Rory's De Ja Vu

Rory is at her 3rd year at Yale University and she has just broken up with Logan because she found out that he had been sleeping with his sisters bridesmaids over thanksgiving semester.
Rory gets offered to go on a student exchange programme in England to the University at Oxford run by Lucinda Cornwell and Rory decides to take it, she decides she needs to get away from Yale for a bit and Logan because he keeps trying to win her back.
That Friday afternoon Rory goes home to Stars Hollow and starts packing because she leaves Saturday night.
Rory arrives at her childhood home and her mums jeep is parked up the driveway

Rory hops out of her car and goes inside the house

"Hey Mum, where are you?" Rory yells through the house

"Kitchen" Lorelai yells back and Rory goes into the Kitchen

"Coffee please?" Rory asks and Lorelai pours her some for both of them

"The break up with Logan's been tough especially now with him sending flowers to my dorm, and other things" Rory says

"Oh Im sorry hun, he came to see me yesterday and asked for my advise" Lorelai says

"That's fine, but do you know what he did today?" Rory asks

"No, what?" Lorelai asks

"I just got out of the newspaper office and a guy with a coffee cart started following me, apparently Logan paid for him to follow me in case I wanted Coffee anytime, it was weird" Rory says

"Well he doesn't seem to be giving up" Lorelai says

"I know, I need to tell you something" Rory says

"What is it?' Lorelai asks

"Well you know I have been talking about the Student Exchange programme for a few months now, since Logan and I broke up actually, well I got offered a place at Oxford university for the next 3 semesters which will
be until December so I accepted a place" Rory says

"That's great sweetie, when do you leave?" Lorelai asks

"Saturday morning 9am, I have to be there for classes Monday morning" Rory says

"That soon" Lorelai says "Does Emily and Richard know?"

"Yeah, I had Lunch with them today, They meeting me before I leave morning at the airport" Rory says "And they told me that Friday night Dinner is cancelled tonight, they have dinner plans with friends"

"Cool" Lorelai says grabbing her coat "Let go to Luke's for dinner to Celebrate"

"That sounds good" Rory says and grabs a coat because it is cold outside.

Rory and Lorelai walks to Luke's because it is close.
When they walk through the doors the bell rings above the door.

Miss Patty comes up to Rory and Lorelai "Hey Rory, how are you doing?" Miss Patty asks

"Ok Miss Patty" Rory says "Iv'e been offered a place in Student exchange programme in England at Oxford University, I leave tomorrow morning"

"That great, who long for?" Barbette asks overhearing it

"Till December I'll miss you both when I go" Rory says "And Stars Hollow" Rory and Lorelai sit down at a table

Luke comes over to Lorelai and Rory. Luke kisses Lorelai and hugs Rory.

"What whats with all the excitement?" Luke answers

"Rory got accepted into a Student exchange programme in England at Oxford" Lorelai says

"That's great Rory" "Luke says "You will be missed"

"Yeah, and so will your coffee, but Im not leaving till tomorrow morning about 9am" Rory says

"So what will it be?" Luke asks

"Coffee, Chili Fries and a burger, thanks Luke" Rory says

"Same here for me, ooh plus some pie" Lorelai says like a little kid

"Ok, coming right up" Luke says and goes away to get their orders and coffee

Luke comes back with cups of coffee an puts them infront of Rory and Lorelai a few minutes later Luke brings them there diner.
Once they are finished they go back home and Rory gets her bags of clothes from the car.
Rory starts packing her suitcase and puts several books in there.
Rory goes to bed after she has finished packing and Lorelai does too.
Luke is home to Lorelai's by the time they go to sleep.

"Good night Rory" Luke says standing in her doorway

"Good night Luke, Im glad you and my mum are together, you make her happy" Rory says

"Thanks Rory" Luke says and leaves Rory's room and goes to Lorelai's

Lorelai and Luke hop into bed "Night Luke" Lorelai says kissing Luke on the lips

"Night Lorelai" Luke says kissing Lorelai

The next morning Rory gets up and has shower, she gets dressed and has the breakfast that Luke made of chocolate chip pancakes.
After Rory has had breakfast Lorelai drives Rory to the airport and when she gets there they go in and her grandparents are all ready there.
Rory cheeks in 2 hours before her flight and her suitcase gets cheeked in and tagged. Then Rory says her goodbyes to her family.

"Hope you have a safe trip Rory" Richard says hugging his granddaughter "Here is a gift for the flight" Richard hands her a package

"I will grandpa and thanks"

"Bye Rory, Have a nice time at Oxford" Emily says hugging her granddaughter "Ring us when you get there ok"

"I will grandma" Rory says

"Bye Sweetie, have a great time at Oxford, make new friends and call often" Lorelai says hugging her daughter "I will miss you"

"Yeah, I'll miss you to, see you at Christmas, Bye Mum" Rory says hugging Lorelai back

Over the speakers tells Rory that her plane is boarding soon 'Passengers on Fight BA 4686 on British Airways to London please proceed to boarding lounge your plane will be boarding in 5 minutes at gate 23A'

"That's me, see you Mum, Grandma Grandpa" Rory says hugging them one last time

"Bye sweetie" Lorelai says

"Bye Rory" Emily and Richard says "There will be a car picking you up at Heathrow airport to take you to Oxford"

"Thanks Grandma, Grandpa" Rory says then heads of to the boarding lounge waving to her family

Rory goes through a bunch of security to get to the boarding lounge and when she gets there her plane is boarding.
She gets out her ticket and passport and shows the people at the gate when she is boarding the plane.
Rory boards the plane and finds her seat in economy class, she puts her handbag in the overhead compartment and takes her seat by the window, she doesn't notice that a guy sit down in the seat beside her because she is looking out the window.
20 minutes later the plane starts to take off and Rory opens the package her grandfather gave her.
Rory opens the book that was in the package called 'Dear John' and starts reading her book and they guy beside her talks who is Tristan.

