DISCLAIMER: We don't own Degrassi, okay? If we did, we would have Eclare in every single episode until the end of time.

Author's note: This is a collaboration between literarylolita and floorplanhobo, and we're pretty excited about it. So no one gets confused, floorplanhobo will write Eli's POVs, and literarylolita will write Clare's.

A/N 2: This one-shot is after the Romeo/Juliet project kiss.

A/N 3: Rating will change to "M" in later chapters

Eli's POV

He couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Yes, it had been for a school project, but his heart had been in it, and it was killing him.

He had seen the happiness in her eyes and this had scared him to death. She liked him back.

Clare Edwards actually liked him back.

Any other boy would have been thrilled, but not him. The pain of losing Julia was still so real to him, and the guilt was interfering with his happiness.

He didn't deserve Clare, as simple as that. He had caused Julia's death, and he knew that he would end up hurting Clare. He always ended up hurting someone with his actions.

He cared about her too much to destroy her. He lay on his bed and sighed sadly as he thought of Clare's lips, and he ached to kiss her again.

"No, Eli, stop it," he muttered to himself as he closed his eyes. But it was pointless because he knew he was falling for her, and this infuriated him. He got out of bed and knew he had to go to school and face her. It wasn't going to be pretty.

He could be a jerk when he wanted to, and it seemed like the only choice. I'm so sorry, Clare, he thought, and left his room.


He walked into the classroom, and she immediately greeted him. Her sweet voice was torturing him and he replied blankly to her. He sat down, his heart beating fast as she continued to talk to him.

I can't do this. No, I just can't.

He didn't respond, and he felt immediately guilty about the pain he was causing her. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he thought repeatedly, the anguish in his chest building up immediately.

He would never stop feeling guilty, and he knew that Clare would suffer because of his unresolved issues. He would never be able to tell her about Julia, she would run away or freak out, or both.

When the class ended, he was careful enough to leave before Clare said anything to him, and he walked away. As he got to his locker, he felt furious with himself, for letting himself get involved in a new "crush," when he knew that he would only hurt Clare.

He was so selfish, but that was about to stop. Even if it meant him being miserable for the rest of his days at Degrassi.

He was doing it for Clare.

Clare's POV

They kissed. Eli Goldsworthy and Clare Edwards had finally taken that next step, and school project or not, she couldn't stop feeling…what's the word?


She saw that look in his eyes, the usual mischeivious glint coated with a layer of…dare she hope it…


Eli seemed HAPPY to kiss her. And the way he jumped right in to play Romeo? Oh, goodness, she would have to remember to send Ms. Dawes a thank-you note.

Hopping up from the bed on which she rested, she skipped to her stereo, selected an upbeat song, and proceeded to dance around her room. "I feel like I'm in a bad romantic comedy," Clare muttered as she twirled around and around. "But I don't particularly care."

Sighing, Clare giggled as she fell on the floor, holding her stomach.

Is this the true definition of joy? Can it possibly get any better than this?

She thought of the cinema event happening tomorrow; it sounded like fun. With an affirmative nod to herself, she whispered "I'll ask Eli."

She may or may not have danced all night.

The Next Day

"I'm sorry I led you on."

After all the flirting, suggestive short stories, and meaningful conversations, that's all he had to say?

What about that kiss? She may be a lot of things, but an idiot is certainly not one of them. Sure, she has minimal experience in that particular department of life, but so what, she knew he felt something.

Like she said, she's not stupid.

So WHY did he give her the cold shoulder? Why did he ignore her calls? And why in the WORLD did he stare at her like he actually WAS a "sociopath who likes to hurt people."

She may not have known him long, but she did know his heart. Something was off; it almost seemed as though he had some deep, dark secret.

Ha, that would make sense. Goes well with the hearse and black clothing.

She'd find out. Somehow.

But for now, she had a certain VIDEO PROJECT to edit.

After all, Juliet didn't deserve to die just because the "love of her life" was a moron who likely didn't know what he really wanted anyway.

A/N: Yes, this one is short, but they will get longer. Please review!