Chapter 3- Seifer: The Second Meeting of the Asshole and the Fucking Chickenwuss

AN- Hey! It's finally here, the next chapter of WDtH. God knows it took long enough, but I barely had any time during this month to write anything other than my NaNoWriMo piece. Thankfully, I only have 2000 more words left for that, and I figure two days is enough for that. Only 1000 words a day, yay!

So this has been my baby all through the month. Every time I got another hundred words in, my heart just almost burst with love for it. I love writing Seifer. I love, love, love writing my precious Seifer. Especially right after Naminé. Naminé's hard to write for me. And Hayner's always bipolar with me. Sometimes he flows real easy, and other times I have to drag him out kicking and screaming. But not Seifer.

Before I go into complete rapture about how wonderful writing Seifer is, I will officially apologize for withholding this chapter so long. I actually finished it around the eighteenth, but it was total shit. So I spent another ten days editing it and making it better. It went from a measly 3000 words to a whopping 5000. My longest chapter yet if you can believe it! Hopefully they'll continue getting longer so you, my beautiful readers, can be entertained for longer. Also, I probably will have updates a little faster now that November is almost over. No more 50000 word novel to write anymore, so I'll have more free time to do this.

Hey, have you ever noticed that the Riku Replica kind of sounds like a scorned girlfriend or something when he talks to Sora? Maybe it's just me, but I was giggling a little bit during one of the fight scenes where he says Sora keeps 'worming his way into his heart' or something. I can't remember the exact quote anymore. I'll send cyber cookies to whoever can get it for me!

Disclaimer-Demyx and Zexion have no interaction during the games. I am a rabid, frothing at the mouth Zemyx fan. You do that math.

Seifer really had no problem with moving in his junior year of high school. He'd always been a bit of an outsider, mostly due to his holier-than-thou attitude and a mouth that you wanted to wash out with soap. So, he really was being completely and totally honest when he said that the move itself was no trouble. It was just the place they'd happened to move, and he hadn't even minded that until this very moment.

"One day I woke up, woke up knowing that today is the day I will die!" A voice blasted from the house next door. Seifer made an attempt to block out the noise by burying his head in his pillow. Not that the guy was a bad singer exactly… a little too mellow for his taste, but otherwise okay. The problem was that it was fucking five thirty in the morning. Five. Fucking. Thirty. Seifer just wanted to go smash his fist into the singer's nose. And then leave him there, bleeding and unconscious, and then go straight back to sleep.

"Cashdogg was barking, went to the park and enjoyed that one last time! Called my mother, told her I loved her, and begged her not to cry!"

Assuming the voice was not going to stop anytime soon, Seifer blearily sat up just as his sister burst into the room, pink Barbie pajamas and everything. "Seifer. What the hell is that and can you go beat him up now?"

"Wrote her a letter that said I'd miss her and signed that goodbye!" the voice blared. They both winced again. Seifer was seriously considering going over there and actually punching the bastard rather than just fantasizing about it, when a new voice cut him off. This one wasn't singing, but it was no less loud either. In fact, it was louder. Like, all caps loud.


"Hayner, there's a lady in the house, don't use such foul language!" the first voice yelled back, a note of fear in it, hidden behind a chipper attitude. "And I'm just making up for yesterday!"

"Don't you dare send that stupid redhead over again just to avoid me! I'll sic Larxene on you! I'll tell her where you live! And then I'll tell Saïx where you live and send him over there on a full moon to eat you!"

"Saïx isn't a werewolf no matter how much you may think it, Hay Hay!"

"Yes, he is, I swear! There's no way that I just dreamed that up! He was fucking clawing at my window! Clawing! On a full moon! And don't call me that stupid nickname, Demykins!"

"Oh no! Get the silver bullets, there's a big scary tree branch outside!"


Seifer slowly turned his head over to look at Xion. She looked thoughtful, one hand placed on her chin in an exaggerated pose. Suddenly, her eyes lit up in realization. "Oh! That must be Demyx and Hayner. Really should have expected this from what Naminé told me about them yesterday."

