This is the first crossover I've ever done with the House of Nights. It was difficult for me, but I like everything about it. I do have the whole story finished, but I'm going to put the chapters up by bits, to correct and change some stuff.

Hope you enjoy.

Review please.

**I don't own Twilight or House of Night**

Vampyre Princess

Chapter One:

From Human to Vampyre.

"Princess, all we are trying to do is make sure of your safety." I knew that some of my mothers guards were just being to overprotective. After all, I was daughter of goddess Nyx. I expected it that much, to have everyone hovering over me every second of the day.

"I know Jason, but please, I also need a bit of freedom."

"As you wish princess. What shall we arrange for you today?" I though over the million ways I could sneak from their sight and have my own fun. I smiled innocently, knowing they'd believe me in anything I told me.

"I heard around my school today that they were holding a school carnival. I would like to go see what the fuss is all about." Jason bowed and retreated out of my room. Triumphantly, I began to get dressed for tonight. When I stepped outside, I saw all of the guards had hid their beautiful tattoo marks with make up. It was for my protection as always. They dressed in normal attire; black jeans, hoddie's, and shades. I knew they all had their knives somewhere hidden. Following them out the mansion, Jason opened the door to the black SUV.

I understood why I needed protection, but sometimes it got annoying. I was daughter of the goddess of night, and vampires. Humans hated my mother, they though of many ways to get rid of her and her other sons and daughters. I'm not talking about son's and daughter like I, I mean her vampire children that she sends her tracker to mark. I look like a human, I have no vampire genes inside of me, just powers that come from being daughter of a goddess. I look like your ordinary human, except I'm more beautiful then your most humans, sometimes there's even a glow to me. I have no markings on my forehead though, I look like any normal teenager. But I'm far from that. My mother knew that the People of Faith would find many ways to get to her though me. So she sent me to be raised by her guards, and sometimes Erebus, my father. Yes, I am also daughter of Nyx's favorite worrier. It makes me a very important child, more important then a Queen's daughter, even the President. I could rule the world to my will if I wanted, I could represent my mother in ways that none of her vampire children could. But my parents decided on trying to give me the normal life of a teenager.

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. I still have a big house in the outskirts of Tulsa and I have bodyguards -who secretly are vampire worriers- following me everywhere. I'm just some Paris Hilton wanna be to everyone else.

When I looked up, I found the private school I went to nearing. Elios parked the SUV in the Visitors space. And as always, Jason opened up my door.

"Alright Princess, now just don't go running off from us." I tried not to smirk, knowing that that was my full intention. We walked into the school gates. I looked around, at all the stands. It was no surprise to most of my peers that I had 5 guys following me, they knew they were bodyguards. I saw many of my classmates with their families. They walked along others like nothing, the mother looking at her daughter proudly, the father hugging her with love. I hadn't had that kind of affection in so long. It made my body yearn for something it had never experienced. My father had never hold me like that before. He was sort of just a spirit, appearing to me in a ghostly form. He would never be able to hold me like that, unless he fell from the sky's and became just another worrier. But that would never happen. My mother is always so gentle with me, appearing to me only in my dreams. Her kisses soft and sweet, but I knew that that was how she treated all of her night children.

"Princess." I looked to my side and found Jason holding out tickets for me. They were used instead of money. I sighed and pretended to go and look for a game. It became more crowded as I walked further down, and I could see Jason struggling to keep up with me. I smiled and ducked into a game. I handed the student my ticket and in exchange she gave me three balls. I threw each one towards the bottles set up there and hit all of them each time. She smiled at me, a little surprised and gave me one of the big teddy bears. I smiled and took it with me. I looked around and saw all the guards struggling to find me. I took this chance to duck again and head out the gates. When I was away from all the commotion, I took a deep breath and smiled proudly to myself. My bear and I walked along the sidewalk of Tulsa, having no real destination, but glad to be away from everyone. I could see a Starbucks near by and headed towards it. When I got close enough, I found students with school symbols from the other school near by. I knew no one here would recognize who I was. Their school was at the other side of my school, even my house.

"Hey there beautiful." I heard a male voice say. I just smirked and kept walking into the store. I ordered something, I didn't know what, but I was glad I was doing this all on my own. I even felt independent. Smiling, I handed the cashier my money, glad that I'd brought it with me for just in case. The cashier was somewhere around my age, and he was handsome. But in a human way obviously. He gave me a flirty smile, one I'd see other male's giving to the females at my school. But never to me, because I was intimidating to them, because of my guards.

"I haven't see you around before. Wait, what's with the bear."

"I'm here visiting a cousin that goes to Tulsa private. Their's a carnival down there and I got bored, so I ditched him." he laughed and nodded, handing me my drink. I took it and left outside. I started walking again, knowing that most of the male population here was still whistling and trying to get my attention. It probably didn't help that I had skirt and heels on.

It was beautiful outside, so calm and relaxing. The warm air felt good and smelt nice. I sighed happily and turned a corner. The air suddenly change. I felt this disturbing anger in the air. When I looked at my surroundings, finding that most of the stores around where close, I saw only a tall man standing in front of a store window, looking at it. I knew this feelings were coming from him. He turned to look at me, and everything changed. This man was beautiful, in a very unworldly sort of way. He was gorgeous. But I swear that I second ago he looked like he was in his mid 20s and now he looked like he was only 18, just a year older then I. Even with his beauty though, I had this gut feeling he was trying to dazzle me with some dark force's, to make me fall into his will. I also knew that since I was Nyx daughter, he couldn't. There was something cold and evil about him. I turned to walk away, but he was in front of me in less then seconds.

"Princess Isabella. Daughter of Nyx, it's so good to finally meet you in person." he breathed out, a evil and mesmerizing smile spreading on his face. I felt a cold chill running down my body, and my mother's voice telling me to run. He took a step towards me, placing his hand under my chin. "You are just as beautiful as your mother of course, I can even see the silver glow in you. You'll be perfect at my side."

"Your…side?" I was aware my voice sounded fearful and high.

"Of course my princess, after all, I am your mothers worrier. My name is Kalona, the fallen angel from Nyx's grace. I have waited a very long time for someone like you my beauty."

"Kalona, leave her alone." I heard a female voice behind me. I couldn't turn to see who it was, but it sounded soft and full of courage. His smile turned to a smirk. His face lowered, keeping his grip on my chin and pulling me to him. I felt my tears fall as his lips touched mine. I could feel so much evil in him, so much darkness. I knew that he was swallowed up by all the evil, all the bad of the world. He could easily be chaos itself. Then there was air around me, fluttering around my body and pulling my away from this evil form. I felt arms around me, pulling me away from him even further.

Kalona hissed angrily.

"Zoe Redfern, you have stopped me for the last time. That girl, will be mine." he spread his arms and black wings appeared from his back. He darted into the night sky, disappearing. There was a tension he left behind in the air, as if everyone who was around me was scared that he might just come back with reinforcements.

To make my night from perfect to just plain the worst night of my life, there was another figure emerging from the corner. This one I knew who he was immediately. He was a vampire tracker. And his eyes were fixed straight at me.

"NO. You can not do this to me." I yelled at him. He didn't even faze from my voice. Suddenly, I was angry.

"I am daughter of Nyx, I'm suppose to be human, you can't do this to me." I screamed. Everyone around me gasped, shocked at what I had said.

"Princess Isabella Marie Night! Night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee; hearken to Her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night." His long pale finger pointed at me and I was hit with this sudden pain in my head that caused me to scream. It felt like my head was exploding, like it was cracked open. Then everything just went dark.