sat beside me before we both burst into fits of giggles.

"You really think that you'd have to hurt me if I broke Sam's heart? She would have already murdered me herself!" we heard Freddie shout after a moment or two.

"To right I would!" I yelled so that they'd hear me in the hall. They stayed out there for another couple of minutes, whilst Carly and I continued laughing at how serious Spencer was being. They both re-entered the apartment, Freddie looking half amused, half worried, and Spencer looking quite proud of himself. He then came over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Sam. I'll find him if he ever hurts you." He said in a deep tone of voice, giving Freddie an evil look whilst he said it. I held back a laugh.

"Thank you Spencer" I tried to keep a straight face.

"Sit over there!" Spencer commanded Freddie, pointing to the opposite end of the couch, as he went to sit beside me. "I don't want to see you two getting anywhere near that close again! Until you're married!"

"Sam and I need to go and get ready for Wendy's party anyway" Carly said, still laughing slightly as she dragged me towards the stairs by my wrist.

"Yep! Mamma gotta look hot!" I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

"You always do" Freddie said. Damn that cheesy (yet gorgeously sweet) boy.

"Enough!" Spencer said firmly, narrowing his eyes at Freddie. Carly and I took off upstairs, breaking out into new fits of laughter.

Freddie's P.O.V.

After sitting for a rather awkward while with Spencer, I went back to my own apartment to change for Wendy's party to. I didn't do anything special; just a checked shirt and jeans. I then went back across the hall to see if the girls were ready. Carly was coming down the stairs as I walked in. She'd straightened her hair, and was wearing a hot pink short-sleeved dress, which fell to just above her knees with some black heels.

"You look awesome Carls." I smiled at her.

"Thanks. Sam's refusing to come down. She liked the dress in the shop, but now she apparently feels 'icky." She said rolling her eyes. "SAM! GET DOWN HERE!" I heard a groan, followed by the foot-steps of what sounded like some incredibly high heels.

"I don't want to do this" she whined, before appearing on the stairs. "Well?" she said. "How ridiculous do I look?" I was honestly speechless. She looked amazing. She wore a strapless purple dress, which clung the perfect amount at the top, and ended just below her mid-thigh. It puffed out ever so slightly from below the black ribbon tied beneath the bust. I was right about the incredibly high heels; she was wearing shiny, black, spiked stilettoes. Her hair was in bigger curls than usual, and she had a black bow pulling a piece back. And then I noticed the crystal pig around her neck.

"N-not ridiculous…" I managed to stutter, as I simply stared at her in awe. She gave me an insulted look and jumped (yes, she JUMPED in those heels) down the remaining stairs. I quickly recovered myself. "Stunning. Absolutely… stunning" I breathed.

"That's more like it!" she said with a wink as she hit me on the head with her clutch bag.

"Well let's go then!" Carly beamed as she made her way to the door. "I hear Wendy's brothers going to be there. He's a senior. He just broke up with Arianna, you know, head cheer-leader? And I hear he likes iCarly…" she trailed off winking at Sam.

"Carly gon get some sugar!" Sam laughed as she high-fived her best friend.

"Spence! We're going now!" Carly called, as Spencer seemed to have retreated to his room when I left to get ready earlier. He came out just as Carly was opening the front door. I wrapped my arm around Sam's waist and we made our way in to the hall way.

"You kids have fun!" he said to us from the door way. "But not too much fun." He finished, looking directly at Sam and I, closing the door.

"Don't think he knows I'm spending the night at your place does he?" Sam smirked at me.

All I could hear were Sam's continuous giggles as I carried her, bridal style through my bedroom door.

"Oh my gosh!" She shrieked.

"What?" I asked, startled.

"You've got such freakin' cute nose" she smiled as she poked my nose with her index finger, and then began giggling hysterically again.

"Just HOW much did you have to drink again?" I asked her as I set her down on my bed.

"Oh I dunno… 7… maybe 8…" she drunkenly slurred between giggles. 7 or 8 what? I didn't even bother asking; I knew I wouldn't get a logical answer. "Woah! H-hold up! I'm in your bedroom, at n-night time, on your bed, and crazy isn't killing us?" she said whilst poking me and scrunching her eyes closed.

