Why hello there. It's so nice of you to stop by. I am KawaiixKisses and this yet another SasuHina. I'm going with something new, trying my hand a few new genres of writing. Hopefully this story will be a success. I do hope you enjoy the first chapter.

All For Love



Love is Punishment

"It's not so bad, really… I'm fine."

Even to her the words sounded like a lie.

How was she supposed to tell them the truth? How was she supposed to let them know how horrible everything was without worrying them?

The Hyuuga gave her friends a small smile, allowing them to see what she wanted them to. They didn't have to know the truth. Really, it was better for everyone if they didn't. She didn't need them worrying about her. She didn't need them asking her questions she wasn't willing to answer. Couldn't they just leave her alone? She loved them dearly, really she did but she just wished that they'd mind their own business sometimes. They might be her best friends but they didn't need to know everything that went on in her life. She was a grown woman – 26 –she was entitled to her privacy. Wasn't she?

"Are you sure? I mean… He seemed really mad," came the voice of her pink-haired friend.

"Hn," Hinata said with a smile. "He just wants me to get home earlier."

"But did he have to yell like that?" came the voice of another friend, this one blonde.

"Well, you know Naruto… He's always yelling about something, whether he's happy or mad."

The two friends cast each other a glance before turning their gaze back to their opal-eyed friend. They knew she was lying. Why couldn't she just come out and tell them the truth? They could help her. They loved her. That's all it was. Love.

"Hinata… If something is going on, you know you can tell us right? We're you're friends. We're here for you."

"Hn," she answered the pinkette, smiling pretty and nodding her head.

The pinkette let out a small sigh before sitting back in her chair. The blonde however was unconvinced and continued to stare at the Hyuuga.

"Hinata…" she began, but the Hyuuga cut her off by standing up abruptly, obviously finished with the conversation.

"It's okay you guys. I've got to be going now, see you all later."

And with that the Hyuuga hurried away from the table and out of the café and to her car. She had to get home quick, the longer she took the angrier Naruto would become.

She reached home in record time, pushing the front door open and stepping inside. Nervously she looked about, her eyes traveling the foyer as she shut the door as quietly as she possibly could. She licked her lips nervously, anxiety building up in the pit of her stomach as she began to move towards the living room.

"N-Naruto…?" she called quietly.

She was answered by silence as she glided into the living room.

Her heart fell to her feet as her eyes landed on him. He was seated in his favorite chair, his feet propped up against the coffee-table and a nasty glare fixed in

"What time is it, Hinata?"

She chewed her bottom lip nervously before answering. "Three."

"Three. I told you to be back here by two and it's what? Three."

"Y-you said s-six…"

"Are you calling me a liar?" he asked, his blonde brow arched in questioning.

Her opal eyes widened slightly. She hadn't meant it that way. Not at all. She began shaking her head frantically as she watched him rise to his feet.

"Th-that's not what I meant. I j-j-just… I m-meant th-that I-I…"

"You what Hinata? Because to me it sounds like you think I'm a liar."

"N-no, N-Naruto… I d-don't think th-that of y-you…"

"Then what are you trying to say to me Hinata? That I forgot?" he asked as he began moving closer to her.

Immediately, her feet began carrying her backwards, working on their own accord.

"No! I forgot!" she said with panic. "I-it was m-me… I forgot."

This seemed to please him. But only for a moment because he continued to move towards her.

"P-please, I… It won't happen again… I promise."

"You promise? A promise is a comfort only to a fool, Hinata. Do I look like a fool to you?"

"N-No! You're very s-smart."

He nodded his head in agreement at that, but his smug satisfaction only lasted a few moments because he looked at her once more, his eyes filled with such unforgiving anger.

"Then why do you keep treating me like an idiot? Hm? Why do you expect me to believe such stupid things?" he questioned her, his nose wrinkling with distaste.

He closed the distance between them suddenly, his hands gliding into her hair and gripping at the long, black tresses painfully as he slammed her back against the far wall by the window. "Huh? Why is that?"

Hinata tried to shake her head but his grip was too strong, he had her pinned in the corner, her back pressing against the wall until pain shot down her spine.

"Bitch you better answer me."

The pale-skinned woman didn't know what to say, how to answer. He was being irrational. There was no answer to such a question –no answer that would please him anyway…

"I don't know," she whispered softly, tears filling her eyes as she stared up at him.

"You don't know…" he mocked her in a sing-song voice.

Hinata trembled at the feel of his vodka stained breath against her face.

He pulled one of his hands out of her hair, tightening his grip with the other one as he began dragging her about the living room.

"Why is it that you never have an answer to any of my questions?"

