A/N. This is an AU story, using the idea of indentured people (A lá Firefly) For those who don't know, an indentured is someone who pays off a debt they can't afford by becoming or giving a relative as a servant/slave to the person they owe. Most of the finer details are likely to be made up as I go along.

The timeline/storyline for the show is pretty much the same as it was – Grissom still left, Warrick still died. The only real difference is that Greg was never with the crime lab; which obviously means he wasn't blown up or beaten half to death.

Greg stood nervously in the waiting area. The receptionist was on the phone, but she turned every once in a while to smile at Greg, as if sensing his fear. After a few minutes, she put down the phone and turned back to Greg.

"They're sending him right down," She smiled reassuringly. Greg nodded before moving to sit down.

It was less than five minutes later when Nick Stokes came to reception – clearly in a rush.

"What is it, Emma?" Nick asked impatiently. "I'm snowed under up at the lab." The receptionist stood up, and Greg took that as his cue to come to the desk.

"Nick, this is Greg." Nick turned to see Greg standing apprehensively beside him. His eyes flicked briefly down to the black leather cuffs encircling Greg's wrists.
"He's just been sent over from Social Services." Nick looked from Greg to Emma in confusion.

"What's going on?"

"Mr Stokes," Greg spoke up uncertainly, keeping his eyes downcast. "I'm an indentured man. I've been bequeathed to you." Shock joined confusion in Nick's expression. Emma handed Nick some paperwork.

"These are all the forms, and a copy of the will." She looked over at Greg worriedly. "Maybe you should take Greg to see Catherine. She could help you figure this out. Maybe get something to eat." Nick looked to Greg; seeing the slight tremor in his stance.

"Good idea." Nick placed a hand gently on Greg's shoulder. "C'mon, Greg, let's go grab a bite." Nick used the hand on Greg's shoulder to steer the younger man carefully towards the labs.


Catherine looked up at the knock on her door. She smiled when she saw Nick, but it quickly faded at the worry in his eyes and the man standing next to him.

"Hey Nicky," Catherine stood up slowly. "Everything ok?" Nick led Greg into the office with a hand at the small of his back.

"Catherine, this is Greg. Greg, this is my boss, Catherine." Catherine smiled at Greg, who tried his best to smile back. Nick handed over the paperwork he'd been given.
"I was hoping you could help me out with this." Catherine took the papers; still looking at Greg.
"I'm gonna make a run to the canteen; you want anything?" Catherine shook her head, looking down at the papers. Nick turned to Greg.
"What would you like to eat?" The fact that Greg still wasn't looking at him made Nick uncomfortable, but not as much as the mumbled answer he gave.

"I don't mind, sir. Anything you want." Nick looked to Catherine, a little helplessly. All Catherine could do was shrug.

"Anything you're allergic to?" Nick asked, and Greg shook his head. "Alright, I'll be back soon." Nick left, and Catherine turned to Greg.

"You can sit down," She offered. Greg immediately sat, as if it had been an order. Suppressing a sigh, Catherine sat behind her desk to look at the paperwork. She read over the documents in silence; a little unnerved at how quiet and still Greg was. It was almost ten minutes before Nick came back with an armful of food, which he dropped onto her desk.

"I didn't know what you'd like," Nick smiled at Greg. "So I got a little of everything." Catherine noticed Greg's lip quirk upward a little. "Help yourself." Greg looked uncertain, but an encouraging smile from Nick had him picking up a sandwich. Catherine looked over to Nick.

"Nicky, can I talk to you for a minute?" Nick nodded and led the way outside the office.

"What's going on?" Nick was clearly agitated.

"From what I can tell, it's all above board." Nick sighed at Catherine's response. "You remember Andrew Miller?" Nick thought for a moment before nodding.

"Homicide, five years ago. His only living relative was his mother." Catherine nodded.

"Alice Miller," She continued. "Apparently Greg was indentured to Andrew, when he died the debt transferred to Alice."

"And now?" Nick asked.

"Alice died last week, and her last will and testament states you as beneficiary of Greg's debt." Nick seemed confused, and shook his head.

"How can that be?"

"Greg's debt is still worth fifty-thousand dollars, and that doesn't include food and shelter. He's likely to be indentured for another eight to ten years."

"Why me?" Catherine shrugged a little, looking backwards to check on Greg; who was done eating and was now sitting quietly.

"Mrs Miller was very grateful to us for finding her son's killer. When I talked to her after the case, she stated how you specifically made the process so much easier for her. Maybe this was her way of saying thank you." Nick didn't look convinced. "Or maybe she thought you were the right person to take care of Greg." The helpless look was back in Nick's eyes as he looked towards Greg.

"What do I do, Cath?"