Code Geass: Awesome of the Rebellion



It was New Years and the Black Knights and Paul Hogan and Billy Bishop and Awesome was flying to the Japan place for getting new soldiers for fighting the Britannian Army. They were traveling in an airship and Awesome was celebrating the new year in a swimming pool full of champagne and naked chicks. The pool had to have alcohol in it because otherwise the chicks would get pregnant from Awesome's sexing because even though you can't get pregnant in a swimming pool, Awesome's sperm were TOO STRONG TO DIE FROM THE POOL WATER so they got drunk on the alcohol instead. It was all really awesome.

"Emperor Awesome!" Paul Hogan said, running over to the pool, "I have terrible news!"

"What is it?" asked Awesome as a girl threw her body at him.

"The Britannians have figured out that they can use nuclear weapons to kill the sperm of every man in the world and then they won't be able to have children, which means that soon all the population of the world will be adults and our plan of creating an army of super-powered teenagers will be foiled."

"They've set their giant weapon to go off in seven seconds!" said Billy Bishop in seven seconds. Fortunately, the airship was not hit because it was the air and radiation falls which is why it's called fallout. But then EVERY MAN IN THE WORLD THAT WASN'T ON A PLANE WAS RENDERED IMPORTANT.

"Oh no!"Kallen squealed, because while she was upset about this, she was also really turned on by Awesome. "What are we going to do?"

"I have a plan!" Awesome yowled! "Since it is the new year, that means that time will be changing all over the world at once! If we fly through the International Date Line at midnight, the fabric of time there will be really weak, meaning I can make a time rip with my Explosion Geass, and then we can go back in time!"

"That is a flawless plan!" screamed Suzaku.

"All right then! And the date line is already on our way to the Japan place! We should get there right on time!"



Awesome was at the controls because the hero always pilots the ship at the most crucial moment in movies. They flew over the line and Awesome sued his Explosion Geass! A tear appeared in the air like sort of how it does in the new Pokemon games.

"All right! Now we can fly back in time and stop the Brittanians from setting off their nuclears!"

"There is just one problem," Billy Bishop interrupted. "The time rip will spit us out if we are in here too long, and we cannot go back in time around the world fast enough. Our ship does not have the power."

"Leave it to me!" exclaimed Suzaku, who opened the emergency hatch and jumped out.

"SPINZAKU BLACK HOLE!"Sukazu'sspinzakus were so powerful that their gravity TURNED THE EARTH BACKWARDS SO THE BLACK KNIGHTS WERE GOING FASTER AROUND THE PLANET AND NOW THEY WERE GOING BACK IN TIME LIKE SUPERMAN IN THAT ONE SCENE FROM PEARL HARBOR. But the ship was going too fast for Suzaku to get back inside quickly, and the time winds started to make him go all old and stuff. When he finally got back to the ship, his hair had turned white, and he had a Japan old man beard and sounded like Splinter.

"I don't mind," oldedSuzaku, "I have unlocked my badass ancient master martial arts powers by turning old, so now I know Suza-fu." He demonstrated by punching a guy so hard that he exploded (the guy he punched exploded, not Suzaku, silly!)

"Awesome!" said Awesome.

When they finally arrived in the past, all of Awesome's remaining soldiers who were former troops of Britannia's colonies jumped out and shot a bunch of dudes.

"People of the world!" Awesome yelled in a megaphone, wearing his Awesome suit and looking so Awesome that every television station in the world was broadcasting his message. "I have come to stop the destruction of the world at the hands of Britannia! Surrender your nuclear weapons, for we are the good guys!" A guy in the crowd that only got shot in the leg tried to say something, but Awesome figured he was probably a Britannian commie trying to spread false propaganda, so he used his Explosion Geass to blow the guy up, and his eyes and guts flew across the square and hit a street sign and splattered really awesomely. Everyone else in the crowd cheered.

"Yes! All hail Emperor Awesome of the Japan Place, we will give you our nuclear weapons!"

And then Awesome brought peace to the world and everyone was happy.

But then…

"I knew you would do this, Awesome! After all, you are my arch rival and I must always be one step ahead of you." It was Zaber!

"Zaber, what are you doing here? How did you know that the Black Knights were going to stop Britannia's evil plan?"

"Ha haha," laughed Zaber. "I knew you would try to come back in time, so I used my Laser Geass to cut a hole in the date line and came back to when the Black Knights stole the world's nuclears, so I could stop you!"

"You'll never stop freedom!" Awesome declared nobly, standing on top of the mountain on nuclears that the people of the world had piled in the town square where the Black Knights had appeared.

"We'll see about that!" Zaber charged his Z-sabre with Laser Geass, then activated his Ninja Geass to give himself really badass moves, then used his Blood-Bending Geass to make a second sabre OUT OF HIS OWN BLOOD. It came out of the end of his arm and had blood veins running into it and it looked REALLY FREAKIN AWESOME YOU GUYS! Then, he charged at Awesome, shouting and screaming, but Awesome was ready. He activated his Pirate Geass, which he got back right before the fight by making out in an alley with S2. He pulled out a bunch of rum and drank it all, and then he drew a cutlass and laughed.

First Zaber tried to hit him by vanishing and then reappearing behind him, but Awesome countered his attack and knocked him backwards. Then he tried to blood-bend Awesome, but Awesome was so drunk that HIS BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT WAS TOO HIGH AND ZABER DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH BLOOD TO GRAB ON TO. Awesome swashbuckled over to Zaber and tied him up with his shuriken-proof cape. Then, he took out his machine sword and held it over Zaber's eye.

"Any last words before I avenge my parents?"

"Just one," Zaber growled, then screamed, "I'M A FIRIN' MAH LAZAH!" and the whole pile of nuclears went up. This caused the whole town to be leveled, except for Awesome because alcohol protects you from nuclears. Zaber was gone, though, and the fallout caused a nuclear winter, but that's okay, because this is a Winter Special so it's supposed to be snowing.

Awesome knelt in the nuclear snow and yelled, "NOOOOOOOOO!"

Then he remembered he had his Life Geass, so he brought back the people in the town and the Black Knights and everything else that the nuclears had killed. Kallen ran over and made out with him.

"Awesome, you're so amazing! Now everyone in the world will be safe from Britannia's evil plan and the day is saved. It's all thanks to your brilliance and skill and cunning diplomacy!" All the other women were running over to Awesome now and making out with him, too.

"Yes. But it's not over yet! We've only saved the world in the past! Now we need to go BACK TO THE FUTURE to save the world IN THE FUTURE!"

"Rightly said, young grasshopper," said Suzaku, sagely. So they all got in the awesome airship and flew back to the date line. But then they realized they had to wait until new years again, so they went back to the town and Awesome had sex with all the women. Then, they finally went back home to fight Britannia in the future and save the world.
