Disclaimer – I do not own either Inuyasha or Naruto, I'm just a fan.


'Gone, they're all gone," Kagome sobbed into the palms of her hands. It didn't matter if she closed her eyes or left them open the same blinding darkness remained taunting her, proving that in a way Naraku had won. Everyone was dead. Even Kagome wasn't sure if she was alive or not.

Kikyo and Koga had both died in a fight with Naraku a couple weeks before the final battle and that had taken its toll on the group. Of course Inuyasha was torn up, but Kagome took almost just as bad. She had tried so hard to save Kikyo and blamed herself for being too weak to save her, and so she also blamed herself for Inuyasha being depressed.

The days leading up to the final battle everything seemed to point towards their victory, but on that day it just went so wrong. Kagome had purified a small piece of the jewel which they took as a symbol of hope. How wrong they were. Naraku used the small light to lure both Sango and Miroku into a trap. Both thought they were facing the real Naraku, but I was just an allusion. Kagome and Inuyasha were racing towards Miroku who was going to use his wind tunnel to kill Naraku, but it would also end his life. They made it to the room just in time to see him get sucked into his own wind tunnel. Both screamed his name knowing it was too late, but it hadn't sunk in yet. Naraku came to gloat and to show them what Sango was up to. She, trying to save Miroku from his impending death, was also facing a 'Naraku', but this one was holding a very real Rin in front of him so Sango would have to cut down Rin to get to him. Kohaku was trying to tell Sango Naraku was just an allusion, but she couldn't hear him. Finally giving in Sango threw her Hiraikotsu which killed both the captive Rin and Kohaku who had tried to save her before Sango threw her weapon. 'Naraku' faded out of sigh, and Sango saw what her rash decisions caused her. Her scream pierced through the silence, and her brother stuttered out her name one last time. Sesshomaru came in right the as Sango broke begging him to kill her for her deeds. Kagome fell to the ground shaking, her bangs covering her eyes as silent tears scarred her cheeks. Inuyasha was shouting curse words at Naraku as he just laughed. Kagome slowly stood back up her eyes still hidden. Half out of anger and the other half out of compassion and sympathy, Sesshomaru complied with her request and cut her down with his sword, then picked them all up and put them on Ah-Un. Naraku laughed even harder then talking about how idiotic and worthless they all were. Kagome looked up then with complete hatred in her eyes, "Shut up." Naraku stopped both he and Inuyasha turned their heads to Kagome in shock. This wasn't the Kagome they knew. Kagome's body was leaking out power, purifying everything that came in a five feet radius of her. Even Inuyasha had to take a couple steps back. It was more powerful than Mt. Hakurei. "Inuyasha use it," Kagome still had that coldness in her voice but no hatred was directed towards Inuyasha. He dumbly nodded his head and with everything he had he swung his sword and yelled Meido Zangetsuha an attack that draws the opponent into the underworld. Multiple dark blades shot out and cut into Naraku tearing away at his body and the flesh walls around them. Kagome drew back an arrow and channeled all her ki that had escaped from her at the tip of her arrow. Just as she shot Naraku's incarnation snuck up behind her and slashed her with his sword. It didn't have any affect, but he still smirked as he was drawn into the Meido Zangetsuha that Inuyasha hit him with. Then the entire flesh dome that was Naraku's body began to shake and crumble. They saw what seemed to be blue lightning and knew that Sesshomaru had used Bakusaiga that continues to destroy what was cut and anything connected until nothing is left. Kagome's arrow, despite Naraku's attempts to stop it, lodged itself into the sacred jewel and tore apart Naraku even more just leaving his head. Sesshomaru then ran up behind them and shot Bakusaiga at Naraku further destroying him. Naraku's body collapsed and they fell to the earth below them. Now noticing where they were, they saw the destroyed village that Kaede resides in, while a lot of villagers had escaped, many hadn't. Kagome's cold stare started to soften and soon tears began again to streak her face.

"It's over isn't it?" Kagome asked in a soft voice.

"Yeah," Inuyasha nodded looking down solemnly. But then Kagome screamed. A Meido Zangetsuha had opened behind her and sucked her in. Inuyasha tried to reach her, but missed her hand by a hair and darkness enveloped her. In this darkness she saw what had happened to her other friends. Shippo, her loving kit, became too infected by the miasma along with Kirara and when the two-tailed cat had fallen onto Shippo, both tumbled down into a sea of miasma. Jaken and died trying to find Sesshomaru, but the Bakusaiga had crumbled the floor beneath him and he fell to his death. Kaede had died also because of miasma when Naraku's body and started to crumpled over the village making it inhabitable. When Kagome had been pulled into the Meido Zangetsuha, Inuyasha had cut his own way into where she was, and surprisingly Sesshomaru had followed him. They had ran into the demons whose souls were merged into the shikon and they fought to no avail for the demons could regenerate, but they could not. She also saw her home back in her time, and holding onto the hope of seeing her mother's smiling face to take some of the pain away, she was horribly disappointed. Her house had been ransacked and each of her family members had bullet wounds. She started to choke on her sobs, and that is how Kagome found herself lost in the darkness swallowed by her anguish. Curled up into herself in a fetal position floating in front of the now purified jewel shinning innocently like it wasn't the cause of all this bloodshed. Kagome shielded her eyes away as the jewel started to shine brighter. Next thing she knew, she was in a space where everything was a glowing shade of pink and white no longer in the darkness. "Where am I" she questioned.

"You are inside the Jewel of Four Souls" a woman appeared that she didn't notice before. She had long flowing black hair to her knees and wore olden feudal area armor with priestess grabs underneath.

"Midoriko?" the miko questioned not too sure if she was dreaming or not. She really wished all this had just been a bad dream.

"Kagome, I am truly sorry for your loss, but your powers are needed in another world. Should you choose to accept this fate you will be sent to a ninja world where there are only nine demons that are sealed with in human hosts. You do still have your wish though." To say Kagome was stunned was an understatement but she soon shook off her shock as the reality of the situation took full affect.

"I accept but for my wish, I do not think I can make one." Now it was Midoriko's turn to be shocked but she quickly recovers and smiled and sweet compassionate smile also identical to the way Kagome's mother did, and again Kagome had to choke back a sob.

"Kagome before I send you to this new world there are some things you should know. One you will receive a blood line trait that will allow you to control the elements. Two you will become a ninja for The Village Hidden in the Leaves also now as Konoha and to do so you will be turned into a 12 year old but you will retain your memories. Third you will receive a charm bracelet of sorts that will hold some of your friends weapons that you will be able to use with training. Lastly you will help them defeat an evil there that has been growing. I wish I could explain more but I am running out of time. Tell this story to the village Hokage who is the leader of the ninja village, whether you tell others or not is up to you. There will be some scrolls that will help you understand more I wish you luck Kagome.