AUTHOR'S NOTE! But please read anyways!

Hey Fanfictioneers! I just wanted to say that I didn't win the contest. :( But that's okay! Because I made a new friend in the process and we all know that's good. She was the one hosting (is that the right word to use like that?) the contest, Fanfreak4Channy! *claps and cheers* I also enjoyed writing that one-shot (oh good golly fluffiness, don't get me started on how much I loved it) and hope you guys did, too. :)

I swear I'm working on the next chapter of Kittens For Sale! It's just I've been having a lot of writer's block and not a lot of time to write. (School stinks!) I would like to know if you want me to continue Kittens For Sale! or just leave it the as the one-shot? If you did want me to continue, there would probably be 2 or 3 more chapters, because I got some drama for you guys! Anyway, PLEASE tell me in your reviews!

Also, for those that have That's So Sonny on story alert, seriously, that story is done; you can take it off of alert. I like freak out when I see that 23 people have a finished story on alert. So, for my state of mind, pretty please take it off of alert? I guess you don't have to, but it would be nice… Well, that's all I have to say, so please review on this story and review the answer to the Kittens For Sale! question thingy.

Love you guys!