He blinked once. Twice. Three times. Then, "You know them?"

"Yeah, indirectly," Xion smiled sheepishly at him, running a hand through her mussed up black hair. "They're my new best friend's brothers. Or, one's her brother. The other one's just a close family friend."

He let that sink in for a moment. His hand was then very politely introduced to his face. "I'm going to hate it here, aren't I?"

"Don't be so pessimistic," Xion chided, leaving the room to let him get dressed.

He stayed sitting on the bed for another moment, trying to ignore the loud argument, before heaving himself up. He could hear Cloud's half comprehensible, "Whazzat?" most likely to Xion as she passed him in the hallway. Tifa slept like a log, so he assumed she was not bothered by these new circumstances. He pulled a pair of jeans and a T-shirt on before settling his usual beanie on his head. Staring into the mirror, he allowed himself a smirk of satisfaction that quickly slipped away as a loud crash reverberated from the house next door. He slammed the door behind him as he left the room.

Cloud gazed at him over his coffee as he entered the kitchen, half smile on his lips. While this might seem normal to anyone else, in Cloud world a half smile was the equivalent of a full-blown grin. Seifer eyed him warily as he collapsed on the table. "Morning, Seifer. Can't imagine why you're up at this hour."

"Go to hell," Seifer groaned, burying his head in his arms. His foster dad let out a single chuckle, leading to being on the receiving end of an exhausted, yet still intimidating glare. In fact, the tiredness probably made it more threatening. "Why are you so fucking happy this morning anyway? Nothing's that funny about being woken up by a fucking screaming match, even if it does make for relatively amusing entertainment."

They paused to listen to the scream of, "NAMINÉ, KEEP HIM AWAY FROM THE KNIFE DRAWER FOR GOD'S SAKE! I WANT TO LIVE! I HAVE A TEST TOMORROW!" before continuing on with their conversation.

"You should be glad Tifa's not up to hear you talk like that," Cloud thought for a moment, taking another sip of his coffee and sighing. "I guess I'm just glad that we finally got here in one piece. Ten hours in a car with Tifa is not fun."

As an afterthought, he added, "Don't tell her I said that."

"My lips are sealed if you give me some of that coffee," Seifer bargained, rubbing his temples to rid himself of the oncoming headache. Cloud's lips twitched again.


Xion placed a plate of toast and sausage in front of both of them, before collapsing in the seat with her own. She chomped into one of her sausages viciously. Seifer thought it reminded him of how a starving animal would eat. "You really should have come to school yesterday, Seif. It's pretty awesome there if I may say so myself. And then you wouldn't have had to help with all the dull moving stuff."

"Not all of us can be as rested as you after only two hours of sleep," Seifer slammed the mug onto the table after he'd chugged down the rest of the coffee. His foster dad looked down into the empty cup in mild despair. "Now that I think about it, I did hear some guitar music coming from there yesterday."

"It was at a more reasonable time, though," Cloud noted, heading to the fridge to grab a soda instead. "Like, quarter of seven."

"And there wasn't any fucking yelling," Seifer finished, stuffing a piece of toast into his mouth. Xion gave him a disgusted look. He retaliated by glaring at her threateningly, and stuffing another one in as well. "Wa'it?"

"Your eating habits are sickening," Xion informed him, wrinkling her nose. Cloud nodded sagely in the background. Seifer just tugged his beanie down over his eyes and slumped down sulkily.

"Hudhrlipson," Seifer mumbled from around the bread. Xion raised an eyebrow delicately, before devouring another sausage. Seifer slowly chewed and swallowed, two pieces of toast a little bit too much even for his cavernous mouth. He stole Cloud's soda and took a sip while the man wasn't watching. "Shut the hell up, Xion. You're one to talk."

She just flashed him a toothy grin. Little sausage bits greeted him, and he looked away.

