Hello everyone! I am so sorry for not being around! Three years?! Bloody hell! My life has been...tough to say the least. I've had some health problems that have been more than painful, but now I'm on the road to recovery. And although I'm never going to be able to cure my health problems I can at least cope with them much better! ^_^

So with apologies for this awfully long update! But I will be doing my best to whack out at least one update for all of my fics that are currently waiting for one. Please forgive me! And I hope you enjoy the updates!

Disclaimer- I own nothing sadly no matter how much I may wish I owned it.

Please review but no flames!

"Orion...Orion darling...wake up" Humming in contentment at the soft voice he reveled in the warmth "Darling wake up please" A gentle hand ran down the side of his face "Open your optics Orion" Slowly obeying the voice he opened his optics and was greeted by the beautiful sight of his sparkmate delicately perched on the edge of their berth; her smile made his spark skip a beat as he slowly sat up and reached out to her. Taking his hand in her own much smaller one she kissed his fingers "Morning my love"

Instead of replying he simply sat up and pulled her into his arms smiling softly down at her; keeping his arms wrapped around her he stared down at her in awe. The beautiful femme he first met down at the dockyard and took to the top of Iacon's archives to view the setting of the two suns.

"Orion this is amazing" The young Ariel turned to look at Orion a delicate smile on her face before she turned to look back to the suns as they set; Orion looked at her in awe as the sun illuminated her making her look like one of Primus' heralds.

"Primus you are so stunning" His optics widened and he covered his mouth when he realised the words had been spoken aloud; Ariel giggled as she looked over her shoulder a gentle blush covering her face.

"Orion, love you're day-dreaming" Leaning down he kissed her gently and nuzzled her; wrapping her arms around his neck she smiled up at him. "What was that for?"

"I was remembering our first-date" He replied with a smile "I missed you my darling"

"I missed you too" Gently lifting her up he sat her on his legs, checking his internal chronometer he realised that it was rather early in the morning. Moving quicker than most believed possible for a mech of his size he stood up and gently pulled Elita to her feet; taking her hand he walked to the door of their quarters. "Where are we going?" Quickly kissing her he smiled before replacing his face-mask once more and led her out.

"There's somewhere I want to take you quickly, I promise you'll love it." Elita One giggled quietly as she was quickly led through the corridors of the ARK

"I feel like a youngling sneaking out again" She whispered earning a pulse of amusement over their bond; as they walked out of the ARK Optimus turned to look at her, a mischievous glint in his optics. Walking around the side of the volcano he stepped up onto a large boulder.

"Mind your step love" Optimus said as he helped her up onto the same boulder; the two of them made their way further up the side of the volcano. As they climbed Elita looked up at the sky admiring the different constellations that Earth had to offer compared to Cybertron's; she smiled at the beauty of the moon as it illuminated the night sky. Once they reached a flat enough rock Optimus took her hand "Close your optics" Looking at him in confusion and slight suspicion she did as asked. Taking her hands in his own Optimus carefully led her forward along the ledge, once he let go of her hand she kept her optics shut as he moved around her, wrapped her arms around her waist and put his head on her shoulder. "You can look"

Opening her optics Elita gasped as she took in the view; the sun was just beginning to rise in the distance casting an orange glow across the desert sands. As the night sky began to give way to the morning light the mixture of colours had her staring in awe; taking in every moment of the breathtaking sight before her, Optimus simply smiled contently at her as the sun began to make her glow in it's light.

"It's...beautiful" She whispered in an awed tone

"Just like you" The two sparkmates looked at one another as they were bathed in the morning sun; from his place on her shoulder Optimus removed his mask and leant forward to give her a gentle kiss. "Welcome to Earth Ariel" Smiling and leaning against him Elita placed a hand on his jaw; a comfortable silence descended on the two of them as they enjoyed the close proximity of their other half with their love for one another wrapping around their sparks.

"Bee where are you taking me?" Flareup giggled as she was led along by the yellow mech through the desert at twilight, Bumblebee smiled back at her as they continued to walk.

"I want to show you something" He replied squeezing her hand as they reached a canyon; sitting down on the edge he waited for Flareup to sit beside him, wrapping his arm around her waist he pulled her close. Smiling she put her head on his shoulder and shut her optics listening to his intakes; Bumblebee turned to smile at her gently running his fingers over the back of her hand. "Flare have I ever told you just how much I love you?" Opening her optics she smiled at him

"I think you may need to refresh my memory" Chuckling he cupped her face with one hand and kissed her

"I love you my beautiful femme" Humming into the kiss Flareup smiled

"Love you too Bee" Lying down Bumblebee looked up at the sky and gently pulled Flareup down beside him

"The humans call this stargazing" Bumblebee whispered quietly turning to look at her

"The stars are so different to the ones at home" She commented "I don't know what I'm looking at here" Nuzzling her Bumblebee took her hand and pointed up at one star so that she could see where he was pointing.

"Can you see that small cluster of stars there?" At her nod he continued "That is what the humans call the Canis Major Dwarf galaxy, it's similar to the Vega galaxy that we could see from the Rust Sea." Flareup wrapped her arms around Bumblebee's waist as he continued to point out the many different galaxies. When he had finished telling her about the many galaxies the sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon; taking in a deep intake Bumblebee sat up and smiled at Flareup before standing up. Reaching out a hand to her he pulled her to her feet "Flare, we've been together for a long time now. All that time away from one another made me realise something; I love you so much Flare and the whole time we were apart I was scared. Every morning I wondered whether you were safe and how I could get in contact with you."

Taking a step back from her he rubbed his neck, Flareup looked at him in confusion. She watched as he kissed her hand before kneeling down before her, immediately her spark froze as she waited for him to speak.

"Flareup...will...will you bond with me?" Squealing she launched herself at him wrapping her arms around his neck

"Yes! Yes Bee I will!" Laughing Bumblebee wrapped his arms around her and swung her around; placing her down on the ground and kissing her.

And there you go! More will be coming soon! I promise! Within the next week! Hope you enjoyed!