Enjoy. ^^


The room was silent, but peaceful now. The fireplace still created warmth into the room. Ivan loved it. The warmth was the best, but he loved Matthew so much more. His soft silky hair, his warm body against Ivan's as they held each other comfortably. Ivan couldn't remember when he's ever been this happy. But still, Ivan knew he'd have to take it slow with Matthew, the slightest bit of affection and Matthew would get scared... maybe he wouldn't have to take it so slow, if he knew what to say. It was worth a try. Ivan gently kissed Matthew's head. He only felt Matthew's heart skip a beat once. Perhaps he wasn't that scared, that heartbeat, Ivan knew well enough from his own experience that it was because of love, not fear.

"...I love you, Matthew"

"I... I-I love you, too"

It was cute, Ivan loved how shy Matthew was. He was so adorable when he'd try to speak sometimes.

Matthew was such a kind and considerate boy, how could Ivan not love him? Also, even though Ivan was frightening to the other students, Matthew had enough courage to say no to him from time to time.

Ivan stopped hugging Matthew and moved his hands down to Matthew's lower front, but before he could do anything Matthew stepped away immediately.

"Matthew, come back. I promise I won't do anything like that"

Matthew stepped forward towards Ivan. Ivan then began buttoning his shirt back up.

As Ivan did this he looked at the worry in Matthew's eyes. Matthew simply wasn't used to this kind of thing; close contact was probably the thing that frightened him most.

"You're a nervous wreck Matthew" Ivan said.


"You need to calm down"

Once Ivan was finished he headed back to the fireplace.

"What should we do with him?" Ivan said pointing at Carlos.

Matthew's eyes grew wide. He had forgotten about Carlos, even through all that, Ivan could see the shame on his face. Ivan only smiled at this.

"I'll be right back" Ivan said as he lifted Carlos over his shoulder and walked outside the library.

Once Ivan had closed the door behind him he noticed something. There were lights flashing in the school gym. People were partying? Apparently no one noticed or cared that Matthew was freezing before, not that much anyway. Ivan frowned. He continued to the sick room and once there, he put Carlos on the bed. He stepped outside and found Yao walking by.

"Mr. Yao"

"Yes Aru?"

"I need you to take care of someone"


Ivan led Yao into the sick room and pointed at Carlos. There was much shock on Yao's face as he ran to his side.

"Aiyaaah! What happened to him aru!"

"He was a bad boy" Ivan smiled before leaving.

That takes care of that... Ivan thought.

He headed back to the library to find Matthew sitting near the fireplace.

Ivan walked over to Matthew, turned him around and pulled him onto his lap and smiled. Matthew, even though his head pointed down, his eyes looked up at Ivan.

"Ivan, is he ok?"

"Da, do not worry about him"

Matthew nodded. Ivan then leaned in close and gave Matthew a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Ivan knew Matthew was afraid of breaking the rules for his own selfish reasons, but Matthew has done what everyone else wanted for far too long, it was his turn to gain something, and Ivan was going to be the one to give it to him. Ivan leaned his face in close to Matthew's face. Matthew shut his eyes awaiting the kiss. Then, Ivan kissed him softly. Matthew's hands trembled only a little, until Ivan took hold of his hands. Matthew's soft hands made Ivan happy to hold them. Ivan slowly pulled away from the kiss and stared into Matthew's eyes smiling. Matthew stared back. His cheeks turned red from blushing.

Then, he smiled softly at Ivan.

"...There... that's what I wanted to see" Ivan said.

"...Ivan... D...Do you.. p-promise..."


"W-Will, you ever... l-leave me?"

Ivan understood what Matthew was trying to say. He held Matthew gently as he closed his eyes smiling.

"I promise I will not leave you"

"Thank you" Matthew whispered as he closed his eyes as well.


The feeling around them was not as warm as it was last night. Ivan opened his eyes to see the fireplace was off. Did Toris turn it off? He looked down at his chest to see Matthew sleeping peacefully there. It would be a shame to wake such a stressed boy from a peaceful sleep.

"Good morning" came a voice from beside Ivan.

Ivan looked in the direction the voice came from to see Arthur sitting in a chair watching the two. Oh no. Ivan thought Matthew was busted, the position they were in didn't look too school wise.

"I'd like to know, Ivan, why Mr. Williams is laying on you" Arthur said.

Clearly the guy hated Ivan, that wasn't hard to see. Ivan knew why though, he did break so many rules and Arthur was very strict about the rules. Even though Ivan seemed to be caught, he knew they didn't do anything too bad last night.

"He was tired, and weak, we both fell asleep"

"Alright" Arthur nodded., "and one more thing..."



Ivan tried hard not to smile at Arthur's sudden outburst of anger, but it was so funny.

