Okay so I have a legitimate actual horror story to tell you guys.

So I was bored tonight and I decided to go back and edit some old chapters and so I was doing that and life was great, right? Well when I went to replace chapter 13 I accidentally replaced chapter 14 instead. Throws Computer.

So now chapter 14 is lost forever and it makes me really upset and I can't remember what happened in it. So I can't rewrite it.

But thankfully the story still makes sense without it and I'm pretty sure it was just a filler chapter so I think we can all try to breathe easy here.

So that's why the story is now short one chapter and why I had to write this and tell you all. But in the end you get a new chapter, so I guess this all worked out!

So I guess I'll write now and we can catch up after. Kay? Kay.

~Zach's POV~

Now I don't know how many of you have ever tried to break into a government facility, but let me tell you that it is no cakewalk.

For one thing there is all the preliminary work, like gathering a team and equipment, and casing out the place. Which, you know, is a headache.

Then there is the whole breaking in part which I probably shouldn't even get into, because once I've started I can't stop. And that qualifies as a migraine.

But all the stress aside, I'll let you in on this one little secret: It can get really, really boring.

Especially when you're in charge of mapping guard routes.

And you have to stay in the van.

I hate the van.

I mean, I'm Zachary Goode. World renound spy. Shouldn't I be doing something mildly interesting - like hacking a government database, or lifting prints for security access, or even honey-potting the front desk lady.

But no. I get 'surveillance' duty. While Cam and her new boy toy get to actually go inside and look for blind spots in the cameras.

Even Liz got to go inside! Liz.

Jen offered to stay behind with me, but I could tell it was mostly out of pity. And besides - I don't want to be alone with her. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not masochistic.

Before Cam and Jordan left, Jordan gave me some stupid comment about how every job made a difference and some other crap, while Cammie tried to avoid looking at me and instead seemed very interested in the hem of her sweater.

Let me tell you something about our friend Jordan.

Wait - well first off I obviously hate the guy, so I might be prejudiced. But that's life.

So here's the thing about him: He tries too hard.

You know I'm right. He struts around like life is great and is Mr. Positive and acts like he fits in and is part of the group.

But seriously who is this guy?

Is anyone missing the fact that he freaking broke out of prison? I mean sure it was like...a bad guy prison, but nonetheless prison.

He worked there, he was Cammie's interrogator. Don't tell me that's not just a little bit sketchy.

"Climbing the ranks to gain their trust" and "Double agent" my ass. I bet you're not so sweet, Southern Boy.


Jealous? Me? Please...

The only thing I'll admit to being jealous of is the fact that I'm stuck in the van, and he's not.

But put it on the record that he benches 150 and I bench 200, thank you.

Oh my goodness what was I even doing in this chapter haha. I have no idea what the heck I just wrote but maybe you'll like it!

So let's catch up guys, how's life? Everyone's Holidays go good? Awesome, awesome.

Valentine's Day for me was more like "Single's Awareness Day", but I suppose it depends on your mentality, right? And well, your relationship status...

In other news I've begun both Chemistry and Algebra 2 this semester which is why I've not been here in a while. They're painful.

I got very nice reviews from many of you lovely people ~ if you want a response though, feel free to PM me.

OH! And. I thought of an uplifting quote to share with you all and i'm proud of it so here it is:

No matter where you are or how bad things are, remember that at this very moment there are people making 'Finding Dory'.

Gosh, inspirational right? Write a review about your struggles with school/ EXTREME HEARTBREAK OVER ALLEGIANT

Later, lovelies.
