Ello Dere! I'm Maela, and this happens to be my first fanfiction... please don't be bitchy about it.

To introduce myself, I'll rant - Disclaimers... What is the point? We are on a fan fiction website, a site that has already stated that this is not a site for original totally OC stories! That was part of the agreement that we checked off. Also, unless someone actually comes out and claims the original story as their own, there should be no problem. Ah, well... My cat is screaming at me again... The fat ass little thing ate all the food again... Happy reading!

Disclaimer: Don't own nothin but the two OCs down below. Want proof? Read the freaking story :3

Too Much Like Me...

Chapter One

A Rant, a River and a Subway Train...

I sighed. The boredom consumed me. It was lunch break at college, I sat next to my good (best I guess) friend Lielas, dazed as I started to

contemplate a rebuttal to my professor - his lecture proved inacurate at many points, each time receiving an unkind snort from myself. This caused

numerous glares to be shot at me, and yet I sat as still as ever, hugging my knees to my chest in my usual position.

The people had gotten used to me by now - I had become a normal sight to see there, a living ghost. My face was pale, I had dark rings

underneath my large black eyes which matched my onyx, long hair. I used to wear the most simple clothes. This was usualy a mono-chromatic shirt

(most likely blue, gray or white ), washed out jeans, and a pair of black Converse. When Lielas and I finished high school she forced a makeover

upon me. Throwing out my normal clothes she replaced them with my current attire - a series of lightly colored low-cut tee shirts, bright lace-

trimmed tank tops and dark skinny jeans. At least she left me my shoes.

Today Lielas was throwing a fangirl fit. Today was my birthday. It also happened to be Halloween. For the past seven months she'd been

ranting about some strange japanese animated show called... Death Book? Kill Note? Anyhow, I managed to drown the rants out after a while. At

first, I was interested in how she kept comparing me to a fictional character, not to mention one that had some of the same tendencies as me. I

gave up on listening after a short while...it got just a but creepy considering the character was male.

Today all I heard were the words birthday, same, awesome, L, sweet, five days, Lawliet, murder, and finally shinigami. I sincerely didn't give a

shit, but refrained from saying it. Lielas was my only friend, and I certainly wasn't going to screw it up.

Finally, she died down. Sighing and stretching her arms like a cat across the table, visably bored.

"So..." she started pursung her lips,"Here!" She brightened up and handed me a brightly colored bag, exploding with ribon and tissue paper. I

smiled a bit and picked up the rather heavy bag with only my thumbs and forefingers. I heard a chuckle from beside me. I opened the bag,

unloading the contents one by one. First was a series of sugary foods. Pocky was abundant in the miriad. Next were a few gift cards for Amazon,

Borders and Barnes and Nobles. The last items were strange. There was a box full of different supersticious looking items. I held up a packet of

what seemed to be like silver kool-aid. There were a few of these.

"Lielas... You... You're not in some sort of cult... correct?" She laughed and shook her head. I nodded and turned my gaze back to the powder,

"That was only a hunch, maybe a... seven percent possability." She kept on laughing.

"The powder is special ordered from Japan. It's wishing powder!" she said the last remark with a flamboyant wave of her arms. I stared at

her. "You throw it in water and it gives you six wishes! I read really great things about it online." I placed the packet back in the box.

"You also read online that the Titanic sunk due to too many seals on board." She glared at me and held up her hands.

"Hey, you just keep it. Try it out - can't hurt, right?" I sighed and agreed.

It became late quickly. After watching V for Vandetta, Lielas had plans with other friends for Halloween. She offered to have me tag along, but

knowing what mindless idiots her friends were, I declined. Alone, I prefered. It was silent and I could properly think for once. I wanted to become a

part of law enforcement after college, this I knew. I didn't know what kind of specialty though. It was rough on me, but I figured that things would

become clear in time.

My gaze wandered to the box of powders near me. I shrugged and put them in my pockets. Here I was, just turning twenty, about to do

something completely childish. I opened the sliding glass door and walked out onto the lawn. The river's mud dirtied my feet, but I didn't care


"Here goes..." I sighed. Ripping one packet open I poured it in. Six wishes eh? I didn't let loose too much. Why not wish for something

ridiculous? I mulled it over fora moment. I decided, smirking. I made my wish in respect for my crazy friend.

"I wish I was in... Death Note." I laughed to myself, starting to head back indoors. Tired for no particular reason - insomnia was kind tonight -

I fell asleep on my couch.

Reviews are nice... If you give me one, I'll try my best to comply down here!

BTW, don't fret! L is in the next chapter! AND I'll bet that the next chapter will be at least twice as long! A lot shall happen to our little hero...

Speaking of which, Can anyone come up with a good name for her? She's going to have an alias the next few chapters, so I'll have plenty of time

to leaf through suggestions!

I shall be trying to come out with chapters at least once a week, maybe every three or five days. All ideas are welcomed! Even if they don't make

it in, I'll try as hard as I can! Anyone else's OCs can appear here, only if I like it... and you get some free advertising! Win win!


~Maela LouBell ShinoShane

ps...I love it when reviewers are cray -Z!