A Strawberry-Flavored Neko


Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect
Stephen Wright


You know how it says 'curiosity killed the cat'? Well, in my case that could be taken quite literally. But I'm getting ahead of things, I better start off at the beginning.

I hadn't noticed at first, but somehow I had taken a great liking to milk.

Yes, the story actually starts with an addiction to milk, get over it.


Ichi: Curiosity Killed the Cat


For breakfast, lunch and dinner, I was always having milk in one form or another, and it was starting to creep the people around me out. Because, quite honestly, I hated milk. A milk shake was out of the question for me.

I wasn't quite fond of fish either. The smell alone could get me running for my money.

That's what gave me weird looks every time we had sushi and the fish was in my mouth before anyone could blink.

I admit I was weirded out myself when I finally noticed my new... habits.

The morning everything got out of hand started with me – once again – curled to a ball under my blanket. It was becoming a daily occasion to untangle myself from underneath the thick sheets and yawn like some cat woken from a nap.

That comparison is too near to the truth for my liking.

But back on topic.

Seeing it was a Sunday I didn't bother changing and just walked down the stairs wearing only my sweat pants and the shirt I went to sleep with. Letting out another yawn I opened the refrigerator and fished for the milk as was becoming a habit, filling a glass with the white liquid not bothering to put the carton formerly containing it back in the cold. It wouldn't stay with the one glass anyways.

Leaning back against the counter and downing the milk in a few quick gulps I watched my father come down the stairs, brows raised as he found me drinking milk. Again.

"I'm starting to worry, son, this is becoming creepy."

Shrugging I refilled my glass, taking a quick gulp before smirking at my father. "Deal with it, though, I find it weird myself."

It was silent after that, dad only staring at me like Urahara might look at an interesting experiment. "How about asking Yoruichi for advise?"

Halting in my movements I frown, putting the glass down next to me. "Advice? What for? This has nothing to do with Shinigami, dad."

My old man shrugged and smiled in a way that would under normal circumstances make me shiver. Nothing. It made, however, the hair on the back of my neck stand off, my grip on the glass tightening. In reflex I brought it to my lips and downed the whole content in one go, the cool feeling of the liquid calming me down.

I paused, staring at the empty glass with slightly wide eyes.

"Maybe I should go meet Yoruichi."

"Nice idea. Couldn't have come up with anything better," he answered sarcastically.

5 minutes later I was on my way towards the Urahara shop, my dad covered with the remaining milk from the carton.

I had to remember buying milk on my way home.


When I opened the door to the Shôten Yoruichi was lying in her feline form on a cushion, looking at me from one open eye. "Hey there, Ichigo. What's the occasion?"

"Um... actually... I don't really know how to explain it..."

The black cat stretched, yawning loudly. In a puff of smoke Yoruichi reverted back to her human form still on her knees, hands outstretched in front of her. Naked.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed like a girl, falling on my ass and covering my eyes as blood shot in my head. "Stop pulling that shit on me!"

The dark-skinned woman laughed, holding her stomach as she lay on her back thrashing her legs about.

An aggravated vein pulsed at my right temple. "Could you please put some clothes on so I can tell you about my problem?"

She actually put some clothes on. Thank God.

I sighed as I sat down in front of the purple-haired female, combing my fingers through my hair, scalp prickling slightly, pleasantly, as a rolling sound formed in my throat. Back stiffening I jerked the appendage away from my orange locks, a creeped-out shiver running through my system.

Okay, something was definitely off with my body.

I flinched noticing Yoruichi's yellow cateyes scrutinize me like prey, a small frown marring her tanned features. Feeling the sudden urge to cover in a corner but fighting it down I swallowed the bile in my throat. "Well, you see-"

"You've had strange urges and likes lately, correct?"

Caught off-guard I reel back some, blinking. "How...?"

"Your dad."

Oh. That explained a lot.

Straightening up again I raise an eyebrow. "So, any advice? Any clue on what's wrong with me?"

Yoruichi leaned back on her hands, gazing at me as if I was a documentary on mushrooms.

