36. Market

"Darlin', I am in the damn aisle, and I'm telling you they don't have…wait a minute, yeah alright, found it. Be home soon, love ya."

37. Technology

Neither of them much cared for it. For Kurt, it was too much like wearing a mask, only this one covered his whole body, and made him have to take such care that his tail didn't lash out and spoil the illusion. Logan just hated that he was kept looking into the face of a stranger, even if said stranger had Kurt's scent and voice. Each time Kurt had to wear it, Logan promised it would be the last time, even though they both knew it was a lie.

38. Gift

Logan knew he was in deep when he found himself sat before a computer at two in the morning, scrolling through websites suggesting 'Perfect Valentine Gifts for Him!'

39. Smile

"Who's the breakfast for Logan?"

"None a' your business kid."

"Wow, eggs, and toast, and bacon. And orange juice. How bad did you screw up?"

"I said none a' your business. And wipe the smirk off your face…Marie."

Rogue's grin, if anything, grew wider as she watched him walk away.

40. Innocence

Kurt had this habit, if he was feeling particularly needing, or if he felt like messing with Logan, or if he was just plain bored. It wasn't that Logan minded this habit per se, it's just, it was always slightly startling. Kurt just didn't look the type to drop in, literally, on someone completely naked.

A/N: Hey any and all readers I may still have. No, I'm not completely dropped off the face of the planet. I just really suck at finishing anything with more than one chapter apparently. I'm trying to work on that, but it's slow going. My apologies.

Also, the tech in #37 is meant to be that image disguiser thing Kurt had, the proper name of which escapes me now.