It was another forty five minutes before it was a reasonable enough time to leave for school. Tifa hadn't woken up the whole time, the lucky woman. The house next door had finally gone quiet around five minutes before they left, but nobody had departed from it yet.

Xion dragged him over to the hereon out dubbed Fucking Psychopaths' House, even though he firmly planted his heels and shook his head violently. He didn't want to go anywhere near the fucking early birds. But Xion had insisted, saying something about he just had to meet Naminé, because she was her new best friend and she needed to meet Hayner and Demyx too, or the two of them could never connect on a truly deep level. When he had asked her why the fuck she connect on a truly deep level anyway, she had merely rolled her eyes and dragged him there with brute force. It hurt his pride a bit to admit that he fought her tooth and nail every step, but she was the only one to make any progress. But then again, Xion was stronger than a herd of oxen when she set her mind to it. Only Tifa could ever resist her limb removing pull.

They arrived at the door just as it opened, the timing of which Seifer personally thought was a bit too creepy to not have been planned in advance. A delicate looking blond in a simple white dress and black jacket stood in the doorway. Her blue eyes lit up at the sight of them, and she waved enthusiastically. Holding up one finger to indicate for them to wait a second, she disappeared around the corner. She came back before he could take the opportunity to slip away while his sister was distracted, a sketchbook held in one hand, and the front of a shirt in another.

It soon became apparent that the shirt was attached to a chest, which in turn was attached to the rest of a body. Seifer's gaze traveled up from the white hand to the tan face that was glaring at him like he was the devil spawn. He blinked, contemplating on whatever he could have done already to make the person hate him. However, when he met chocolate brown eyes, realization dawned on him. He grimaced slightly as he remembered the punch. He felt a bit sorry for it really, but it was just an automatic reaction, cultivated from years of getting into fights. The guy should have been looking where he was going in the first place.

"You!" the boy declared, pointing at him dramatically. The two girls looked confused. Seifer just smirked at him.

"Yep," Seifer nodded. "It's me. Although, I must say, I prefer Seifer."

"You…you…you punched me!" he accused wildly. Xion finally seemed to understand, and Seifer pointedly ignored the disappointed look she shot him. The blond girl, who he assumed was Naminé, still looked lost. Xion's sad gaze soon became a glare before anyone noticed it and punched him in the arm, hard enough to leave a bruise. Biting his tongue, he struggled to not show any reaction. His fingers unconsciously ghosted across the scar that ran across his face, before they dropped back to his side again.

"There, we're all even!" she exclaimed, the strain in her voice apparent to no one but Seifer. Another battered figure peeked around the corner, hair in a strange mess that looked like it had once been a cross between a mullet and a Mohawk. His eyes lit up when they fell on Seifer, and he pointed at him, bouncing on his heels slightly. Seifer went cross eyed to keep his gaze on the tip of the finger. What were with these people and pointing at his face, anyway?

"Wait, you're the one who decked him?" the guy jumped in the air enthusiastically. Seifer recognized him as the voice who'd been singing. The chickenwuss subtly stepped on his foot, and the singer scowled at him. "Ow, Hayner that hurt! Anyway, Larx is so going to chop off your limbs!"

He sounded way too happy about that. Seifer was starting to wonder if these people really were psychopaths, just as he had first assumed. Xion noticed his discomfort and smirked evilly, although it quickly became a cheesy grin when Naminé looked at her questioningly. He noted with relief that she seemed like she was back to normal.

"Let's go already!" she whined, rocking back and forth impatiently. The singer –Demyx, he assumed- nodded vigorously in agreement and shoved the two younger people out, shutting the door with a bang behind them to prevent any retreat.

"Have fun!" came the muffled voice from behind the door. A minute later, the guitar music started up again. Hayner glared, eyes seemingly boring into the wood and right up to the blond head inside, muttering a few choice words under his breath. Seifer quirked his eyebrows, impressed despite himself. The idiot had quite a colorful vocabulary.

