
Summary: Even though rain drops are small, you can always feel them as a presence in your life and they become bigger with each drop. Couple: Sam/Andy.

Pairing: Sam Swarek and Andy McNally

Words: 1,149

Disclaimer: I do not own Rookie Blue.

You know you are in love when the hardest thing to do is say goodbye.



He turned in his seat, "McNally."

She took in his features. She hadn't seen him in three years, the three longest years of her life. He hadn't changed at all. He took age well and for that she smiled.

She signaled the bartender, "How was it?"

Sam let his eyes roam her. Her hair was shorter than before, but other than that she looked the same. That is until she turned more and he finally saw the scar that adorned her left cheek.

He took a long sip of his beer, "Fine. Want to tell me who you pissed off?"

She immediately covered her left cheek not wanting him to see the bad scar. Her gun had been taken from her and while waiting for back up the perp had taken his blade to her face. She hated thinking about it and if Sam knew the poor choices she'd made that day, he'd be nowhere near happy.

"No one. Just some random." She told him while laying her hand back down to the counter.

He grinned, "How's Callaghan?"

When he decided to go to Guns N' Gangs, he'd also made the very conscience decision to leave everything behind at the division. Before he'd found ways around it. He would call Jerry to get the scoop on things, but this time he didn't even call his best friend. He was very aware that this could be bad for him, but he needed to get away. He needed to be rid of everything, but most of all be rid of her.

She swallowed hard, "We haven't been together in a long time." She extended the 'long' to make it clear to him they were nothing.

She didn't know him anymore. She didn't know what boundaries there were to push. She wanted him to let her back in, but she knew his walls were permanently built.

"Mutual?" He asked gruffly.

She shook her head, "My decision."

That surprised him, "Still happy with it?" He had to ask.

"I knew right after you left that I'd been an idiot." It was hard for her to admit, but his eyes were so trusting.

He exhaled. "I needed to figure out things to."

She turned back to the bar so she could stare straight ahead. Not wanting to look at him anymore. It was too hard; it literally made her ache.

"That's why you left without saying goodbye, I guess?" She moved her eyes to look to see that now he too was staring straight ahead.

He swirled what was left of his beer. "You said yes McNally."

She nodded, understanding where he was coming from. "It hurt Sam."

She didn't know why she was saying any of this to him. She didn't want to seem like the vulnerable girl he had walked out on three years ago, but here she was.

He concurred, "Of course it did."

She pursed her lips. She was trying everything in her power not to make this be their last conversation.

"I waited."

He knew the meaning behind her words. He reached his hand over to hers, which was resting on the bar counter.

"I have a new place." She told him still staring straight ahead.

He knew they weren't finished with this conversation, but knowing she had waited was all he needed to bring back his once strong desires for her.

He stood up then.

She looked up at him. Her eyes searching his for the answer she needed. He just nodded, while laying bills down for both of their drinks.


She unlocked her front door. As she walked inside she could tell he was hesitating.

She turned around so that she was now facing him. She leaned on the door frame and watched as he shifted.

"Nice place." He told her as he looked around.

It was a nice change from her and Luke's apartment, which he had gone to many times before. Knowing this was just her place made it all that more real to him.

"Thanks." She held out her hand, eyeing him as she did.

He brought his eyes to meet hers. He wanted to say so much to her. Tell her how hard it had been not knowing what she was doing. Tell her all his thoughts while being away from her. He promised himself he would, but tonight didn't seem like the place to do so.

She could see the inner battle he was having with himself. The reflection in his eyes mirrored her once scared eyes. She dropped her hand, not wanting him to do this because he felt obligated.


Before she could finish her sentence she felt his hands on her face. He cupped her face and her right cheek immediately sunk into his warm hand. Their eyes locked and for the first time since he had seen her that night; he kissed her. He didn't kiss her on the lips though, no he had wanted to kiss her somewhere else the whole night. He brought his lips to sink down on her scar.

She flinched at first. He held her still though, not wanting her to move to quickly. When he was done, he brought his eyes up to meet hers and like they had done those three years ago, they started the night.

A/N: I know I am the worst updater in the world, but I thought I should give you guys a follow up chapter to this story. This is the end. I couldn't have Sam not reunite with Andy. It's not how I pictured it ending, but this was the best I could do. I hope you all enjoyed this! Please don't hesitate to review! I love hearing what you think. :) I have more stories/updates in the works for this week...let's hope I get around to it though...