"Hello Mary I see you still like reading books" Tristan says and it gets Rory's attention and she looks up from her book

"Tris...tan" Rory says shocked "It's been so long"

"Yes it has Rory, what brings you to a flight to London?" Tristan asks

"Im going to Oxford till December on a student exchange programme thing, I just needed to get out of Connecticut for a bit" Rory says

"What about you?" Rory asks putting the book down

"Same exact thing" Tristan says

"Oh so you going to oxford as well on the student exchange thing to get away from an ex boyfriend, who keeps trying to win you back?" Rory asks joking

"I didn't know you where..." Rory says and Tristan cuts her off

"Rory Im not gay" Tristan says whispering in her ear "It's my father who Im getting away from, he's just been very controlling since I got back from military school"

"Oh that must suck; you know I was just joking right about you..." Rory says and Tristan cuts her off again

"I know, so why you trying to get away from Dean, I though you to where serious about on another?" Tristan asks

"Um I'm not with Dean no more, we broke up a while ago, my grandparents did all they could to split us up and it worked" Rory says

"It's actually a guy called Logan Iv'e been dating, I went to his sister's wedding a few months ago and was hanging out with her and her bridesmaids, I found out from three of them that they slept with during thanksgiving when me and Logan where going through a difficult
time in the relationship so I broke up with him and ever since then I haven't talked to him but he keeps trying to win me back, with all he could think of. One day he even payed for a guy who has a coffee cart to follow me around all day in case I wanted Coffee.
So when I got offered the Student Exchange I took it without having to think about it" Rory says

"That sounds like what my cousin Logan Huntzberger did to try and get his girlfriend back, he calls her Ace they go to Yale together, but she still hasn't talked to him, he even asked help from her mother..." Tristan says and notices that Rory is uncomfortable about it

"Are you Ok Rory?" Tristan asks "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, um Im the one that your cousin is trying to win back" Rory says

"You and Logan?" Tristan asks

"Yeah, I meet him the same night Dean broke up with me at a party my grandparents was having" Rory says

"I thought you were going to Harved?" Tristan asks

"No, I choose Yale in the end" Rory says "Can you not tell Logan about us talking"

"Sure" Tristan says and Rory puts a smile on her face

"So did you know that Paris is at Yale, she didn't get accepted to Harved?" Tristan asks

"Yeah I did, she is actually had a break down on CSpan when she didn't get into Harved" Rory says "And she actually is my roommate"

"You, Paris friends how did that happen?" Tristan asks

"Um I think it had to do with the fact you weren't there" Rory say "I glad to get away from Yale from the Yale Daily news"

"Why?" Tristan asks

"Well Paris is editor and she has a system of a board where she has magnets so she knows where all the staff are at all times and she has taken the magnets away to say that people are in the bathroom, so everyone is getting annoyed with her
and I have been in the middle of the whole thing for weeks and Im tired of it" Rory says "So Im glad to be away from there and I heard that some staff members talking about wanting demoting Paris from editor"

Tristan laughs catching up on what he has missed

"How was military school?' Rory asks

"Yeah, ok, graduated, got of my father's bad side but he's still trying to control me for the time being, but not really much else to tell you" Tristan says

"Well that's good and bad" Rory says

"I have to ask this one question Rory, why are you being so nice to me now, talking to me when a lot of the time at Chilton you always claimed to hate me, I don't get it?" Tristan asks

"It's not that I didn't like you, in fact I though you where pretty ok, I didn't like being called Mary all the time and when I told you that I hated you infront of Dean it was just because he got jealous, Plus Paris also had a thing for you" Rory says looking straight at Tristan "Im sorry"

Rory get a sudden impulse to kiss Tristan and she doesn't know why but she kisses him and Tristan automatically kisses her back then she pulls away remembering they are on the plane.
Tristan is about to say something when the air hostess comes around with Lunch.

"What would you like, chicken or ham sandwich?" Anna the air hostess asks

"Chicken" Tristan and Rory says at the same time and gives them both chicken sandwiches

"Anything to drink?' Anna asks "Coffee, Tea, Juice, water?"

"Coffee" Rory says and Tristan chuckles

"Tea" Tristan says

Anna pours Rory a cup of coffee and Tristan a cup of Tea and hand them to Rory and Tristan.
Once Anna has left Tristan decides to speak.

"What was that kiss all about Rory?" Tristan asks sipping his Tea

"I don't know" Rory says drinking her coffee "Im sorry"

"I dont get it, how can you not know, you're the one who kissed me Rory?" Tristan asks

"I know I did. Im sorry Tristan" Rory says guessing that he regretted the kiss and she turning away from Tristan and picks up her book to read because she doesn't want to talk to him.

A while later she falls asleep. Then Rory wakes up hours later just before they serve dinner.
Tristan who has fallen asleep beside her is still asleep and wakes up when Anna comes to their Row.
Rory gets coffee, fruit salad mix, a chicken meal and a muffin. Tristan gets all the same including a coffee with milk.
Rory and Tristan eat in quite both not talking to one another. After dinner Rory reads her book again until the plane lands.

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