Finally, a new chapter, hope it lives up to the last one.

Special thanks to reviewers Manny Heatlook, hi hi 1234, kisshufan4ever, Deda Altesse, ArkieR, foxlover101, Light Ebony Dark Ivory and Mystic Myra 8, you people convince me to keep this story going.

And now - Because you've all waited lwell long enough, on with the story...

"...So where are we going?" Jack finally asked after ten minutes of radio filled car driving. "Almost there", Turner grinned, driving a bit further, before turning into a parking lot and stopping. I don't like this, whispered Adria. Jack tried to ignore her anxiety as he again asked Turner, "So, where are we?" Turner smiled and pointed to a brightly coloured building behind them, "Ever been bowling Jack?".

10 minutes later, inside the bowling building:

"Wow! Got them all down on your second go! Nice one Jack!" Turner congratulated a smiling Jack who had just knocked down last of his pins, Jack ran back to sit at in one of the white plastic chairs where Turner's wife, daughter and two friends were also sat. The two friends of Turner clapped Jack, whilst Turner's wife just grinned at him.

Jack smiled to himself this was the best birthday he'd had ever, Turner had actually planned it so that his two friend's, wife and child surprised him as he walked in, they gave him some presents, a card and wished him a happy birthday before starting the game.

Jack, watched earnestly as Turner helped his daughter push the heavy bowling ball towards the pins, clapping when some fell down. This was nice, it was like being part of a normal family, it was fun and he never wanted to end.

Jack sat in the backseat of Turner's car, playing with Megan (they each had a brightly coloured plastic dinosaur and pretended the two dinos were fighting).

Jack smiled to himself as he continued to play with his little cousin, the night had been great, he'd won the bowling game (though he had a sneaking suspicion that everyone had let him win), they'd then got some burgers and fries and joked around, he and Megan had got into fry throwing fight, which had escalated when Turner (and eventually his wife) joined in.

They'd all quickly left the cafe area after the staff started to give them irritated looks (obviously not happy with the mess they were going to have to clear up) and Turner guided them to the video and arcade games area, Turner gave Jack and Megan some coins and they went around to play on the machines, neither of them won anything but it was great fun. They hadn't left until 11:00pm but had all really enjoyed their time there.

Jack's smile as he played with Megan slowly turned into a slight frown as he saw the car pull in towards his house, it had been so much fun, he hadn't wanted it to end, sadly all nice things can come to an end, and soon enough Jack was standing outside of his door with Turner and a sleepy Megan (being held in Turner's arms) at his side.

Jack faced his front door and sighed. "Hey", Jack turned to look up at Turner' smiling face, "We had great fun today Jack and I'm not just saying that, you're a great lad and a fantastic role model for Megan". Jack sadly smiled back, "Thanks Turner". Turner grinned and held his arm out for a one armed hug which Jack accepted, "It's quite alright Jack, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true". Turner glanced down to Jack who almost seemed to be holding on to Turner like his life depended on it, "Are you going to be alright on your own?" Jack looked at the ground, he had an over whelming want to say no, but nodded anyway insisting that he'd be fine.

"Ok then", Turner shrugged, giving Jack a light peck on the forehead before turning to Megan, "Say good night Megan!" Megan giggled and waved her hands "Bye bye Jack!" Turner grinned, ruffling Jack's hair, "Good night and Happy Birthday Jack!".

Jack waved as he watched Turner and Megan get into the car and drive off, listening to the car radio playing a disney tune as it sounded off into the distance. Sighing again, Jack took his house keys out of his trouser pocket and opened the door. It was dark and eieery inside and Jack quickly flipped on the light switch, attempting eradicate the creepy feeling, the light helped somewhat but Jack quickly shut the door and ran upstairs to his room anyway, hoping to eliminate any nagging hallucinations of threatening ghosts before they started.

Not bothering to remove his day clothes, Jack crawled into his bed and laid on his back he stared up at his white ceiling and smiled, thinking about his time with Megan and Tuner, it had been... fun.

'Why didn't you go with them?', Adria asked, startling Jack out of his thoughts as she jumped up on to his bed in a cat like fashion, staring down at him from her standing position on a pillow. Jack shrugged, "Didn't want to over stay my welcome I guess". Adria cocked her head to the side, 'well you are kind of annoying'. Jack smirked, "Thanks(!)". 'You're welcome', Adria shrugged as she jumped down, tugged at some of the covers and crawled under the sheets. Jack shivered as he felt the covers being pulled away and tugged back, "We've gotta figure something else out" he muttered. 'You could get a second bed', Adria sleepily answered.

Jack sighed, giving the covers another fruitless tug, "You could go someplace else".

'You want me to leave?'


The winds picked up slowly outside and it began to rain, Jack shivered and shuffled backwards towards Adria's warm and inviting embrace.

It's wrong, it's wrong... What you're doing is wrong... It's wrong, it's wrong... What you're doing is wrong... It's wrong

Don't do it they'll bleed you dry, don't do it, don't it they'll bleed you dry they'll bleed you...

Jack opened his eyes, instantly seeing white mixed with red- blood, he was inside the ward sat on the floor of the long hallways as he drew blood red symbols in a line across the wall. He glanced around himself as he continued to paint, every single wall seemed to be covered in these obscure blood-barrier drawings, and yet it wasn't it enough, it was never enough.

Silence- It was so quiet, why was it so quiet?

Jack stilled his drawing and looked around himself, nearly vomiting in the process, bodies of staff and patients, people he knew and those he didn't littered the halls, their faces frozen, individuals showing the last thought they ever had before they were beaten, slashed or mauled to death by some unseen creature. It was like something from some truly sick horror story, except Jack was a part of it.

A deep rumbling voice emanating from all around him began to laugh, taunting him as it did so; That's it Jacky, stop, give up... We're coming for Jacky, you're gonna die soon, just give up, make it easier on yourself, let the pain and anguish be cut out from your heart in one simple... A horrible slicing and screaming sound filled the room. Jack trembled and stood up, quickly running along the hallway, jumping over all the inanimate bodies that littered the- "Argh!", Jack cried out as he tripped and fell to the hard floor, he quickly tried to get up but something was holding him back. He turned to see a bloodied hand clinging desperately to his bleached white trouser leg, he looked at the face of the hand's owner it was Joe! "Please Jack", he whispered, blood dribbling out of his mouth as he spoke... "Please... Help me-". The life seemed to disappear from his eyes and his head fell to the floor, his body motionless. Jack stared for a brief second before moving over and shaking him, Joe? Joe? Wake up! Please! Joe!

The deep rumbling voice began to laugh once move, he can't hear you Jacky, he's dead, everyone here is dead and it's all your fault!

My fault?

Everything you touch, everyone you know will quickly decay and die Jack, you're cursed, and you don't belong in this world. But don't worry you won't have to live long!

Jack glanced around himself, the room began to grow cold and dark as the deep laughing voice filled the room. Jack backed against one of the many blood covered white walls, shaking and curling in on himself, "…No…".

The voice stopped laughing and took on a more taunting tone, It's inevitable, everyone dies really, the hallways lights began to flicker and switch off as the voice began to taunt. Just what's special about you?

He died, she die, we died, everyone here died,

...and now you die too.

Jack bolted awake, breathing rapidly and clutching himself.

Hope this everyone enjoyed the new chapter, please read and review...