Tears slid from her eyes as her hands shot up to his wrist, pain bolting through her.

"N-Naruto… Please! Please stop!" she begged him, her eyes now red and puffy from all the tears she shed.

The blonde sucked his teeth with annoyance, using the grip he had on her hair to toss her aside.

The petite woman whimpered as her small frame hit the cold tile of the kitchen.

"Look at you…" he said with obvious disgust as he walked around her.

Hinata pulled herself up, looking up at him from the floor, waiting for the blow she knew was coming.

The male crouched down until they were eye-level, looking over her face carefully for a moment. Hinata figured he was looking for the best spot to strike later on, the thought causing her to flinch and him to wrinkle his nose in disgust.

"You a'int worth shit," he decided, staring her in the eye. "To think men used to actually want you. How lucky I am… Tch. I should have married that pink haired bitch, y'know? She's so much prettier than you are.

I mean sure, you've got some big tits," his eyes roamed from her face to her chest.

"But that's it. Other than that you're nothing. The only reason they're so big is because you're fat."

The opal eyed woman looked down, not wanting to meet his gaze any longer. She could feel the tears sliding down her cheeks, dropping onto her soft blue button down shirt.

"Look at me bitch," he demanded, grabbing her by her hair again and forcing her to look up at him. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Hinata shook her head frantically, her eyes widening with fear as she watched him standing up, pulling her to her knees in the process.

He pushed both hands into her hair, tilted her head up so that she had no other choice but to look up at him.

"Fucking shame that even this position does nothing for me. You really are useless."

The Hyuuga wanted badly to shift her gaze elsewhere but knew it would only anger him more if she did. Maybe if she did what he said, he'd leave her alone.

"I can't believe I actually wasted my time on you. Three years of playing Mr. Nice-Guy for no reason at all. All the guys thought you'd be hot as hell in bed, did you know that?" he asked, clenching her hair tightly.

He waited for her to answer him but all he got were a series of silent tears as they rolled out of her eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that, bitch! You're eyes are fucking creepy…!" he yelled hysterically at her, shaking her about by her hair.

The Hyuuga sobbed, unable to control herself. That's what made him snap. Every time. Without fail. Sobbing. It drove him crazy. He went off the deep end about those kinds of things. It was her crying that sealed her fate each time. Nothing she said or did made him as crazy as her sobbing. She supposed it made him feel guilty. But they way he handled that guilt was one what scared her most. Hinata wasn't even surprised when she felt his knuckled crunching against her cheekbone; instead, she welcomed the darkness that followed it. She was better off there where she could hear, see, or feel.

She spent hours plastering and smoothing make-up over her bruised skin, doing her damnedest to ensure that the skin there was evenly blended. When she was finally finished, the job was so well done that she looked unreal. Plastic beauty, she liked to call it.

As she moved down the hall of the company, she couldn't help but feel that everyone was staring at her. It was as if they all knew her dirty secret. They all were aware of the fact that her husband was a narisistic bastard who took everything that went wrong in his life out on her. And they were laughing at her. Or worse, pitying her. Despite the change of last name, she was a Hyuuga and Hyuuga were proud people, they did not accept pity. From anyone.

The opal-eyed woman ducked her head as she rounded a corner, doing her best to get to her desk without being seen. She wasn't in the mood for putting on a fake smile; she didn't want to have t pretend for everyone today. All she wanted to do was sit behind her desk and surf the web idly until five rolled around and she had no choice but to return home.

For once, her wish came true and she made it to her desk without disturbance.

"Thank God," she breathed, sliding her hands under her skirt neatly before sitting down.

With a little sigh she powered on her computer and waited for her desktop to load.

"Good morning, Hinata-chan!"

It took all the years of controlling herself to keep her from rolling her eyes at the disgustingly hyper active brunette as she swayed into their office area.

"Morning, Ten Ten-san."

But, as per usual, the Hyuuga was as polite as she always was.

"How are you?"

Was that supposed to be a joke? Was God mocking her?

"I'm fine," she answered softly, even going as far as to add a small smile. "And you?"

Ten Ten giggled like she had a juicy secret and was waiting for someone to ask her about. She took Hinata's polite question as reason enough to spill.

"I'm great. But I know who's not," she said squatting down in front of Hinata's desk, her voice dropping into a whisper.

"Fukumi-san got fired; Friday was his last day."

Hinata's eyes widened only slightly at that. She was glad he was gone. Fukumi had been the most difficult boss in the world. He treated Hinata and Ten Ten like they were his slaves and never appreciated a damn thing the two did for him. He reminded her an awful lot like her husband.

"But what's even better is his replacement is here already. It's like they've been planning on canning him for a while now."


