Okay- first off, sorry for being gone for so long guys. It's been crazy and I've honestly tried writing this chapter like a gagillion times and keep losing my inspiration just when it's getting good. So I think this is like attempt 24… Anyway just a heads up, this is the last chapter, because I have a tendency to let these things spiral out of control and by the end of it, you don't even remember how it all started. I have three other stories like this that I have to end, so this WILL be the last chapter.

I would like to thank everyone who reviewed/favorited/alerted this story. You can't believe how happy it made me whenever I saw those e-mails in my inbox. :') So without further ado, the last chapter of Clandestine Affairs.


Finn singing

Kurt singing

Both Singing


"So wait up white boy- you're telling me that you, Finn Hudson are seriously with my boy, Kurt Hummel?"

Finn gulped, intimidated by Mercedes' Glare™. He gripped Kurt's hand tightly, reassured by the closeness of the other boy. He nodded and watched as Mercedes' eyes went wide. She opened her mouth as though she was going to tell him something, but instead rounded on Kurt.

"Aw hell to the nah Kurt! Tell me it aint true!"

Finn winced at the disapproval in Mercedes' tone. Was he such a bad match for Kurt that even Kurt's best friend didn't approve? He looked over at Kurt whose eyes were wide with disbelief.

"Mercedes… "

Finn watched helplessly as Mercedes' eyes remained hard, with only the slightest hint of softening.

"You've been chasing Finn for as long as I can remember and all of a sudden he decides to acknowledge it- on his terms? It's unfair to you Kurt. You deserve better than to just be his side thing."

Finn felt Kurt's grip on his hand loosen. Kurt's eyes were wet with tears and he was looking at him like what Mercedes had said hit home. Was he thinking the exact same thing?

"He's not my side thing."

Both parties turned to look at him, a protective glint in Mercedes eyes and hope mingled with insecurity in Kurt's. Finn stared straight into Mercedes' eyes, his voice filled with conviction. This was the boy he loved- there was nothing standing in his way of shouting it from the rooftops if he felt like it. (He wouldn't do it though, not after that time when he was twelve and fell off a roof even after his mom told him not to climb on the roof…)

"Kurt is my boyfriend- and we're going to tell the Glee Club today."

Mercedes' eyes were filled to the brim with uncertainty; she was probably debating whether or not to believe him, or gather Kurt in her arms and make a run for it. Kurt squeezed his hand, laying his head on his arm. Finn smiled. Kurt believed him; that was all that mattered. The rest of the world could hate them and stone them (preferably with something soft- after all, Kurt was really sensitive about his skin and he'd hate to see what happened to them if Kurt so much as got a bruise. The smaller boy could be really fierce if he had the inclination –excuse– to.) he would still love Kurt Hummel.

"Told you Mercedes."

Mercedes cracked a smile and looped an arm through Kurt's.

"I'm sorry- I just didn't think that you would pass on my warning. Besides you tend to be biased when it comes to freakishly tall football players. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't playing you."

Finn turns to his boyfriend, confused as hell.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Kurt turned to him, an apologetic expression on his face.

"I actually told Mercedes earlier today. She came up with this, after she said she'd support us. She wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting into."

Finn looked at Mercedes, who was looking at her nails disinterestedly. Feeling his stare, she looked up, eyes hard like steel again.

"Like I said- Kurt has a weakness for freakishly tall football players. I'm his best friend, and I'll be damned if he's hurt."


Kurt strode into Glee, Mercedes on his arm as per usual. He smiled when he noticed that Finn was sitting next to his and Mercedes usual spots. Despite the earlier incident, Finn and Mercedes had been civil towards each other from what he observed throughout the day. Well, Mercedes was civil- Finn had been sucking up to her all day, probably hoping to get her to approve one hundred percent of him. Finn had issues with being disliked…

He smiled shyly as he took the seat next to Finn, resisting the urge to grab his hand. They had agreed they would tell the Glee club, via song as was custom (it seemed all important announcements were)

"Okay guys- let's start today's practice. We have a lot to do-"

Kurt raised his hand, catching 's attention.