"He tried to hurt Mr. Williams again, I had to do something"

Arthur facepalmed as he groaned. Things just weren't going his way.

"Just...Come to my office at lunch today..." He said as he got up but just before he left he turned and looked at Ivan, "Oh... I have invited your family for tomorrow's family get together, It's an occasion the school has once in a while, I hope you don't mind"

Ivan did mind, to have his sisters here, that would embarrass him, people would see the soft side to him and probably use that as his weakness. He glared at Arthur.


Arthur left the room and closed the door behind him. That man is awfully nosy, still... he looked back at Matthew He does worry about Matthew, he treats him as if he were his son

Ivan began petting Matthew's head gently. He smiled. Good thing it's Sunday or you'd be late for class. Then, Matthew lifted his head and looked at Ivan with tired eyes. It was the most adorable thing Ivan had ever seen, just looking at him made his heart skip. Ivan smiled as he blushed staring at his love. He sat up and held Matthew in his arms tightly. He kissed Matthew's head softly and stroked his hair.

"So, Mr. Williams" Ivan sad jokingly, "What do we do on a Sunday?"

"...Um... Whatever you want, I guess..."

Ivan grinned. Whatever I want, huh? Ivan knew he couldn't do anything too extreme, not yet anyway, but he could be romantic, or try. He stood up and held out his hand to Matthew. Matthew shyly took his hand and Ivan helped him up.

"You should get your sweater...Da?"

Matthew nodded then picked up his sweater and put it on. Ivan grabbed his coat that was laying on the floor and slipped it on.

"Did you have something you needed to do Ivan?" Matthew said.

Ivan thought for awhile, did he have something to do? Then, he realized he hadn't called his sisters in a few days. It was only a few days but knowing Katyusha she'd treat it like a year.

"...Da..." Ivan said as he turned around and headed for the door. Matthew followed, but as soon as they were outside the library the blinding light from the windows hurt their eyes, at least the library had curtains. Ivan saw it, the snow on the ground outside. That's what was so blinding. The snow. Winter came too soon for Ivan. He could only think about how lovely it would look if it had some colour added to it, blood maybe. This thought brought a grin to his face. Ivan walked to the phone and dialled the number. Matthew was about to follow when he heard his brother shout for him. He looked in the direction his brother was and headed over.

Finally, Katyusha picked up.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded a little worried.


"OH BROTHER!" She shouted, "It has been a while! How are you?"

"Let me talk to him" Came Natalia's voice.

"H-Hold on Natalia, so how have you been? Anything new?"


"Oh really? Like what?"

Ivan did not want to say, if he told Katyusha he was in love she'd tell Natalia, and that would not do well for Ivan. How will he be able to stay near Matthew if Natalia is clinging to him once she comes...? Toris! Of course, Toris loved Natalia, perfect, he could use him.



"You ok? You didn't answer me"

"Oh... um, I just made couple of friends"

"Really! That's great!"

"...Then I lost them..."

"O-oh... that's, terrible... I'm so sorry brother"

"I want to talk to him"

"Alright Natalia, here you go"

Ivan smiled, hearing his sisters voices did comfort him from time to time. They were the only ones he knew that would not leave him... right?

"Hello brother" Natalia said.

"Hello Natalia"

"I've missed you brother, and I can't wait to see you tomorrow"

"...Da, you too" Good feeling suddenly gone, just thinking about tomorrow made Ivan's stomach hurt.

"I have to go now sis"

"I love you brother"

"...I love you too"

He hung up. Ivan sighed deeply, his plan had better work for tomorrow.

Then, he spotted Toris walking by, perfect, he could tell him right now. He headed over to Toris who was getting food from the cafeteria. Ivan gently placed a hand on his shoulder but that was enough to make Toris jump and spin around to look at Ivan's face.

"Toris, I need you for something"

"Y-yes? W-What do y-you n-need?"

It was easy to see Toris was still afraid of Ivan after what he'd have seen. The nice thing to do would be to ask how Feliks was, but Ivan wasn't the kind of person to care about his victims, so he didn't bother to.

"You know my sister Natalia, Da?"


"Hey hurry up! I'm starving here!" A voice from behind Ivan came obviously waiting for someone to move so he could get his food.

Ivan immediately smacked the boy knocking him to the ground. He then turned back to Toris and smiled. Just hurting that boy made Ivan's day. This didn't help Toris trust Ivan though.

"I want you to keep her company when she comes tomorrow"

"...R-Really!" Toris said excitedly, "O-Of course I'll keep her company, I promise you I'll be an angel to her!"

Too easy, Ivan grinned, but in a friendly way.



Sorry if its not perfect, I wrote this during my writers block. OTL Wait till next update.