Ten Ten smiled at her. "Aren't you happy?"


"Hn. N-no more having to do his dry-cleaning o-or pick up his daughter from oboe practice."

Ten Ten laughed at that. "True. Hopefully, this new guy is a lot better."

For reasons she couldn't explain, Hinata continued the conversation.

"How do you know it's a male?"

"Haruhi in finance told me she saw him this morning. She even went on to say how incredibly hot he is. I'm glad I wore my push-up today. Lucky, lucky," she said with a smile.

Hinata only shook her head a little. Her co-working was a man-eater. She went through men more than she went through panties, and that was saying something.

"Good morning."

The two women looked up from each other upon hearing the deep rumbled of a male's voice.

Ten Ten immediately stood up straight, purposely allowing him to see just how well God had blessed her genetically.

"Good morning," she said sweetly to him, flashing him a flirty smile.

The male, seemingly unaffected merely nodded his head in her direction before turning his gaze onto Hinata expectantly.

"G-Good morning," she said softly, her voice cracking slightly.

Haruhi was right, he was indeed handsome.

He was like something straight out of the magazine their company produced. Hinata vaguely wondered how it was that he wasn't the one on the cover instead of the male they had chosen for this month's issue.

"Hn. Tell me your names."

"Hisagaia* Ten Ten," the brunette offered up first.

The male's dark eyes rolled over to the opal-eyed woman next.

"Uzumaki Hinata," she answered him softly, adding in a small smile.

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"It's nice to meet you, Uchiha-san," Ten Ten chimed in.

"Hn," came Hinata, nodding her head only slightly.

The male merely nodded in return. He didn't seem like one for words.

"I don't expect too much of you two because I prefer to do things myself, however the only thing I ask of you is not to bother me too often."

Ten Ten, seemingly disappointed, pouted a bit before nodding her head. Hinata on the other hand didn't mind too much and nodded her head as well.

And with that, he brushed past Ten Ten and headed for his office, shutting the door quietly behind him.

"Tch… The was a let down."

Hinata smiled a little at her co-working. "Well on the bright side… We d-don't really have to do much…"

Ten Ten turned her gaze on Hinata, her lips pouting a little before she shrugged her shoulders and flounced to her desk.

"I suppose that's true."

Hinata smiled.

She flinched slightly when she felt her pocket vibrating, sending small chills down her thighs. She slid her hand into her pocket, pulling out her cell-phone to peer down at the name flashing on the screen. Fear filled her, her facial expression completely dropping.


"Hn? You okay, Hinata-chan?"

Flinching, she looked up at her co-working and nodded her head a bit. "I-I'm f-fine…"

"You don't look okay… You look sort of… Scared. Who is that? Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"N-no. I –"

Before she could continue, she felt her phone buzzing again in her hand. He hung up and called again.

With her heart in the pit of her stomach, she answered her phone.


"Why the fuck didn't you answer the first time?"

"I-I'm sorry…"

"That's you're problem. You're always fucking sorry –"

He stopped himself before he could continue. She heard him take a deep breath on the other end of the line, calming himself down before continuing.

"I'm sorry."

Hinata was silent for a little while; she knew where he was going with this.

"It's just… You make me so angry sometimes. I don't want hurt you Hinata, I love you."


"I just need you to do what I say so I wont have to hit you okay baby?"


"You know I love you, right?"

Hinata was silent for a few moments before she answered him. "I know."

"Tell me you love me then."

She swallowed past the lump that lodged itself in her throat and bit back the tears she felt building in her eyes.

"I l-love you…"

Naruto was quiet for a moment before continuing.

"Don't cry okay, baby?"


But it was too late, the tears were already bubbling over in her eyes.

"Alright. I have to get back to work now, but I just wanted to tell you that. I got you something I think you'll like; I'll give it to you at home."


She said nothing else before she heard the soft click of the call ending. She pulled the phone from her ear and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Hinata-chan… Who was –oh my God, Hinata-chan! Your face! What happened to you?"


The opal eyed woman looked at her co-worker oddly to find that she was giving her the most worried look she had ever seen before. But why? Her eyes happened to glance down when she saw the smeared make-up on her skin. Oh. Shit.

"N-nothing… It's nothing," she explained, rising to her feet and grabbing her purse.

"Hinata-chan, what's going on? Who did that to you?" the woman persisted, locking her hand around her wrist.

"I said it's nothing. I'm fine," she said to her, obviously annoyed as she jerked her arm away from her grasp.

She hated nothing more than being held back.

"Really. I am."

Then hurriedly, she rushed to the ladies' room, her hand cupping her eye to hide the hideous bruise her husband had made.

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