"Quick introduction!" Xion announced, ushering them all down the steps and startling Seifer out of his thoughts. "Naminé, this is Seifer. Seifer is an asshole. Seifer, this is Naminé. Naminé is not an asshole. I'm sure you'll get along somehow."

Naminé smiled at him and stuck out her hand. He shook it cautiously, irrationally scared that she would shatter if he squeezed too hard. When he let go, she reached for her pen and flipped open her notebook, beginning to write. Seifer surveyed her oddly for moment, wondering what the hell she was doing. He understood however, when she held up her notebook for them all to read. Xion, this is Hayner. Hayner has violent tendencies. Hayner, this is Xion. Xion also had violent tendencies. You already have something in common, you see?

Seifer turned to Xion, who was smiling and shaking the lamer's hand, but he knew she knew that he was watching her. At least he now understood why she had coerced this girl into being friends with her. He suppressed a rare smile, as he felt Hayner's good eye focusing on him. He was obviously expecting him to have some problem with his sister. His hand smoothed his beanie farther down his nose as he sent a sneer in the chickenwuss's direction.

"And last, Hayner meet Seifer. Seifer meet Hayner. Or should I say," Xion's irises were glittering in dark amusement. "Hay Hay?"

He squawked and tripped over a crack in the sidewalk. Xion's laughter echoing around them, Seifer shook his head in exasperation. Naminé placed a hand over her mouth to cover a smile, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. After a moment, he smiled back.

Of course he had his first class with the lamer. And of course, the teacher of that class just happened to be a hyperactive wannabe ninja. And of course she would see the two of them coming in together as a sign that they got along well and promptly seat Seifer next to him, kicking a poor frightened student out of their desk. Literally.

"Don't talk to me," Hayner mumbled as he collapsed at his desk, head tucked in his folded arms. Seifer raised his eyebrows, resting his own head against one hand.

"Wasn't planning on it," he said, watching as a spiky haired kid walked in the door and slammed his books down with a loud bang on the seat behind Hayner. He scowled at Seifer. Probably one of those 'I hate the whole fucking world' kids. Well, good. Seifer had been dealing with those for a lifetime, if you know what he means.

You do remember who his dad is, right? Just checking.

"Who the hell are you?" Spiky asked him, spitting out his words like acid, and eyeing him like he was gum on the bottom of his shoe. Seifer smirked and opened his mouth to say something appropriately rude back, but someone tackled him behind before he could. Wide upside down blue eyes stared at him in curiosity, much, much too close to his face.

Hand twitching, he barely stopped himself from closing it into a fist as the claustrophobia kicked in. He felt Hayner's eyes zero in.

"Hey! There's a new kid!" the boy shouted in Seifer's ear, getting out of range before Seifer could give him a black eye to match Hayner's. "Roxas, Roxas, do you know his name yet? Be polite and ask his name."

This boy was sort of like Tifa in a way, Seifer reasoned with himself, relaxing a bit. Nothing to worry about. A harmless annoyance that didn't know any better.

"Shut up, Sora," Spiky #1 groaned, plopping into his chair. Spiky #2 took the one in front of Seifer, sitting backwards in it so that he could stare at him. He tapped his fingers uncomfortably as the stare just continued without the freaky kid saying anything. Just like Tifa, just like Tifa, he chanted in his head. Tifa in her most hormonal, sugar rushed, and quite possibly drunk state.

Spiky #1 noticed his discomfort and smirked, earning a dagger filled glare. Why was everyone at this school so damn annoying? Even the teacher here was fucking aggravating.

As if wishing to prove this point, Ms. Yuffie came skipping back over, a huge textbook balanced on her head. She promptly tipped the textbook from her own head onto Seifer's own. His hand twitched again as he felt a lump form

"This is your textbook for this class," she declared cheerily, prancing away again. She was blissfully unaware of the murderous thoughts being directed her way

"Hey dude, what's your problem?" The chickenwuss finally deigned to talk to him, brown eyes twisted in a poisonous glare that rivaled his own that he immediately shot back. "And Naminé said that I was the one with violent tendencies."

