A/N: I think it's hard to write the MOMENT they get together… because Brennan's character is SO damn complicated. Is it just me? Or does everyone find that a challenge when writing an FF. ? Anyways, I gave it a shot, because many people wanted more of this… so this is the last one… I hope you like it. =)


"I've been thinking a lot about our relationship lately, Booth?" Brennan announced as they sat in the royal diner sipping on coffee during lunch break.

Booth's ears pricked up, instantly on alert.

"Okay…" he said drawing out the word in anticipation.

Ever since the car accident the two of them had been involved in less than six months ago, Brennan's mind had been active with new thoughts and possibilities regarding the subject of love. She had been thinking about chemicals and emotions and feelings. Every time that Brennan was around Booth, she had the classic symptoms of the love emotion. Her stomach was tight and knotted, as if butterflies were swarming her stomach. Her heart rate increased every time he said her name. She almost stopped breathing when he looked deep into her eyes.

"I know that I refuse to change, and that I told you I am a scientist and that my views regarding our personalities would clash over differences such as religion… but sometimes I find that when I'm alone, it seems like such an irrelevant issue."

"It is," he shrugged casually. He could see where she was going with this conversation, and he could predict that with enough time she would revert back to her old habits and tell him that scientists CANT change. But he listened to her as she rambled on about the subject of love.

"Do you think a relationship could work, if one has completely different beliefs?" she challenged. "I mean, how… how would that work?"

"You stay away from the sore subject," he answered easily. Booth had thought about it MANY times before, how it would work if Brennan would give him a chance.

"What if it couldn't be ignored?" she baited.

"Then you make the most of the situation," Booth put down his coffee mug and stopped to look at her. "Listen, Bones, life isn't easy for anyone, and every couple whether they have the same beliefs or not have something else to argue about. No relationship is without problems," he pointed out.

"But you can limit them, why put yourself in a relationship where you know it's going to create problems…" she insisted.

"It all depends then," he shrugged.

"On what?"

"How much the person matters… how much you love them… if you're willing to fight for them…"

"I am," she whispered.

Booth's heart quickened. "You… what"

"I had a lot of time to think when I was in the Maluku Islands a while ago, and ever since then I find it difficult to reason with myself on the subject. I know that we have our differences, and I'm a scientist. I won't ever believe in God, Booth, you have to know that."

He nodded sadly. "I know…"

"But maybe we could…"

Booth's eyes widened and his heart quickened more so. "Bones, are you sure?"

She shrugged nervously as she poured out her emotions. "I know I've changed a lot over the past few years, you've changed me Booth… I have come to trust you, and depend on you, and I know that when I was a child I felt the burden of abandonment." She looked at him, carefully trying to remember a single time that he had ever failed her.

"What?" he asked.

"You never let down, Booth," she confessed.

"I try not to," he said with a small smile.

"You've always been there for me."

"You've been there for me, too."

"I don't know how you feel about me now, whether you moved on like you said or…"

He chuckled. "I can't."

"I don't know what that means."

"It means I can't ever get over you. I tried. I failed. I tried again… nothing," he grinned. "You belong with me Bones. We belong together. The world has been screaming that out for years, I know this because I've been screaming it too."

Brennan blushed.

"You really love me, Booth?"

"More than you'll ever know," he confirmed.

She nodded. "I love you as well…" she said.

His face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. "Good."


"What, Bones?"

She laughed and leaned over the stool to kiss his cheek.

"Nuh, nuh," he scolded. He wrapped his arms around her waist and slid her across to him. "That's not a kiss, this is a kiss…" he whispered before meeting his lips with hers.

The bit about them belonging together, I just saw an E/D interview and Emily was saying something about how she thought they belonged together, and so I interpreted that. Hope it wasn't TOO OOC. Hope you liked it guys… =) thanks for reading, alerting and reviewing. You've all been incredible.