Fibfi-Chan: -sitting on a solid chocolate throne and is using Deke's back as a foot rest- BLANK, MASQUERADE, DISCLAIMER! ANGEL, START BAKING CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES AND BROWNIES FOR THE REVIEWERS!

Angel: Kay Kay! –skips off to the kitchen-

Blank & Masquerade: Fibfi-Chan doesn't own D. Gray-Man, Deke doesn't either, neither does Angel, or us. –goes into the kitchen to help Angel bake-

Deke & Fibfi-Chan: READ AND REVIEW!

I walked into his room, quietly cussing under my breath. I hate my life. Cross Marian, my legal guardian, stole all my money. AGAIN. I was now totally broke and couldn't even buy a cup of coffee! I walked over to my desk and started writing in my journal. Yes. You heard that right. I, Allen Walker, a GUY, had a journal and wrote in it everyday.

My Anger Management teacher told me to start venting my feelings out in this, and that it should help me with keeping calm.

"Having fun, Moyashi?" A sudden voice said behind me, jerking me out of my thoughts. I turned around and saw an eighteen year old boy laying stomach down on my bed. He was looking hot, as always, and how I wished I could touch him…and his hair! It looked so smooth and shinny! Oh My God how I want to pet it…

"It's Allen, BaKanda! A-L-L-E-N! Or are you to DENSE to understand that?" I said/yelled at him. And what did he do in response, might you ask? He smirked. SMIRKED. That bastard smirked. At MY anger! WHAT IS HIS ISSUE?

Okay, so maybe I DO have some anger issues, but it's not my fault! I was born this way!

Okay, you probably have a LOT of questions by this point, so, I guess I'll answer them.

The teens name was Kanda Yu. As already said, he was eighteen years old. His hair was long smooth and shiny, and its color was black, with a tint of dark blue. His eyes matched his hair and looked…well…dead, simply put. He LOVES getting on my nerves. It seems like his number one hobby, although I don't really blame him. I mean, when you can't touch anything, life gets pretty boring.

"Sooo, Moyashi-"


"Yeah, yeah, anyway, what are you gonna do tonight?" Kanda asked casually.

My eyes widened. Last time he asked this question, he tagged along with me to the mall, then blew it up with a bomb. Where he got the bomb, I don't even know.

As if reading my mind, he chuckled slightly and said "Come on, I wont blow anything up this time! Promise!"

I sighed. Why was he making this so hard? Wait, why was I making this so hard? I mean…he's a ghost! It's not like anyone'll see him. Well, except on the off chance that there'll be a psychic there or something.

Oh? What? I didn't mention that he was a ghost before? Well, I just thought that you'd catch on to the hints I was giving you. Like, 'I mean, when you can't touch anything, life gets pretty boring.' And ' He's a ghost!' AND 'It's not like anyone'll see him. Well, except on the off chance that there'll be a psychic there or something. ' 'His eyes matched his hair and looked...well...dead, simply put.' . Are you catching on now? I hope so.

Anyway, I sighed and said, finally giving up "FINE! You can come! Lena, Lavi, and I are all going to the movies to see Twilight!"

Kanda's eyes widened and he started laughing. LAUGHING. Okay, I knew Kanda for a REALLY long time. Ever since we were kids! Before he died! But, I never, NEVER, heard him laugh like this. Usually he'd just let out a small noise that resembled a laugh, but never a real one. So, you know what I did? The super logical thing I did after I heard his angelic laughter? Fainted. That's right, the Al-Might Allen Walker FAINTED. Because his dead best friend and mega crush was LAUGHING. I am the most pitiful thing on the planet. Well…really, I come right after Mr. Tiedoll, Kanda's adopted father. When Kanda died, Tiedoll and his other adoptive sons were all REALLY upset. Tiedoll got a poodle and named it Yu-Chan, Marie started listening to all the music Kanda always listened to, Chouji started reading all the books Kanda loved, and Daysia? Daysia committed suicide. Whenever I'm not here or asleep, Kanda and Daysia always scare the living crap outta everyone. Sometimes they go on their Hauntings for weeks on end. It's really quite amusing…

But Daysia committing suicide just worsened things and made Tiedoll buy ANOTHER poodle and name it Daysia. Yeah, the two poodles hump eachother all the time now, but, that's not the point. Although, it's sad how pitiful Tiedoll and his humping poodles are… anyway, right as my world faded to black, I heard Kanda laughing even HARDER than before. Oh man, how I wish I could revive him and kill him even more brutally then he already was. But, that was another problem. I don't know how he was killed.

Fibfi-Chan: HEY PEEPS, WHATS UP? –does a lame rapper poes-

Deke: YO YO YO! YALL LIKE DA STORY? –also does a lame rapper poes-

Angel & Blank: -walk into the room with brownies and chocolate chip cookies for the reviewers and freeze and pale-

Masquerade: -walkes in behind them and peep over their shoulders and starts laughing- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO? HAHAHAH! MAN, THIS IS HILARIOUS!

Blank: -murmurs- Oh My God…someone gorge my eyes out so I can't see this…oh, wait…never mind…it's already tattooed into my brain…it wont ever go away…. –starts mumbling to himself-

Angel: …well…forgetting this, didja all like the story? Did ya hate it? Review so we can know what you all want and so we can improve it! If you review, you'll get brownies and chocolate chip cookies!

Deke, Blank, Fibfi-Chan & Masquerade: YAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!