"I don't see anybody else with a black eye yet, do you?" Seifer growled. Spiky #1 shot up from his slumped state to eye him disgustedly again. "And what the hell is gnawing at you?"

"You're the one who punched Hayner?" Spiky #1 asked, eyes narrowing threateningly. Seifer snorted in aggravation. He fucking hated over-protective people like this guy. They'd always pissed him off so damn much. Squeezing his knee tightly to keep from fiddling with his hat again, he gritted his teeth in preparation. "You damn asshole! Do you just go around punching people every time of the day? I should just go ahead and-"

"Maybe if the fucking chickenwuss would look at where the hell he was going, then I wouldn't want to punch him in the first place," Seifer hissed back. "Damn idiot walked into me when I was carrying boxes of Tifa's stuff. He's lucky nothing broke or he would have gotten worse than that."

"Wait, you were carrying boxes," Hayner interrupted, furrowing his brow in concentration. Furious eyes turned away from Spiky #1 to focus on him. "I didn't…"

"Yes, I was carrying boxes. That's what the moving trucks were for, stupid," Seifer noticed the blank look settling on the lamer's face again, and kicked his leg under the table. He immediately started out of it. "Boxes full of Tifa's stuff like I said. She would have killed me if I had broken anything, and she'd probably tie Cloud up to keep him from stopping her. Thankfully, that mover guy caught them before they could hit the ground."

"That's not a reason to punch someone!" Spiky #1 was standing up now, but Hayner forced him back down before he could leap at Seifer or something equally stupid. He slumped in his seat again, sulking.

"So what is your name anyway?" Spiky #2 piped up, having been watching the whole exchange with a sort of tense anxiety. Seifer glared at him.

"Seifer Almasy," he grunted finally, sinking in his seat and tugging down his beanie again. The lamer shot him a weird look. After the death glare was directed to him however, he just shrugged and put his face down in his arms again.

There was silence between them for the rest of time until class started.

In his second class of the day, things started to look up a bit. Spiky #2, or Sora he supposed, had shown him to his next class, talking up a storm all the way there. Or maybe it just seemed that way to Seifer, after spending so much time with Cloud. But then again, he also lived with Tifa, so he could assume he could be a good judge of the amount people talked. Sora was really pushing the limit he could take, without being related to the fucking person, before he punched something. Preferably, the talker's face.

No, he didn't have anger management problems. He just liked to solve things with violence.

The teacher, Professor Yen Sid, was a creepy bastard. His eyes popped out of his head for one thing, and come on. The guy wore a fucking wizard's hat. However, his quiet, if a bit disconcerting voice, was very welcome after Ms. Yuffie's talk-until-their-ears-fall-off approach. He seated him next to a well-muscled African American boy.

And let's just be clear. When he said well muscled, he meant like this kid had to be a fucking body builder or something. He could probably crush Seifer's head like a grape with one hand if he wanted to. Although to be fair, the guy seemed a little passive to do that.

"So, uh, you must be new here," the guy rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, before sticking a large hand out. "I'm Rai. It's nice to meet you, y'know?"

He took the offered hand a bit hesitantly, expecting all the bones to be crushed in his hands. Surprisingly, Rai just gave it one soft shake before letting go, perfectly intact. Seifer flexed his hand in relief. "It's good to meet you too, I guess."

"You do any sports? Like Struggle, y'know?" Rai asked him. Seifer smirked, leaning back in his chair and resting his feet on the interior if his desk. "You seem like the type to do that, y'know?"

"Yeah, I Struggle. Not my favorite thing to do to be honest, but I'm good at it," Seifer shrugged, pulling on his beanie. "Besides I'm supposed to be channeling my aggression to positive outlets and stuff, at least according to Tifa. I like basketball too, though."

"I play basketball!" Rai exclaimed, thumping his chest proudly. Seifer considered him, having had him more pinned for football. "We got a pretty good team here, y'know? You should try out."

