The soft pleas and heart breaking sobs came expectedly during the night. The shaking, tossing, and turning were always the first thing Sirius felt as he woke up out of his slumber. An accidental smack or kick rudely woke up the master of the house, making him groan slightly in pain. But, the physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional pain his partner felt as he tried to wake up from his nightmare.

Cruel words were shouted.

Sickening laughter erupted.

And a young boy lay helplessly in the center of it all.

It was always the same when Sirius woke up, desperate hands clutching the sheets and tears dampening the pillow. Sirius felt his heart strings snap, taking a moment to relax himself before attempting to calm down his hurt lover.

"Remus?" Sirius would whisper, laying a gentle hand on Remus's shoulder. "Are you awake?" His words softly spoken, enough to make the sleeping man stir.

Tonight, Remus turned his body, facing Sirius so he could hide his face in the older mans chest. The action was almost sad, as if Remus was afraid someone else was watching. Sirius would never deny Remus anything, and this simple gesture was nothing compared to what he would give Remus.

Remus wanted a hand on his back, stroking up and down his spine. Sirius obliged, but offered to snap those necks that caused his lover pain, Remus convinced him not too.

Remus wanted loving words whispered in his ear. Sirius obliged, but offered to curse off those who have caused his lover pain, Remus convinced him not too.

Remus wanted Sirius to be with him every second of the night to make sure he was okay. Sirius obliged…and didn't offer to leave.

"Make it stop, Sirius." Remus sobbed, his tears now soaking into Sirius's thin T-shirt.

Sirius stoked his experienced fingers down Remus's back, up to his neck.

Sirius whispered how much he loved Remus, his voice only loud enough for Remus to hear.

Sirius held Remus close, closing his own eyes as he thought about the days they shared in school. The awful marks that decorated Remus's skin whenever Sirius spotted those long sleeves slide up. He remembered how heart broken he felt every time he saw Remus cry, of course at the time Remus didn't trust anyone yet. He cried alone, thinking nobody heard…but Sirius did.

Sirius made himself known after hearing the boy plead in his bed. Words of feeling completely alone and worthless, escaping his lips, Sirius couldn't take it. He pushed aside the curtains and moved in behind Remus, pulling him close as he shushed him. Remus let Sirius hold him, let him whisper to him that he cared….and after that Sirius became apart of Remus.

Soon, the sobs would stop and the shaking would calm. Remus would snuggle closer, his fingers searching for Sirius's. Sirius found his, entwined their fingers, and kissed the man's forehead lovingly.

"I love you, Remus."

Remus stayed quite, his thumb stroking up Sirius's finger.

Remus would wait, then whisper back, "I love you too, Sirius Black."