"Actually , Finn and I were going to ask you if we could perform a song we've been working on."

looked at them quizically, obviously thrown off balance by the request. Kurt rolled his eyes- the curly haired man was probably wondering why Finn wasn't performing with Rachel, as he did time and time again.

"Sure- the floor is yours."

He smiled, a touch of uncertainty in his eyes and waved them forward. Finn got up, shooting him a small smile before going over to talk to the band, whom they had called earlier.

"Okay guys, whenever you're ready."

Kurt looked to Finn, an exultant smile on his face. Finally, they would be out to everyone; finally they would be able to walk down the hall hand in hand. Finally everyone would know that Finn was his and that he was Finn's. The intro music began slowly and Finn started off the song.

"Far away, I feel your beating heart
All alone, beneath the crystal stars
Staring into space, what a lonely face
I'll try to find my place with you
What a beautiful smile
Can I stay for awhile
On this beautiful night
We'll make everything right
My beautiful love

Kurt watched as everyone's expressions, except for Mercedes and for some reason Sam and Puck, turned into surprise, disbelief and in one Rachel Berry's case outrage. Kurt inwardly sighed and began to sing, resolving not to take his eyes off of Finn. He wouldn't let Rachel ruin this moment.

"Larger than the moon, my love for you
Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through
The secret of the world is written in the stars
I'm carrying your heart in mine
What a beautiful smile
Can I stay for awhile
On this beautiful night
We'll make everything right
My beautiful love

He locked his eyes with Finn and felt his heart beat even harder than it already was.

"Maybe a greater thing will happen
Maybe all will see
Maybe our love will catch like fire
As it burns through me
What a beautiful smile
Can I stay for awhile
On this beautiful night
We'll make everything right
My beautiful love

The music wound down and the room was engulfed by silence. Slowly, they turned around to face their fellow Glee-clubbers. Everybody was exchanging looks of disbelief with one another. Kurt inwardly sighed. Maybe it was a mistake telling them… maybe they shouldn't have announced it the way they had. Maybe-

"Well, the only thing I have to say is it took you both long enough."

Kurt turned to stare at Puck and then turned to Finn. Had Finn told Puck? Finn mouthed 'tell you later'

"Finn- how could you do this to me? To us?"

Rachel stood up from her seat, disbelief and anger in her eyes. She came closer to Finn, her hand outstretched in what Kurt assumed was a gesture for Finn to grab it. Finn just took a step back, pulling Kurt to him in the process. Kurt felt his face flush at the close contact but was otherwise content.

"Rachel, I love Kurt. Once upon a time, maybe I liked you. But this… Kurt is my boyfriend and you'll just have to accept that."

Kurt flushed a deep red when a kiss was placed on his head.

"No! Finn you're just confused! That's all. Look I know that the thing that Jesse and I had… it was just that- a thing. It confused you, and made you think that you love Kurt. Your feelings of inadequacy in your love life were so strong-"

"Shut up white girl- Kurt did not pine after Finn for God-knows-how-long to let a diva in a horrible animal sweater steal his love away. You had your chance Rachel and you decided not to take it. That's your fault- nobody else's.

Rachel whirled around, possibly to confront about it, but was cut off before she could even start. held his hands up.

"It's not my place to do anything about it Rachel. This isn't like getting assigned a solo."

With that Rachel stormed out of the room, without another glance to the happy couple, who was busy fielding questions from the rest of the Glee Club members.


"So, what do you want to do? I mean now that we're officially a couple?"

Finn sat on the stoop of his house, Kurt looking comfortable on his lap. Kurt turned to face him, that beautiful smile he loved so much on his face.

"Anything- we can do anything now."

Finn inched closer, a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Even this?"

He pressed his lips to Kurt's softly, leaving the smaller boy wanting more.

"Especially that."

With that, Finn pressed his lips to his boyfriend's once more.


So yea guys… that's it for this story. I hope it wasn't too sappy. Or abrupt... I just don't think I can do anything else with it. Maybe if I get enough reviews asking for one, I'll write an epilogue :)



PS: Review? : )