I'm writing this chapter straight onto my computer, whereas usually I would write it out by hand first. But I've had writer's block (with this story, at least) and I wanted to upload something so … here it is. I don't think it'll be brilliant, but I hope it won't be too bad…

Chapter 4

Two hours later, Hermione was dragging on her coat and stepping out the door, umbrella held high above her head. No matter how mad she was at him, she hated the thought of Malfoy being out in the pouring rain, especially since he hadn't taken his cloak with him. So she hurried along the street, hoping he hadn't gone far.

"Hermione, dear, what are you doing out in the rain?"

Hermione turned to smile at her neighbour, "Hello, Mrs Johnson. How's Angelina?"

"She's at home, still grieving for Fred. Poor girl. Are you okay?" She asked, "You look worried.""Mrs Johnson, I don't suppose you saw Draco Malfoy come past here, did you?"

Mrs Johnson gave her an odd look, "As a matter of fact, I did. He came out of your house and went into the pub down the road. Why?"

Hermione didn't answer, she was already half way down the road, shouting a thank you over her shoulder.

Draco didn't look up from his Firewhiskey, even when he felt a hand on his shoulder,

"I'm not interested." He spat, believing it to be another girl. Despite being an ex-Death Eater, a lot of girls had been flirting with him. Granted, they had all been a lot younger than him … or a lot older. And drunk…

She snorted, "Good, because frankly, you're not that good looking, despite what you keep telling yourself. Come on, Malfoy, come back to the house, I'm cold and I'm wet and it's getting late."

He scowled, still not turning to look at her, "Thought you didn't want me there, Granger."

"You called me a mud blood, what did you expect me to do?"

"Look, I didn't mean it, it was a slip of the tongue. And it's not like I haven't called you a mud blood before.."

Hermione sighed, turning his stool so he was facing her, "I know, and I'm sorry. Can we go home now?" She didn't wait for an answer, "Have you paid for that?" When he nodded, she grabbed him by the wrist and led him out.

"Granger, you're embarrassing me!"

Hermione chuckled, "Good. Come on."

"Go sit by the fire, I'll get dinner started."

Draco scowled, "Yes, mother."

Hermione rolled her eyes, shoving him into the living room and closing the door behind him. It was crazy how fast they'd learned to live with each other. To someone who didn't know them (but, of course, everyone, knew them) they might even be seen as friends. Of course, that wasn't the case. They still hated each other, they had just learnt to get along. At least, that's what Hermione tried to convince herself as she searched the cupboards for something edible. Because there was no way she was going to allow herself - Hermione Granger - to become friends with an ex-Death Eater. Just because he had saved her life, doesn't mean she had to fall in love with him, like every fairy tale she'd ever read. Hermione Granger, was no damsel in distress. And Draco Malfoy was certainly no knight in shining armour. Far from it.

"Granger!" He whined, "How long are you going to be? I'm starving!"

"I hope you like potato soup 'cause it's about the only thing we've got until I can go shopping." She called through to him, glaring down at the tin of soup.

"You'd better be joking, Granger!"

If anyone was a damsel it was going to be Malfoy. He already acted like one.

"If you don't like it, Malfoy, you go out and get some food. 'Cause there is no way I'm going out in the rain just so you can complain about what I decide to buy."

"But it's raining!"

"Oh don't be such a girl!" Hermione snapped, pouring the soup into two bowls and performing a heating charm.

"I am not a girl!" Draco exclaimed.

"Could've fooled me." Hermione muttered as she entered the living room and handed him his soup, "They amount of time you spent in the bathroom this morning."

I don't like this chapter. It's weird. But i still can't write anything better. Also, i'm taking these sleeping tablet ... things so i can't write late at night like i used to. So, i won't be updating this story as often 'cause i won't be writing as often. Uh, i think that's it ... REVIEW!