So this is my first Glee fic, as well as my first attempt at a Kinn fic… This takes place towards the end of Theatricality and Audition; Mention of scene from Laryngitis. Quite a bit of angst and some fluff towards the end.

Disclaimer: If I did own Glee, Finn would have broken up with Quinn as soon as he saw Kurt.

Kurt flinched as he was slammed into the wall, Azimio and Karofsky glaring daggers at him; to his astonishment he wasn't scared, despite the few tears that managed to escape his eyes.

"Fine- you wanna hit me, you wanna beat me up? Go ahead. But I swear to you, I will never change; I'm proud to be different. It's the best thing about me; so go ahead- hit me."

Azimio and Karofsky looked on dispassionately. Azimio spoke first though.

"I believe I will,"

He turned to Karofsky, a slight smile spreading across his face.

"Sir, would you like to go first?"

Karofsky looked around and after noting a gaggle of girls crossing the hallway he turned back to Azimio.

"Let's take this freak outside- I don't want any witnesses."

Azimio nodded and then proceeded to grab him roughly. He was being pushed through a pair of double doors, and felt his heart beat faster than he ever thought was possible. They moved quickly for a pair of blockheads, and soon they were behind the equipment shed. Kurt closed his eyes, as Azimio and Karofsky both drew back their fists.

The pain from the blows was tremendous, and Kurt had to bite his lower lip to keep from screaming. He had been beat up before, but never to this extent. He was on the grass now, Azimio's and Karofsky's blow wailing down on him, leaving blows everywhere they could reach. By luck they hadn't landed one on his face yet.

As if reading his mind, Karofsky pulled back his foot, aiming for his face and he barely had enough strength to roll out of the way. Then by some miracle, he was up and running, granted not very fast, but he managed to hide in a small crevice, narrowly escaping the two Neanderthals. Kurt curled in on himself, tears rolling down his cheeks as cold air hit his body through the holes in his Gaga outfit.


Kurt stiffened as he heard Finn's heavy footsteps coming toward him. He closed his locker, pointedly ignoring the jock that was walking next to him.

"Kurt- come on, it's been two weeks! I said I was sorry!"

Kurt stopped and turned to face Finn, wincing a bit when his bag hit his thigh and consequently the bruise that was on it. Last week had been cornered by Azimio and Karofsky; they had proceeded to pull him outside and gave him his worst ass kicking to date. Luckily they hadn't gone for his face, or rather he had managed to get away before they could do so, or else his dad would've known what happened. When it came to his son, Burt Hummel knew no limits.

Kurt glared at Finn, the entire scene in his bedroom playing before his eyes, the memory only fueling his resentment towards the football player.

"Do you realize how much those words hurt me Finn? Honestly, what if I went on a tangent and began insulting your lifestyle? Would you be content with a half mumbled, hurried 'sorry'? I would be in the wrong if your apology had been the tiniest bit sincere- but it wasn't! "

Kurt turned away, and hadn't even begun to walk away when Finn put a hand on his shoulder. Maybe it was because Finn's grip had found yet another bruise or because he was fed up, but Kurt pushed Finn away. Finn stumbled slightly; Kurt realized that he had actually pushed the boy quite hard. By Finn's expression, it was obvious that he hadn't believed Kurt capable of making him stumble.

"Kurt… please… I have an explanation- a reason why I snapped like that..!"

He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Enlighten me."

Finn fidgeted a bit and then abruptly grabbed Kurt's hand, all but dragging Kurt out of the school. Kurt paled. This was all too similar to what Karofsky had done. His heart sped up, adrenaline and fear making his knees weak. Finn wouldn't… Even if they were fighting… they used to be friends… hadn't they?

Kurt's heart sank. He hadn't been friends with Finn- ever. He had always gone after Finn, even though he knew the quarterback was painfully straight. Finn let go of his hand, and Kurt prepared to bolt. He wasn't willing to get his ass kicked a second time. Especially not by the boy who still filled his heart, no matter how much he denied it.

Finn stared down at the grass and for the first time Kurt took notice of where they were. They were behind the equipment shed. Kurt paled even more; was it the only private place in school? Finn moved forward and Kurt closed his eyes, preparing himself for the inevitable, for the feeling of Finn's heavy hands beating down on him.

Much to his surprise, he was being pushed against the wall behind him, Finn's lips on his. His eyes flew open in surprise, but he didn't push Finn away. Instead he took advantage of the contact and wound his arms around Finn. Even if this was a sick joke that would hurt him later, he couldn't push Finn away. His heart was beating wildly when Finn prodded his lower lip. Now shaking slightly, Kurt granted him access. His breath was hot… with a flavor that he could only describe as Finn.

They broke apart, both breathing heavily. Kurt felt his heart throb slightly, fresh hurt making its way in. It was a sick thing for Finn to do, to mess with his feelings like that. After all, he was in love with Rachel- not him.

"Do you understand why I yelled at you now?"

Finn's voice was unusually husky, as though he was having trouble even speaking.

Kurt shook his head; Finn kissing him hadn't given him a sort of epiphany, had just broken the dam that held back the vast sea of hurt. The hurt of unrequited feelings.

Suddenly he was being pulled to Finn, his face buried in the broad chest of the football player. Finn lowered his head and when he spoke, the hot breath he blew onto Kurt's ear made the smaller boy shiver.

"I love you Kurt… at that time, I was in denial. I was s-scared of the sudden change in feelings I had for you. So when I saw the room… I just freaked out. And for that… I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you over and over again."

Finn's voice wavered at the end; Kurt felt warm tears spilling down his cheeks. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around the taller boy, not really believing what he had just heard. He closed his eyes, enjoying the moment with Finn. Finn loved him. After so long… finally, he wasn't alone.

What neither boy realized was that they were being watched- by a blonde boy.

So… what did you think? This might turn into an ongoing fic if I get a good response to this chapter. So review?