I know I'm not that boring!

Most times.

An ominous, feline smirk graced her features as she shrugged, still regarding me with a sly expression. "Maybe..."

I slammed my hand flat on the ground between us, glaring at her. "Cut the shit! Give me a straight yes or no!"

The answer didn't came from her lips, instead Urahara screaming 'Boo' behind me, successfully scaring the living crap outta me, was to answer my question.


I glared daggers at the ex-captains, Yoruichi lying on her back howling in laughter, Kisuke lying on his stomach in a giggling heap. When minutes passed and they still hadn't quieted down I raised my right arm, sharp claws gleaming in the sunlight from an open window. And in a quick motion I had brought them down, leaving 4 bloody scratch marks on the scientist's face.

His scream of pain was all the satisfaction I needed for the time being.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU FREAKS DO TO ME!" Instead of my deep voice furious, feral hisses escaped my throat, eyes widening and my hands covering my mouth. What the fuck?

The show sent the two idiots in another spout of laughter and giggles, unnerving me to no end. Finally calming down the purple-haired werecat sat up, looking down at me with laughter in her yellow eyes. "Aw, loosen up some, Ichi, I went through that, too."

I gave her a look that said 'And that is supposed to brighten my mood how?'.

"It isn't." A low growl, and I felt the hair at the back of my neck stand up. Yoruichi waved me off with a smirk. "Aw, calm down. After you turn back the first time you'll be able to speak in your current form, and even retain some of your aspects in your human form, no need to get all riled up." Her smirk became evil. "That is, if you find a way to turn back, I sure as hell won't tell you."

Urahara grinned just like her. "It's not our fault you gained the same power as her. Be glad you didn't end up as a goldfish, Kurosaki-san."

Needless to say, I scratched their faces bloody before stalking off, growling lowly under my breath.


Seriously, the last time I had felt like a shrimp was in elementary school.

That I was ticked beyond belief now that I was an imp again goes without saying.

I walked into an ally that was a good shortcut to my home, and with so short legs it was needed for sure.

And just when I was about to turn right and enter the main street again-

-did a certain midget cross my wake.



The door of the book store closed behind me with a soft pling, my eyes fixated upon the horror manga I just bought, another 3 of them in a bag in my left hand.

Yes, borrowing Ichigo's wallet without him knowing definitely had more good sides than bad.

Because, let us be honest, he won't be angry with me for real anyways.

Men are so simple.

Or, more like, men are too easy to control.

And I thought my big eyes had no use.

As I rounded the corner and switched the page a mob of orange appeared in my peripheral vision, making me stop. I frowned. Ichigo?

As it turned out, it was a small, fluffy, orange-furred cat with large, brown eyes and the cutest pair of ears I had ever seen.

And you know my love for fluffy and cute things.

They are irresistible.


Oh, fuck no.

The midget of doom.

I just know she will glomp me.

But I don't want to be glomped.

I am too young to die, damn it!

Wait... are these manga? Where the fuck did she get the money from?

Oh no, she didn't!

I will so pay you back!

Probably not, but I can still dream, right?

No, no, she is closing in on me, please, for everything that's holy and sane, don't come near me!

"Oh, you look lost, kitty, where is your family?"

Yeah, asking me something is so smart, cuz a cat can talk... scratch that.

And my family? Just down the street, imp. You live with me, idiot.

While I was mentally cursing at her she was inspecting my neck. What, did she think I was bloody and torn up? Or have fleas? "Hm, you don't have a collar," oh, that's what she was looking for... "Does that mean you don't even have an owner?" Pretty much, slavery is forbidden, retard.

She smiled, and I was taken aback. Kuchiki Rukia didn't smile like a little girl. That just doesn't add well!

And just like that she glomped me to her, surprisingly, I might add, soft chest and squealed.

Yes, squealed.

"You're so cute! You know what? I'll take you home with me!"





"Tadaima!" Yuzu smiled at me as I entered the Kurosaki home, the orange kitty still clutched tightly to my chest. It had struggled at first, but now it just pouted and made itself comfortable in my arms.