"Maybe I will," Seifer grinned, the bell marking the end of their conversation and the start of class. He fixed his posture so he looked like he was paying attention, but in his head he was running around in circles to celebrate finally not scaring someone off by punching them in the face or violently cussing them out.

You know. In a totally manly way.

The fucking chickenwuss was in his creative writing class. Ms. Gainsborough sat them next to each other for some incomprehensible reason, ("You two just look so cute together!) and the chickenwuss had obviously decided to take the place of Spiky #1 in this class, although a less violent one. Seifer found that he actually didn't mind the argument; it was almost fun to win so absolutely against this kid. He would not do well in debate, that was for sure. Not that Seifer had ever been in debate or anything…Xion had and he'd had to pick her up and…yeah…

That was until the phone rang.

"Hello?" Ms. Gainsborough answered, face breaking out into a gentle smile at whoever was at the other end of the line. "Oh, hello Squall… Yes, yes, I know it's Leon…"

Hayner was slowly tensing up beside him, and his hands were clenched into tight fists. Seifer frowned, twisting his neck to try and see his face. What was wrong with him? His last taunt hadn't been one to cause this reaction. Brown eyes were fixed on the teacher; Ms. Gainsborough's smile seemed to be quickly fading now. "Oh… So you want to see him now? Can you come pick him up?... I'll send somebody down with him then… They'll wait outside, Leon, it won't be a problem …Mmhmm… Yes, I'll see you later."

"Hayner," the teacher said suddenly as she gently placed the phone back in its receiver and turned around. "Mr. Leonhart wants to see you. Seifer, I know it's your first day, but we're not really doing much, so would you mind walking him? You have Mr. Leonhart tomorrow anyway I think; it'd be good to know where his classroom is."

Seifer grunted and stood up, Hayner copying his movements in slow motion. They maneuvered their way through the crowded classroom and out the door. Seifer turned on his heels to let the lamer lead the way, but the idiot merely stood there, glassy eyed. Frowning, Seifer clapped his hands in front of his face, smirking in satisfaction when the other boy jumped a foot in the air. "Oi, wake up. I don't know where we're going."

"I know that!" Hayner snapped, his voice sharp and angry. Seifer blinked in confusion as the other boy brushed passed him, shoving him out of the way forcefully. Normally he would have shoved someone right back, but Hayner looked like a mess. His hands were shaking, and his face had rapidly been paling to almost match his sister's complexion. So, Seifer merely followed him quietly.

The silence hung heavy in the air, and he felt the urge to say something. This felt unnatural for some reason. Despite having known the boy for less than a day really, Seifer could tell that this behavior was not normal for him. In creative writing, he had been hot headed and angry, without being very serious about it at the same time. Right now, his whole body was tense like he was walking to a fight, and everything about him screamed of panic. It reminded him of some of the kids back home, the ones that had endured a bad beating and jumped at their own shadow. But he somehow doubted that that was what was happening here.

"Hey, are you alright?" the words slipped out before he could stop them, surprising the both of them with their sincerity. Hayner came to a halt in front of him, pivoting to face him slowly. His brown eyes were wide and scared, his breath coming a little too fast and shallow. "You don't look very good. You're not going to throw up, are you? Cause, I don't want vomit all over me, so give me a warning if you're about to."

The chickenwuss swallowed hard, seeming to calm down a bit. He sneered at Seifer, back to normal now. "Of course I'm not going to throw up asshole. What gave you that stupid idea?"

With that, he grabbed the knob of the door he was standing next to and walked in. Seifer tilted his head at it in confusion. He hadn't even noticed they gotten here. It occurred to him that he'd been too busy watching Hayner to pay attention to where they were going.

Now that was a disturbing thought.

