Title: A Worthy Struggle

Author: BlazeorFade

Rating: PG for language

Summary: Dean confronts a great foe for a great reward.

Warning: Crack and misuse of angelic strength.

Disclaimer: Duh

AN: Written for Fiery_Fox for being generally awesome and being my shoulder to

whine on recently. Muwahh!

Dean Winchester stared down his opponent, fixing a look on his face that had terrifiedhumans and monsters alike before. Cracking his knuckles, Dean licked his lips in anticipation of the struggle, the

challenge to get what he wanted.

"Alright, bitch," He bared his teeth, "Let's go."

Attacking the pickle jar with speed and determination, the hunter put all his strength into his task. His growling stomach goaded him towards victory; Dean Winchester would not lose this battleā€¦

It wouldn't open. Dean grunted, wrenching at the lid, his knuckles going white as he pulled and pried at the jar. The mother fucker Would. Not. Open.

"Sonuvabitch!" Dean growled slamming it back onto the counter. He glared at the pickle

Jar, took a deep breath and wrapped his arm around the jar, putting it in a headlock while trying to no avail to liberate his snack.

With a sound that was so not a damn whine, Dean pounded a fist against the counter top so hard it fell over and he had to jump to catch it before it hit the ground.

"Foood." Dean grumbled mournfully, contemplating the glass between him and his food.

"Dean, what are you doing?"

Dean winced, hunching his shoulders. Maybe if he didn't turn around or move, Cas wouldn't be able to see him. That was somewhere in the bible right?

"I can see you Dean." Castiel said slowly, as though Dean were the odd one in the room.

Damn angels, always poofing in like they owned the place.

"I'm hungry." Dean spat out, straightening to show the damn pickle jar to Cas.

"Hungry?" Cas repeated with a blank look.

"Yes, hungry. It's that thing that people get when they haven't eaten in a while." Dean retorted.

"Were you not just at the diner in town, with Sam?" Cas asked, looking perplexed. It was a look he seemed to wear a lot around Dean.

"I wanted a snack, sue me." Dean said, pushing the stupid jaraway from him onto thecounter. Cas opened his mouth to say something, but seemed to think better of it when Dean gave him a look not

unlike his 'open or die, jar' look.

Instead the angel reached out a hand towards the jar. Dean rolled his eyes and handed it to him.

"Stupid fucking jars. Trying to starve me-" Dean grumbled, ambling towards a chair when he heard a distinct 'pop'.

"It does not seem very difficult." Cas said looking from Dean to the open lid.

"I loosened it for you." Dean said defensively, reaching for his snack.

"Food." Dena said with relish, taking a bite out of the vegetable.

"The world can sleep soundly knowing its fate lies in your hands." Castiel deadpanned, disappearing.

"Still say I loosened it." Dean took another bite of his prize. Another successful hunt.