"She's not here." I told her. She wasn't; my mom refused to let me go to a party, but I went anyway. She was still out, searching for me, since we'd only been at the party for 2 hours before I had to bring Sam home. She wouldn't be back until the morning, because she's working extra at the hospital tonight to, what with all the drunken accidents on New Year's Eve.

"Who's not here?" She asked, whilst stretching out on my bed. I simply shook my head as I wound my arms around her waist and pulled her into a sitting position. "No… I wanna sleeeep" she whined.

"You can't sleep wearing that." I said firmly. She really couldn't. Her dress looked unbelievably hot, but unbelievably uncomfortable. I reached round her back as she let her head fall against me, and undid the zip on the back of the dress. "Arms up." I told her, as I lifted the dress over her head. While she collapsed back onto my pillows, I went over to my wardrobe to find something for her to sleep in. I pulled out one of my slightly-small penny-tees, and walked back over to my bed. "Sit up" I demanded.

"Ugh!" she moaned as she pulled herself upright. It was only as I pulled the t-shirt over her head that I realised something.

"Panties?" I asked, raising an eye-brow, as I took in the sight of the Black lace which left little to the imagination.

"Well, I thought that with me sleeping here, I might be getting some…" she threw her arms around my neck and did her best to wink at me. It was more of a long blink and a giggle.

"Honestly Sam, I would, if I didn't feel like I was taking advantage since you're so out of your face." I chuckled, as I pulled the t-shirt as far down as it would go, lay her down, pulled off her shoes and draped my quilt over her. It was only 10:30 at night. We had arrived at Wendy's party at 8:30, and somehow, Sam had managed to drink herself silly with in that time period. We'd left Carly at the party; she was getting along quite well with Wendy's older brother, and she wanted a kiss at midnight. I did to, but I doubted that I'd be getting one; Sam was already completely out of it. I got ready for bed and climbed in beside her. "Good night Puckett. I love you." I whispered, and pulled her sleeping form into my arms.

"Mmm… Night… Fredhead. Love… you to." She mumbled into my chest as she reached up her hand in an attempt to pat me on the head. She then let her arm fall, and her breathing became heavy, as she properly drifted off.

"Freddie! Freddie, wake-up!"

"Ugh…" I mumbled. Then I felt a hard slap on my arm- this woke me up. "What's the matter Sam?" I asked, using the arm which wasn't around her to rub my eyes. She pointed to the red flashing numbers on my bedside clock.

"It's one minute to midnight! I don't believe you let me go to sleep! It's unlucky not to kiss someone at midnight!" she scolded, whilst rolling over, so that she was lay on me.

"It's not my fault! You pretty much passed out!" I told her. She had her chin resting on my chest with her hands underneath it, as she was now lay directly on top of me; I could feel the whole weight of her body against mine.

"Yeah yeah. You shouldn't have let me drink that much then should you?" she seemed to have sobered up considerably, and her eyes kept darting to the clock on my bedside table.

"I told you not to! But since when have you listened to me? You were on your like fourth glass of obviously spiked punch when I suggested you stop, but then you just moved on to cans! It was like the whole 'Don't lick the swing set' 'don't tell me what to do Benson' thing all over again! You really-" I never got to finish, as Sam's hands flew behind my head as she pulled me down until my lips met hers. At the same time, I could hear the fireworks going off outside, and many muffled cheers of 'happy new year!' from next door's apartment. I kissed her back and ran my fingers through her blonde curls until she pulled away, resting her chin back on my chest, so that her face (now graced with a slightly dizzy grin) was still directly in front of mine.

"Happy new year Freddie." And I knew that now I had Sam, it would be. I smirked down at her.

"Happy new year Puckett."

A/N- Ah! Its over! D: I'm sorry about the cheesiness; it felt necessary ;) I'd like to thank ALL of you for reading my story, and especially those who review! I hope I didn't disappoint anybody. Now, wanna make me a real happy bunny and leave one last review? I'll love you forever!

Peace, Love, Seddie ;D