Apparently Tifa had actually taken it upon herself to get herself out of bed and pick her two children up from school. Seifer actually stopped in his tracks when he saw the sleek black car in the parking lot. Xion actually ran out there without looking to see if cars were coming to go greet her. Naminé actually put down her sketchbook and craned her neck to get a better look. Hayner actually bothered to stop and ask, "Who's that?"

"Tifa," Seifer answered grimly, with the air of one who had been sentenced to death. Hayner shot him a questioning look. He was back to normal after the weird episode in creative writing, but Seifer had been watching him carefully for any sign of a sudden relapse. He wasn't quite sure where the sudden protectiveness had come from, but it had something to do with the strange little quirks he had been noticing ever since he had seen the boy this morning. And it had something to do with how he reminded him of Xion when…

His thoughts were interrupted by the honk of a horn and Xion tackling him. He staggered back a few steps under her weight, but he was used to the sudden bouts of affection.

"You guys want to drive home with us?" Xion asked excitedly, grinning at the two siblings over her own brother's shoulder. Naminé hesitated for a moment, but she nodded yes eventually, smiling gently. Hayner was another matter entirely. His face had gone pallid, and he was almost swaying on his feet, his eyes glazed over like he was lost in a memory. Worry heightening, Seifer shrugged off Xion to clap his hands in front of his face.

"Ah!" Hayner exclaimed, jumping backwards a step and garnering two odd looks. Naminé's eyes however, Seifer noticed, were shadowed with some dark understanding. The chickenwuss flushed under the scrutiny. "A-Ah, no. I'm fine with w-walking, thanks."

"Suit yourself," Xion said, losing interest as she grabbed Naminé's arm and pulled her away towards the car. Hayner's eyes were almost scared as he watched her go, but he made no move to stop her from leaving. Shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably, Seifer considered offering to walk with him. However, he figured that offer was far too unlike him, and he should probably figure out why he ever thought to mention it in the first place. Instead, he clapped Hayner's shoulder companionably, before following his sister to the car, where he would be subjected to Tifa's maniacal driving.

Maybe he should have walked with Hayner.

Tifa grinned at him as he entered the car. It was far too predatory for his liking, and he shrunk away from her in his shotgun position. Xion and Naminé had already unfortunately claimed the back. Safety precaution, Xion always said. Unlike normal siblings, they fought for the backseat rather than the front.

"Who was that?" she trilled questioningly, recklessly pulling out of the parking space without glancing in the rear view mirror. "Did my little Seifer finally make a friend? Xion, tell me, tell me, did he?"

"Well, he didn't cuss anyone out or beat anyone to a bloody pulp today," Xion said approvingly. Seifer grabbed his hat before she could yank it off. Naminé smiled at him in the rear view mirror, secretively. He scowled back, before frantically putting on his seat belt when Tifa finally pulled out of the parking lot.

Some things never changed, no matter where you moved.

AN: Ahh… I'm so glad that I finally finished this. I personally think it's pretty good too.

The last time I checked the amount of hits for the last chapter it was 69. It made me smile a little on the inside. I'm thinking I'll finally get to adding the Zemyx subplot next chapter. But you didn't hear that from me.


my black crimson rose: Yay for your math grade! I hope it's still going up, even without updates, although I doubt it's really this story raising it. But who knows, I guess. I'm glad you enjoyed the last chapter, and I'm hoping that there's enough Seifer in here to tide you over. Snow really does look like him though. I haven't got FF13 yet, because I only have a PS3 at my dad's house, and I'm not there often enough to really play on it. But I want it!

I was very sad to see that I only got one review, even if it was a very nice one. The button at the bottom is very sad too. It feels lonely and thinks that you are avoiding it. Please go cheer up the button!

Another Quiz for you!

When do you think the fabled Larxene will make her second appearance?

Will Demyx manage to keep from being maimed through this story, or will he finally fall victim to the Peters family?

What's your favorite quote from Kingdom Hearts? Any of the games.

Has anyone seen the latest Harry Potter movie? What'd you think of it if you did?

Leave your answers in a review. See ya!

This is tLrIuEtSh finishing her report!