A/N: If you're solid wanting Peeta and Katniss together, you probably shouldn't read this story. Just sayin' So don't send me messages telling me how wrong it is if you can't be opening minded.

"Uhh I don't really want to.."
"Jessica! Run!" Kelsey a fellow classmate urges as our gym team tries to complete the relay race. I didn't really like gym I wasn't going to lie, the pointless running and all, I didn't see the point I walked to and from school everyday. That was to The Seam and back, that's a pretty big trek even for a lazy person like me.

"Well Kelsey you see-"
"Jessica just run and get it over with" Katniss hisses. Easy for her to say she was a pretty fast runner, I was like super fast and people always stared at me with their jaws dropped. No I didn't like running but that doesn't mean I was bad at it. There were reasons that I was brought hunting over the years I was a super quick runner, light on my feet but I loathed anything physically demanding. I sigh seeing Peeta take off for his team which urges me, I sprint away from my team easily and touch the far side of the gym grabbing the slim metal bar in record time, as I start my run back I se Peeta staring at me with wide eyes from the halfway point. I suppress a grin easily slowing to a jog and making it back to my team handing the bar to a stunned Kelsey. "Better hurry up we're one behind" I tell her lightly not meaning to sound as condescending as I did but she glared anyways.

"This is why we don't have friends" I sigh taking a seat next to Katniss who was sitting on the floor now watching the races with concentration.
"Because you run your mouth? or the fact we have no desire to have friends?" she asks briefly looking at me with a small smirk on her face. I laugh briefly as Kelsey finally returns the bar to it's place and starts her painfully slow run back. Honestly the town girls really needed to eat a little less and walk a little more or something.

I close my eyes, oh my god that voice was even better saying my name then I imagined. I see Katniss staring at me in confusion when I open my eyes and I tip my head back to see Peeta Mellark standing above me.
He was sweaty, but still gorgeous as ever, I think I have developed a very unhealthy obsession with this boy.
"Mellark, good race" I smirk righting my body so I didn't have to look up at him upside down. He smiles, oh that smile, "You to, I just wanted to say, Wow you're fast!" he exclaims but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at Katniss who had lost interest ing the conversation and was watching our team cheer on it's final racer.

"Well, I try" I say trying to get his attention once more. He startles slightly and shakes his head smiling down at me, and just like that with a quick nod her was gone. I flop down beside Katniss in a huff. She didn't know about my feelings for Peeta, anything to do with feelings was wasted on her. That and sure, we were best friends but we weren't the normal giggling girls who gossiped. All he noticed was her, it was like she held the sun or something. I had to change that, I just had to find a way to change that...

The Reaping was in 2 days, I had two days to put my plan into action. I was going to work out, I was going to run and get up early, I would volunteer for the games.
Okay, not really who was I kidding I would be dead in a day...or maybe not? Could I do it? I ponder this for a moment pushing my food around my plate. Katniss shot this rabbit, I couldn't get food if I had to not unless I could chase it down. Well this sucks, I could always seduce him?