Welcome back to one of my stories. I'm hoping that I will like this enough to continue until the end. I usually update a lot. I will never go a month without updating! I probably won't even go a week. I think i'l try to update every day.

If I make any rude comments made by people, it's only because they say it in a show. I feel awful saying "retards" or "fags" but it's to show the characters personalities. I apologize for those things.!

Rating: T. I won't make anything that bad. I'm 13! :) But it is South Park, so you should expect atleast a T rating.

Disclaimer: Matt and Trey own South Park. If I did, Style would be in every episode. 3

"Kyle, truth or dare?" Every single time Stan and Kyle would hang out, they would end up playing that old game that everyone still played. They loved it, but they were equally awful at it. They never knew what to ask, seeing as they were super best friends and knew almost everything about each other. Well, almost everything. Kyle was lacking to tell him something that might be his biggest secret.

"Uhh. Truth?" Kyle hated picking dare, and Stan knew that. He almost always expected him to choose truth. It was getting quite annoying to him, actually.

"Tell me something about you that I don't already know."

"Dude, you always ask me that," Kyle prepared himself to come out to his best friend. "there is only one thing you don't know about me. Promise that if I tell you, you won't think any different about me?"

"Pinky swear," Stan held out his pinky. Kyle laughed at his cheesy best friend.

"I'm bi, dude," Kyle said it immediately. He couldn't stand the waiting. He just wanted to get Stan's reaction over with.

"Dude!" Kyle was prepared for him to get a bit freaked out, but was surprised by his reaction. Stan got up from Kyle's bedroom floor, and walked over and hugged him. "Thanks for telling me, man. That's awesome, really."

At first, Kyle thought that maybe Stan liked guys, too. He then thought that maybe he was just proud he told him. He[Stan] was very open to things.

"Thanks, dude."

"No problemo. So do you like anyone? A guy, I mean?"

"Uhh, maybe," Kyle was defiantly not going to tell Stan that he was really in love with him. He couldn't do that. Sure, Stan was fine with Kyle being bisexual, but what if he knew the truth? That Kyle Broflovski loved Stan Marsh? He couldn't risk anything.

"Kay, fine. Don't tell me," he joked. He knew Kyle wasn't going to tell him. The same thing happened every time Kyle liked a girl. He wo uldn't tell Stan until he was going out with the girl, even though Kyle had only ever had two girlfriends, Bebe and Rebecca.

Kyle rolled his eyes and stood up. "Food?" Stan's eyes lit up and he followed him to the kitchen. The 13 year old boys were always hungry. Puberty will do that to you.

Stan didn't have to ask where anything was, or if he could have anything. He knew where everything was, and ate everything out of the fridge, even when he wasn't supposed to. Kyle did the same at Stan's house.

The diabetic boy ate almost every vegetable in the house, while Stan was making a sandwich consisting of white bread, nutella and chips.

"Sick, dude," Kyle made a disgusting face as Stan scarfed his food down his own throat.

"No. Yumm," talking with his mouth full, the boy in the poof-ball hat offered the other half of his sandwich to the disgusted Jew. "Try it, it's good!"

"Fine," he took the sandwich and looked nervous. He took a bite, and was surprisingly delighted by the taste. He finished the rest in one bite.

"DUDEEE! That was amazing! Pass the nuttella!" He loved these moments with his friend. This was the reason he couldn't tell him his secret. If they weren't friends anymore, who would he have these moments with? Sure, Kenny would always be there for Kyle, but he wasn't nearly as fun as Stan.

Don't be mad. I know that was short, but I'm going to write another chapter as soon as I put this one up. Hopefully it will be longer. For those who read "The new girl" before I deleted it know that I suck at writing long chapters, but I will try to do better! I promise!

I kinda know how Ima make this turn out, but if you have any suggestions, let me know! And I love reviews!