Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

Shot heard around the world

A tear between the seams

Will there be Independence

Or perhaps Dominance

Ominous clouds of death

Cry tears of loss

Red on red

Clear on blue

Emerald reflected in cerulean

Is it hate or is it longing, I cannot tell

None the less the muskets rise

A once mighty Empire begins to crumble

Is it tears or is it the rain

Falling down a mask of hate

I fear my brother is no longer my friend

A family's bond now in pieces

Each reluctant to finish the puzzle

Idiot why are you making me wait

Hesitation in your steps

It feels like slow motion

Yet it's a blur to me now

A cracking sound on harden wood

The weapon lies no longer pure

Down on your knees you look so small and weak

I wonder if this is how you saw me the first time we met

Now the walls have fallen

A once trapped boy now a free man

"You used to be so big"

~Revolutionary War~