I am sorry I hate when other does this but it's not an update (yet) just wanted everyone know if you reviewed my story I'm so happy you did, I just never got it because msn locked me out of my account and I need to update my email and stuff. Also real life got in the way with everything, my one brother passed away, my other one moved out so I'm in the middle of trying to sell the house and move myself not that you all care just letting you all know why I haven't been updating or anything. Once I get into my own place and get things working I'll be back here. Thanks again for all the good reviews as for the rude one I look at it this way, you don't like how I have the story going, my grammar spelling or how I have things in the story I mean after all it's called fan fiction, fiction being the keyword than hit the back button I'm not letting it get to me, want to give a rude or mean review go ahead I don't care, but for the ones who does like this story I'm sorry for the vent.

Battle on everyone! Till can get back again.