I walked over to the bathroom to see in the mirror a girl who is hardly noticable... She had mascara running all down her face, her eyes were blood shot and tears were streaming down.

Thats me I thought. Thats me, all because of Demitri. How could he.. with TASHA. The queen bitch. I need to get out...NOW.


I'm sorry Lissa, I have to leave. I love you with all my heart but I cannot take all of this anymore. Please never forget me. Call, thats fine. I need to get away from Demitri. It hurts Liss...so bad. Bye.


I packed and ran for Lissa's room to tape the not on her door. After that I ran out of the Academy so fast no body would have even noticed me. Bye. Forever.


It have been eight years since I left the Academy. I got married to Josh, and have a little girl named Vanessa. I love them with all my heart and Lissa does to. She visits me very often now that she is out of the Academy too. When I left, I didnt know where to go, but the first place that popped into my head was, of course, Russia.

All thought of Demitri are out. He can die and go to hell for all I care. I have become more mature with Vanessa around and I think I turn soft around her...who would've guessed?

"Momma?" I heard a soft angel-like voice call from my door.

"Hey, baby, come lay with mommy for a while." I loved these mother- daughter moments.

"Okay, where is daddy?"

"Daddy went to work early. He said to behave at school, and not to get in fights today."

She giggled. She is six years old and already fighting at school..I knew I shouldnt have tooken her to the gym...

I found another academy here in Russia and it is very similar to St. Vlads, but then again very different. I was a teacher there- well mentor.

"What are we having for breakfast?" V asked me.

"What would you like?"

"BACON AND SYRUP!" She yelled. That was her favorite breakfast.

"How about some eggs too?"

"Fine.." She needs her protien.

After she ate her breakfast I walked her to her bulding and saw a very tall man, about 6'7 arguing with the receptionist. I walked over to them to make sure everything was okay.

"Hey, Barbra, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes, Mr. Belikov just doesnt understand that we have to many chilren and we cannot accept anymore!" B-b-Belikov? D-Demitri? I looked over and stared into his eyes. Shit. No. No. NO!

"Ummm, excuse me!" I dashed out over there, running toward the gym.

Hell no! UGH! I was beating the shit out of the dummy and noticed the sound of footsteps.

I looked over and saw the ass himself, Demitri.

"Roza-" He started.

"Dont you dare call me that. Why the hell are you here!"

"Rose," He started again, "I didnt know you were here! I just wanted to enroll my kid!" Kid? I felt dizzy.

"I've go to go..bye."

"Don't fucking call me that." I muttered while walking out of the gym.