Vampyre Princess

Chapter 13

I was angry, that was pretty obvious. But I wasn't angry at her, I was angry at myself. Because I was to weak to protect her, because I wasn't the warrior she needed.

"Edward, son. She's the only one that can stop this." I felt my father's hand on my should, trying to comfort me. And although it would work any other day, today it couldn't.

"dam it, I'm not going to watch her push herself again. I know to the full extent she'll go in order to protect those she cares about." I yelled mostly to myself.

"Bro, she knows what she's doing" Emmett said. I yelled with frustration, slamming my fist into the glass window, watching it slowly shatter into millions of piece's. I didn't hesitate to run through the forest, trying to find Bella. I could hear cawing near by and I soon found the area. Bella's warriors were all fighting this evil creatures. They were horrible. Part bird, part human, all evil. I found Bella just killing one of them feet up in the air. She looked so beautiful, floating in the air with her wings. She looked like an angel. Watching her like this, I knew that I'd overreacted. I couldn't protect her because she could do it herself. I sighed and felt relieved. She turned and saw me, and I saw a frown appear on her face. Before I could ask her what was wrong, I saw one of those evil bird things turn to me.

I heard Bella scream 'no' and before that bird attacked me. A silver arrow was shot from the sky. I looked at Bella and saw her holding a silver bow in hand. She had sweat trickling down her face, and I knew that conjuring up this much power was bad for her. I knew that she would push herself until she knew that I was safe. And when everyone one of those bird things turned to me, Bella was lost in rage. She shot arrow at each bird, watching them turn into nothing more but nature itself. When each one of them were all gone, the silver from the objects floated back to Bella. She was still feet away from the ground, and I knew she shouldn't have put her wings back in, I had a feeling she didn't have a choice. Bella passed out as she fell from the air. I ran to where she would fall, opening my arms for her and catching her. She limped in my arms, her breathing heavy and her skin sweating.

"She's fine young prince." Prince? What? I turned to ask Jason what he meant by that, but they were all gone. I sighed and carried her out of the forest and back to my parents house. Everyone was waiting for me, still looking out the broken glass door. I sighed, knowing I'd probably get in trouble for that later.

"Edward? Is she okay?" mom asked.

"Yeah, she's just exhausted. She used up more then she could handle." they nodded. I sat on the couch and sat Bella straight on my lap.

"Does she need anything? Food? Water? Medicine?" my dad asked. I knew it was his doctor side asking.

"Nothing that you can all give her."

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked.

"She needs blood."

"I can go get a donation from the hospital." Dad said.

"No, you don't understand. She needs my blood. It's how we work. She can only get her strength back through me."

"Oh." They all whispered. I nodded, my eyes never looking from Bella's exhausted face.

"So do it." Alice ordered. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"I will. But in private." I told them. They all didn't understand why and that made me roll my eyes.

"It's physical guys, what do you expect." understanding hit them. I carried Bella back outside and into my place. I sat on my bed, setting Bella on my lap carefully.

"Love, can you hear me." I whispered to her. She didn't respond. I slid my nail over my neck, feeling the warm blood spilling down. I placed Bella's mouth on my neck, and she didn't hesitate to drink. I felt her arms tightening around me and shifting lightly to straddle my lap. She moaned in pleasure, and I moaned as well. That burning sensation never got old. It filled me with need and want. The warmth from her body was strong, and I needed to be inside of her. My mind was fuzzy and my vision was dazed.

I was full of lust and I knew so was Bella. I ripped her shirt off, watching the material falling on the floor behind us. I didn't hesitate with her jeans and panties. Bella hissed against my neck and ripped my clothes off, looking at me with a hunger look in her eyes, for both my blood and body. I growled under my breath and threw her on my bed. I heard her moan from my actions. She wrapped her arms around my neck and closed her lips around the wound. I pushed her knees apart, settling between her. I didn't hesitate any longer, pushing inside of her.

This feeling never got old either. It felt like the first time each time. I moaned with each thrust inside of her, with each second she drank my blood. Bella pulled her lips form my neck and sealed the wound with her tongue. She looked her lustful eyes into mine and moaned. Bella traced her nail over her right breast, opening a wound there. I watched the warm red substance slipping down her breast.

"Shit." I muttered. I licked the blood off her breast, letting my tongue run over the base of the cut. The second my saliva touched the shallow wound, the blood flowed quicker then before. I moaned, closing my lips around the wound. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, fitting perfectly against my body. She meet each of my thrust, her own moans slipping. I knew that we were both acting more then just lustful, but more through animalistic feelings. Everything around us felt as if it was set on fire, shaking me violently as I was hit my pleasure. I fell over Bella's body, knowing that my weight must be uncomfortable for her, but she didn't move. I closed the wound over my breast, running my tongue over the scarlet line. I pulled out of her and slowly rolled over, pulling her along with me. Bella curled up on my side, laying her head on the crock of my neck. She closed her eyed tiredly and sighed.

"I love you Edward." she whispered, kissing the pink line where she'd drank from that was now fading.

"I love you my Warrior Princess." her breathing turned shallow, and soon she'd drifted into a dreamless sleep. I hold her while she slept, feeling as if everything was perfect.

Everything is far from perfect young Prince. You will soon have to deal through great challenges aside of my daughter. You will learn of ways that only you can protect her in. You will stand next to her when she takes the thrown of the vampire world. Prince Edward Mason, you are my warrior son now as well.

It scared me as I heard this voice. It was full of power and life. It sent chills down my spin, and I didn't have to ask Bella to know who this voice belonged to. I'd heard it perfectly fine through her mind, and I knew that it was her father speaking to me. I hadn't understood earlier what Jason had meant by Prince, but hearing Erebus explaining to me, it brought this sort of new responsibly to me. I could feel something surging inside of me, something knew that I hadn't felt of before the last minute. Erebus has named me his warrior son, Bella's prince. I felt a new sort of power inside of me, and it scared me.