This is an Allen/Kanda fic. It is based in present day London, England, so of course it's AU, and Kanda and Allen are a bit OOC. The first two chapters will be rated about 'T,' but the last chapter will have lemon, lime- whatever. It's also a bit corny and cheesy. You have been warned!

I own nothing but the plot. So jealous of Hoshino Katsura!


Chapter One: Lust at First Sight

Kanda Yuu

Kanda did not want go to a club. He hated crowds. He hated loud music. He hated drunkards and people, of any sex, that hit on him. And he most certainly did notdance. Therefore, Kanda Yuu hated clubs.

Unfortunately for him his oldest brother, Marie, was a musician and tonight the release of his first album was being celebrated. He would be dubbed a complete and utter ass- not that most people didn't already think he was an ass- if he didn't attend... for at least a few minutes.

That this event was family related, was not what made it tragic for the Japanese boy. It was tragic solely because the whole event was being held at a dance club. The party was being hosted at some posh club in the bohemian district of central London. And so Kanda couldn't be blamed for his lack of enthusiasm regarding this particular event, despite the fact that Marie was his favorite relative. What made it worse was that he was car-pooling to the club with Lenalee, which automatically meant that Lavi would be included in this excursion. Thus, he would be forced to witness his friends' flirting- if not a full make-out session. He shuddered at the thought of such an unwanted show.

Half an hour after Lavi and Lenalee arrived at his house, they deemed that Kanda was presentable. He didn't understand what was so particularly great about the plain, form-fitting, navy blue polo, the plain, ash grey slacks, or his plain, black dress shoes. Even his hair was in the ordinary high ponytail he always kept his long hair in. He only agreed to change because of how under-dressed he'd felt next to his friends. Lenalee wore a strapless, black, baby-doll dress with green stilettos and a matching clutch. Lavi was decked all in black; black slacks, a black dress shirt with the long sleeves kept pushed up to his elbows, and black dress shoes.

When he'd opened the door to let the duo in he'd instantly felt shabby in his everyday clothes. Kanda refused to be 'shabby' in any respect. When they finally arrived at the club he was even more relieved that he'd changed, as all the patrons lined up at the door were dressed to the nines.

China was one of the most expensive, exclusive, and well known clubs in all of Europe. Had Kanda known where they were going he would have dressed up to begin with. He hadn't known that Marie was doing so well with his music, but he must have been in order to be able to host his debut celebration at a place such as this.

The line to get into the club stretched down the block, more than fifty feet from the door. If the three of them hadn't been on the guest list he would have left rather than wait, family be damned. Following behind Lavi and Lenalee as they made their way to the front of the atrociously long line, Kanda fairly sulked. The not-quite-couple had been sickeningly flirtatious in the car and still were. He was relieved to see Marie's girlfriend, Miranda, already at the door. She might be able to rescue him from his disgustingly lovey-dovey friends.

Kanda could only see the back of the person escorting the woman and, from the hair color, he assumed it was an old man- her father, perhaps. Lenalee suddenly pulled her arm from Lavi and practically ran (as well as one can run in three inch heels) the rest of the way to the club door, calling to the pair who seemed to have been chatting amiably with the bouncer.

"Miranda, Allen!"

The two turned to find the source of the jubilant greeting, each smiling at the girl in their own way.

In that moment Kanda was certain that Miranda's surprisingly young escort could be nothing other than the embodiment of winter. Allen was without doubt the most sublimely beautiful creature he had ever seen.

Allen Walker

Allen was more than pleased to finally escape Cross and his… associates. He was just glad that he'd still be on time to pick up Miranda. As a gentleman, tardiness was unacceptable.

Promptly at eight he pulled up to the townhouse that Miranda shared with her boyfriend, Marie. As a long time friend, class mate, and fellow musician it wasn't uncommon for Allen to escort Miranda to various events when Marie was busy or a part of one of those same events. After ringing the bell the young, dark-haired woman emerged in a form-fitting, knee length black dress. Miranda was tall yet she had still decided to wear a pair of red stilettos. Allen supposed that she was just lucky that her boyfriend was also rather tall.

"Miranda, you look exquisite."

"Thank you Allen. You're looking elegant, as always. You've always looked so well in red."

