New Story :)

Geek to Chic

Summary:Sakura Haruno is your average nerd. She's got an A+ in academics and an F- in fashion. It's her senior year and she's tired of being the school geek. So she substitutes X(Her old lifestyle) with Y(A whole new look) and adding a little attitude to the equation. And what's with the school's playboy Sasuke Uchiha? SasSak.



Actions...for example...BOOM! lol

****Chapter 1****

Tap Tap Tap.

"Psst...Haruno," I turned in my seat to face the boy behind me,"What's the answer to the bonus question?"

Should've figured.

"C," I turned back around and began drumming my fingers on the desk. Just a couple more minutes and I'd be outta this place. Our teacher stood, pushing her big round glasses further up the bridge of her nose. I did the same with my own.

"Is everyone finished with their exams?" Quiet "yeses" resounded from around the small room as my classmates passed their papers to the front of their rows.


Finally! I grabbed my books, hugging them to my chest, and began my walk across the class.

"Have a good Spring Break everyone!" I gave a final nod to my teacher as I made my way to the front doors and out to my black Cadilac CTS.

My name is Sakura Haruno, I'm a senior at Konoha High and am known as the official school nerd. All throughout my highschool life everyone has considered me the smart, quiet, non-exsistant girl with the weird, obnoxious, pink hair, and yes, despite what you may be thinking, it is natural. I dress and act like a 40 year old and have just about nothing in common with most of the girls in my school, which is why I don't really fit in. I've never had a date with a boy, let alone actually talked to one other then helping them with their homework.

But all of these things are about to change. I'm sick of being the geek and not even getting so much as a glance from anyone of the male species. It's my senior year for crying out loud! And Sakura Haruno is going out with a bang!

I pulled into the driveway, locking my car, and went straight to my room. I set my books down on the desk and made my way to my walk-in closet. First order of business, get rid of all clothes. I've got money in the bank and I am going shopping! I'm not really sure what's in style I'm going to request help from my bestfriends' sister, Ino.

Ino Yamanaka, she is basically the diva of Konoha High. She's got all the lastest clothes, wears her hair in all the newest styles, and has an all around passion for fashion, which is why I'm requesting her help for my new mission.


"Hey Naruto," Naruto Uzumaki. He's kind of in the popular crowd of Konoha High, but he's still my bestfriend, ever since elementary school. He isn't the type to drop someone just because they aren't in the same crowd, because, despite what you may believe, he wasn't always as popular as he is now. I'm not going to get personal because it's not my business to share, but let's just say puberty hit late, but when it hit, it hit good.

"Sakura-chan! What's good?"

"Is your sister around?"

"Ino? Yea...hold on," I sat on hold for a good 10 minutes before I heard a female voice on the other line.


"Hey Ino. It's Sakura Haruno."

"Um...hey? What's up?"

"I actually need a favor," So I asked her to meet me at the cafe in the Konoha Mall in 15 minutes so I could explain everything in person.

****15 Minutes Later****

"No freakin way! Of course I'll help! I was soooo waiting for this since like, forever!" I wasn't exactly sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult, so I just ignored the comment.

"Ok, but I'm keeping it quiet, so you can't tell anyone," She nodded her head vigorously, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the cafe.

"Ok! Let's shop till we drop! First we need to do something about those glasses, and a new hairstyle wouldn't kill either," I would consider that as constructive criticism.

****2 Weeks Later****

I threw my hair into a messy bun and looked at my appearance in my full-length mirror. The change was still new to me, but it was actually kind of nice.

It was around 10pm and Ino was coming over early to help me get ready for my first day back to school. Like my change in looks, I discovered that despite what I used to think, Ino Yamanaka wasn't so bad either. We actually got really close over the last 2 weeks. We've gone to the mall and had lunch at the local cafe 3 times since I first asked her for her help with my makeover. So I'm hoping this will be the start of a really good friendship.

I shut off my light and climbed into my warm, cozzy, twin-sized bed, way too excited to sleep knowing that tomorrow would be the begining of my new life.

****The Next Morning****

"OMG! I cannot wait! You look soooo awesome!" Ugh, high-pitched squealing at 6am was definantely something I was not used to.

"Ok. Hair? Check. Makeup? Check. Cutest outfit ever! Check, check, and check! I think it's time! Are you ready Sak?" I took in a deep breath and nodded. First lesson in attitude, total confidence...or atleast make them believe you have it.

So with my new-found looks and courage I decended the stairs with Ino by my side and headed to Konoha High.

****End Of Chapter 1****

Hope you guys enjoyed. Reviews would be greatly appreciated. Thank You :)