NOOO. It's the last chapter. D: Enjoy it anyway~

Jack's POV

3 months later…

Man, I'm a failure.

I'd never been in love before, so I decided to surprise Yusei and take him to an Insect Fair, as a first date. Also, it was to make up for the fact that I was still too scared to kiss him. It's not that I didn't want to, but I didn't want him to know that I'd never kissed anybody. Yes, it seems a little stupid, but I didn't want to screw up the moment, whenever it happened. Yusei was taking it really well. He said it'd take me a while before I was comfortable, but I know he felt…urges. I felt urges when I looked at him smiling, or talking to a girl in public. I honestly wanted to pounce on the boy and just…go. I want to kiss him, hold him, basically make him mine, but, if I couldn't even kiss him, what's the possibly of any of that stuff ever happening?

So, like I said earlier, I took him to the Insect Fair. It wasn't exactly for the bugs, but for the little robotic thing they were going to have. Then, take him out for dinner and possibly kiss him. But, when he saw the sign, he got a little stiff beside me.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, holding on to his hand.

Yusei looked rather pale, but he nodded.

We walked a little farther into the fair, when a moth landed on the bridge of his nose.

"J-Jack…" He whimpered, quickly letting go of my hand.

"Hmm?" I asked, wandering over to him. "Oh look, a moth."

"Y-Yeah…c-can you get i-it off?"


I swatted at it and it flew away, only to be replaced by another moth.

"JAAAAAACK!" Yusei screamed, flapping his arms around, slapping at his face. The moth seemed to be stubborn and didn't move. Actually, his actions only made more moths, crickets, butterflies, and caterpillars flock to him.

I was standing there just in shock. I ran away to get some bug spray and ended up buying some from a vendor. However, when I got back, Yusei was gone.


When I got home, the twins greeted me enthusiastically.

"Hey Jack!" They both exclaimed. Akiza wasn't far behind them.

"I don't know what you did man, but Yusei's pissed." She says with a sigh.

After the past three months, Akiza tried desperately to adopt the twins Leo and Luna. When she realized she didn't have a house, I gladly offered mine. So, they all eventually moved in, and I gave them the entire first floor to use.

"What does pissed mean, Akiza?" Leo asked.

I chucked a bit and raced upstairs.

"Yusei?" I called, knocking on his door. It was open, so I burst though the door. Yusei was sitting in fetal position on his bed, just rocking back and forth.

"Y-Yusei?" I asked again, reaching a hand out to comfort him.

"Why'd you run away Jack?"


I was confused. All I did was run and—oh no. He thought I ran away from him because he was reacting over something.

"No, see, I—"

"Just save it!" Yusei yells, rolling out from his position. "I thought you were going to stay with me through thick and thin!"


Yusei didn't even give me a chance to explain myself before he pushed me out of his room.

"Man…" I muttered again, retreating to my own bedroom.

So, Yusei's still upset at me. He won't look at me, talk to me, or even acknowledge my existence. Eventually, I went to Akiza for help.

"Akiza, I have a problem."

She looks up at me. "Well?"

I explain the entire Insect Fair scene and eventually broke out in a fit of giggles.

"Akiza!" I exclaim angrily. "My boyfriend's not talking to me and you're laughing about it?"

"Jack…" She starts, trying to quite her laughter. "Yusei has a phobia of bugs."


I feel really stupid now. It seems like I have to redeem myself, or, as married couples call it, get myself out of the doghouse.

Yusei's POV

This is the best idea yet.

I recently read a book on how to test your significant other and see if he's really truthful to the relationship. So, I decided, why not? I got Akiza in on the test too. Even though I really do have a phobia of insects, it was a perfect start. I admit, it's really hard ignoring Jack. He's cooking me breakfast, leaving me little gifts and parts for my duel runner, and one day, he even fell so I would purposely have to step over him. Eventually, after two weeks, he seemed to have enough.

"Damnit Yusei, what do I have to do to make you look at me again?" Jack pleads.

I sigh and tired to push past him, but he grabbed me forcefully around my shoulders and all but rammed me into the wall beside us.

"Where'd you go?" I ask simply.

"I went to get bug spray, I swear! Here's the receipt!"

Jack shoves it in my face. I look over the receipt and sigh.

"I don't believe you."

That's when Jack really took me by surprise. He pressed his lips to mine softly, but still with a little bit of force. I was still in shock, so he took the opportunity to ram his tongue in my mouth, but, man, it felt really good. I finally responded, rubbing my tongue against his and held fist fulls of his hair in my hands. He moves directly down to my neck and kisses around, trying to find my sweet spot.

"Yusei.." Jack murmurs against the base of my neck.

"Yes?" I practically moaned.

"I know about your little plan."

I felt his smirk as my face heated up.

"What plan?" I asked, pretty much failing at lying to him.

"The plan about trying to see if was faithful or not."

Jack's eyes look into mine sincerely. "Yusei, you know that I'll, um, always…you know."

"You know?" I ask with a small smirk.

"Nope! I'm not saying it first." He pouts.


"I…fine." Jack blushes cutely. "I love you, Fudo."

"Hmm…I guess I love you too, Jack." I sigh, exaggeratedly.

"Guess?" He mocks.

"Love you too Jack." I reply meaningfully.

Then he kisses me without warning. It was sweet, unlike the last time, but still had meaning. Before I realized it, he led me into his room and softly closed the door.

I'd tell you what happened, but you're not supposed to kiss and tell….

Ah, yay, it's all done.

Wanna thank the readers and all of you invisible anonymous readers too~

Uhm, Jack and Yusei are glad I'm done with this story too. Now they can go to the NEXT one I'm doing, Me, Myself, and the Spy.

I'll probably have that up..later. Well, this week anyway. XD

Thanks for reading guys~
