Welcome back everyone! It's nice to see you again! I hope you are well. So, here we are. Juicier and thicker than before. I hope it meets your expectations! Enjoy immensely!


When I was seven, I can recall sitting there in my room with James, crying. He was holding me, stroking my hair. We were never awkward with each other. Actually, I considered him more like a brother than my own brother David, still do as a matter of fact. I guess that's how close cousins can be when you grow up together.

I looked up and saw a girl with very dark hair and dark brown eyes looking at me, holding a small box of what looked to be sweets. She was wearing a dark grey dress that had small black polkadots on it and a little frill around the bottom. She took a breath.

"My mom said to bring this up to you," she whispered, holding out the box.

I sat up and wiped my eyes. James took the small box as I tried to make sense of her accent. It wasn't English, more drawn and laid back.

"You talk funny," I whispered back, not taking my eyes off of her.

She smiled awkwardly and giggled.

"So do you."

I chuckled softly. I had never heard an American accent before. James squeezed my hand before standing up and straightening his trousers. He held out his hand.

"I'm James Potter."

The girl held out her hand and shook it daintily.

"Dimitri Walburn."

"Walburn…," I pondered thinking as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Your parents were friends of my dad, right?" I gazed at her and sniffed.

James turned to look at me as Dimitri answered me.

"Yeah, from what they told me. They decided that they were gonna go ahead and come back to England."

"D'you want any tea or anything?" James asked, still looking at me. I was pretty sure he was only talking to me.

I opened my mouth to answer when Sirius Black, another cousin, came into the room and stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at the three of us.

"Your mum's looking for you," he said finally gazing at me. I stood up and straightened out my own dress, grabbing James' hand. He looked at Dimitri. "You a friend?" He was sometimes too blunt.

Dimitri shrugged.

"My parents were."

"Oh…" It took him a moment to register the accent. "American? Are you serious?"

James smiled, seizing this opportunity.

"No, her name is Dimitri."

Sirius stuck his tongue out at his friend.

I giggled as I sniffed back tears. Dimitri was clueless. I looked at her again and smiled.

"Thank you for the sweets."

"It's just chocolate."

James and Sirius laughed at her. I, on the contrary, rolled my eyes.

The next few years Dimitri and I became close. Whenever we would go over to Sirius' place, she and him would banter back and forth. Regulus, Sirius' younger brother, would watch from a distance.

I remember the first train ride on the Hogwarts' Express. The four of us shared a compartment, after James and Sirius were turned down by another one. I was sad when Dimitri had been sorted into Hufflepuff. In Gryffindor I met Lily Evans, a sweet girl with dark red hair and bright green eyes who was best friends with a Slytherin boy named Severus Snape.

Fifth year marked a strange point in my life. I became a Prefect, and then Professor Slughorn asked me to be in the Slug Club in which only a select few got invited. It was also when James and his friends began sneaking off all the time. This was when I decided to pull out my father's old Potions' journal and begin researching where he left off.

Dimitri would always wander into the library and find me at one of the far back tables with piles of big books around me. I wasn't studying for my O.W.L.s like I should have been. I was instead looking and noting every myth, legend, and fact about werewolves. Dimitri asked me what I was doing, but I shrugged her off. It wasn't until that summer in July when she came over, in tears herself, did I spill to her what was had happened when I was only six. James was the only one that had known by then.

My father, Gregory Cartwright, supposedly "killed himself" after my mother found out. My brother David and I had no idea what had happened. After looking through my father's journal, however, is when I began to see the truth of what had happened to him.

He had been working on something that was almost impossible. And it was only impossible because so many had failed. It was a cure for Lycanthropy: to cure those that had been bitten by a werewolf. To make it correct as his notes had suggested, would be a wondrous discovery. Making it would be a difficult and dangerous process. One small slip of something and I could possibly poison myself, as what Mother had said that Father had done.

In August before term began, Mother saw my O.W.L. results and reprimanded me over my Charms and Transfiguration marks. She then raided my room and found that I had procured Father's journal. Because of this she yelled and hollered at me, calling me a terrible excuse for a witch and a shame on the family. She started comparing me to my brother, which set me on edge even more so. I knew I couldn't go to Dimitri's house, knowing what her parents were up to. Instead I sent Lily an owl, receiving just two days later a yes to going over there for the last week of summer. And off I went….