I figured I'd make these little interludes into a series of sorts.

I don't write much fic anymore. If you like it, thank Pol for the inspiration and the beta.

This little scenario plays out anytime between when Sam returned to the SGC in season 9 and while Jack is in Washington.

Part II

Sam blinked sleepily at the laptop monitor sitting on her quilt-covered legs. She'd been working on it for four straight hours and, other than a few muttered answers to Jack's attempts at conversation, had pretty much ignored the warm, solid body now snoring softly beside her on the couch.

She stretched her neck and hoped that his spidey-sense wouldn't mysteriously activate while she secretly tried to stare at him. This time, though, he was dead to the world and she felt a pang of regret at the lost hours they could have spent doing other things. She knew he'd be sore, for all the wrong reasons, in the morning if she didn't wake him up right now and tell him to go to bed.

But she also knew that he wouldn't. That even if he didn't complain about her opening her laptop the minute she walked in the door, his refusal to leave her side while she worked spoke louder than any words he could have uttered. They got such little time together with him in Washington and her back at the SGC. Crisis after crisis conspired like a Ba'al clone to keep them apart. It was more than a little frustrating. But she was done now. She was forcing herself to be done.

She slid the laptop onto the coffee table and slid a hand invitingly across his thigh.


He didn't stir.

She leaned into his side and trailed her fingers down the center of his chest, stopping to trail a solitary finger around the waistband of his barely-hole-less sleep pants.


She leaned forward and kissed his stubbly cheek while a few fingers inched under his in-slightly-better-condition, but just barely, t-shirt. "Time for bed."

"Don't tease me, Carter," he mumbled around a yawn.

When she slid her other hand up into his already messy hair and tugged gently, his eyes popped open and he regarded her with a cautiously optimistic stare.

"Really. I'm done."

He'd apparently been practicing the Teal'c eyebrow as one skeptically rose high on his forehead. "Really?"

"Yes, Jack," came her very patient reply.

The other eyebrow joined the first. "Done done? As in done for the duration of your very short visit?"

She swung a leg over his thigh and pressed close enough so that she could feel the heat of him through her own not-nearly-as-worn jammies. "Sleeping on the couch for the duration if you don't take me to bed right now."

His arms came instantly down around her and she found herself encased in his warm, solid strength. Instead of leaning forward and kissing him, her head sank to his chest and she relaxed in the security radiating from the simple gesture.

"You or me?" he asked, tone light and teasing. A question about just who'd be sleeping on the couch left lingering for her to answer.

She chuckled. "Whichever is the most torturous."

"You're a popular woman, Carter." His cheek came down to rest on the top of her head. "Always expected to come in second to the job."

Her eyes hardened in abject denial and she lifted her head, scooted closer and kissed him. No pretense. No longing looks. No warning. Not a languid, We-have-all-the-time-in-the-world kiss but a hot, tongue-included, passionate kiss that left them both instantly breathless and more than a little aroused.

His hands tangled in her hair and pulled her impossibly closer as she gripped his shirt, and his lips, like a lifeline.

When they finally parted, she rested her cheek against his for a long moment. "Never second to the job, Jack. Never."

Her eyes were soft, determined when she lifted her head and acknowledged the understanding laced through his intoxicatingly intense gaze. "Not anymore."

A chime on the laptop broke their moment and Sam closed her eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Get it," he encouraged, but his tone was resigned.

She snuggled against him and ran her lips along the shell of his ear. "It can wait until tomorrow."

"Promise?" His whispered his plea tugged at her heartstrings. And she could feel his heart race beneath the fingers that teasingly moved across his chest to gently pinch a tight little nipple.

Her knee inched forward to gently stroke his growing erection and she smiled lustfully. "Only if you take me to bed right now."


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