"Thank you. Shall we?" She nodded and he helped her into his car.

Allen knew very well that the woman in his passenger seat had been telling the truth. His outfit was entirely black with the exception of a crimson dress shirt. Everything he wore was tailored to perfection. After years of dressing not only for Cross's more influential acquaintances, but also for his many recitals, shows, and auditions, Allen knew well what he looked most sophisticated, most stunning in. Later he would decide that he'd never been so glad that he'd dressed so impeccably.

When he and Miranda arrived at the club he pulled the car up to the front entrance. As he helped his 'date' out of the car and handed the keys to the valet he silently prayed that the young man would be careful with his vintage automobile. Not more than five minutes later, as he was chatting with the bouncer (who happened to be an old friend) he heard Lenalee call out to Miranda and himself. His oldest friend, Lavi, was right on her heels.

However, it was the third person in their party, the dark-haired male behind the two former, who caught his attention. Allen had always been highly discreet in his scrutiny of others and at this moment he was terribly grateful for that trait in himself. Never before had he come across an individual such as this one. He could barely keep himself from staring outright or ogling the approaching young man.

As the other boy's dark blue eyes finally took him in and returned to his own silver eyes, Allen could easily see that the attraction was mutual. He thanked god for that as he was sure he'd never before seen someone as strikingly beautiful as this young, Japanese man.

He'd be damned if this stunning creature wasn't his own by the end of the evening- or, at the very least, didn't go home with someone else. The very thought was beyond tolerance, for reasons he couldn't quite fathom. However, it would do him no good to get ahead of himself and overwhelm the exquisite boy right away. If he'd learned nothing else from Cross he had at least learned the virtue of patience. Besides, as a gentleman, it was unseemly to be forward and overbearing. And it certainly wouldn't be appropriate for him to introduce himself to a stranger!

"Ah, Lenalee, what wonderful timing." With a smart bow he lifted her hand delicately to his lips. She blushed and he pulled away a bit to admire her. "You look ravishing, as always."

"Thank you, Allen. And you look just as dashing as ever," she replied, the blush not yet leaving her cheeks.

"Oi! Allen, why don't you ever hit on me?" Lavi asked, in mock indignation, a playful smirk curving his lips.

"I would never dare to encroach on Lenalee's territory," he said simply, easily making the quasi-couple flinch and blush in unison. "Besides Lavi... you aren't my type," Allen stated slowly, purposefully, as his gaze lazily but obviously slid to the as-yet nameless boy behind his red-haired friend. He was pleased to see a tiny blush cross the dark-haired boy's cheeks before he scowled and turned away.

Lavi and Lenalee, forgetting their own embarassment for the moment, grinned at their friends' reactions to each other.

"Where are my manners! Allen, this is Kanda Yuu, Marie's youngest brother. Kanda, this is Allen Walker, an old school mate, and my dance partner. Of course, you would know this already if you'd ever come to any of the competitions, like I've been asking for years," Lenalee finished with a playful pout.

He stepped past his friends and bowed slightly to Kanda.

"Hajimemashite*, Kanda-san," Allen said in perfect Japanese- shocking all present- as he held out a hand for the slightly shorter man to shake.

Seemingly rather taken aback by such an address, Kanda absently inclined his head and responded in kind.

The British boy was immediately smitten with the Japanese boy's voice, and not just his looks. The slight accent and deep timbre of the young man's voice was positively sultry.

Translations according to Reviewers:

*Hajimemashite= It's a pleasure to meet you.

I had the translation of "It's a pleasure to meet you" according to Google, but two reviewers, 'Yue' and 'too lazy to sign in' were kind enough to give me the correct phrasing- so thank you, both of you. ( I just knew that the one I had before was wrong! Stupid Google.)

Also the phrase "the most sublimely beautiful creature (s)he had ever seen" was taken from the novel 'Confessor' (I think) by Terry Goodkind. I knew I'd heard that phrase before!

The idea for this fic came out of nowhere. I wanted to write an AU Kanda/Allen fic that went along with the song Let It Rock, by Kevin Rudolf, and suddenly the plot sort of swerved out of control and I ended up with this. Not that I'm unhappy with it, but this is not at all what I intended.

Anyhow, please let me know what you think about it so far.