And its fur was so fluffy, too!

"OH! Whose kitty is that?" The blonde twin asked me with eyes as big as dinner plates. I shrugged. "Dunno, I found it in the streets."

Yuzu gasped. "What? How could someone abandon such a cute kitty?"


My right eye twitched. Cute? No one, not even my little sister, is allowed to call me fucking cute!

I will murder Urahara and Yoruichi as soon as I get the chance!

With a deep breath I turned my head, startled that my little sister's face was mere inches away from mine.


Her eyes widened further and I was surprised they hadn't plopped from their sockets yet. "Aaaa, its eyes look exactly like Ichi-nii's!"

Well, duh, I am Ichigo.

The arms around me shifted causing a tiny yelp to escape my throat unwillingly. And just like that I had found myself face-to-face with Rukia, her eyes that were neither blue nor violet but something in-between probing my own.

Wow, close up she didn't look half-bad...

Bad thoughts. Go away now. Boo into oblivion...

"Wow, you're right Yuzu... and its fur looks like his hair, too..." I allowed a little bit hope to stir in me. Please let them put two and two together, please let them put two and two together, please- "OH!" Rukia's face lit up. "I know something! We'll call it Ichigo, just to annoy your brother!"

My expression dropped, not that it was visible amongst the fluffy fur that covered my body and made it a bit hard to see anything but orange.

I never realized how hard my hair was to tame before now.

My sister spoke up again. "Aw, why do you and brother always mess with each other? Can't you be nice for a change?"

Rukia smirked at her. "Yuzu, someone has to keep him in line, and I don't want Karin to have to do the work, and Tatsuki is busy enough with keeping Inoue save and sound. It's better I straighten him out than him acting like the child he is." I glared, digging my claws softly in her hands. "Ow," she frowned at me. "Seems he doesn't like me talking bad about his namesake."

Well, duh.

"Well, then stop, I'd feel better without it, too."

The black-haired Shinigami smiled warmly at her, again something I'm not used from the cranky woman. "Okay, I'll stop being so mean to Ichigo, at least around you."

And, somehow, I felt grateful for that.

Believe it or not, I love my sisters, and I am grateful for everything that makes them happy.

If someone calls me sappy I am gonna scratch their faces into a bloody pulp.


Shortly after I found myself with Rukia in that cramped closet of mine. Well, she is petite enough to fit comfortably there, and I had shrunk to the shape of a small fur ball, so it wasn't cramped at all.

But still.

"Okay, wanna have me read my new manga to you, Ichi?"

I looked up from where she was pressing me flat to her chest face first with her left arm. Her smile was still kind of freaking me out. She never smiles at me this way. Yeah, sure, she smiles at me on some occasions, but not so... tenderly.

Okay, scratch that word from my brain. Now.

I blinked, and she mistook it as a yes.

5 minutes later I was hiding my head in her chest to prevent me from puking. That stuff she was reading was sick. She was sick. But man, her chest was comfy, and I'm not meaning that in a pervy way. It was soft, and smelled really nice, but, well, that last thing probably went for her in a whole. I wonder why I never noticed her nice scent before.

Probably because she only really comes near me to smack me.

Suddenly soft, slender fingers began threading through the fur on my head, causing my skin to prickle slightly... in a nice way. Slowly I raised my gaze from the fabric covering her chest and towards her large eyes. "You look cute when you bury your head and hide your face under your paws," she smiled, giggled some and cuddled me some more.

I allowed myself to smile softly as I snuggled more into her warmth, closing my eyes as I enjoyed her fingers combing my fur.

This was comfy.


This story is supposed to be funny and light-hearted, not serious. If anyone complains about the way I write it, or about the plot, I advise entering the witness-protection program, because I'm gonna hunt you down, folks.

Just kidding^^

If any of you have ideas how I can torture Kitty!Ichigo feel free to tell me XD Just nothing about how he transforms back, I already have that figured out -pervy smile-