Maybe I'm wrong, Maybe I'm right.

He walks down the sidewalk, whistling to himself quietly. He glances at every face that passes by, reading their emotions: anger, sadness, frustration, or happiness. People walking dogs, people picking up coffee for work mates, people just walking, like him. It was a nice day out anyway, might as well enjoy the breath of fresh air.

He loosened his tie as he continued to walk. One two, skip a crack in the pavement, one two. He always did enjoy his daily walk across town. People watching was one of his favorite hobbies.

He stepped aside and bowed kindly as a cute lady with cropped black hair passed by. She blushed and thanked him sincerely, bowing her head slightly to show appreciation. He shook his head and smiled, watching her continue strolling down the street.

Maybe I just let you walk by…

He spins on his heel and falls back into his stride, marching along the crowded streets of Twilight Town. Sliding into an alleyway, he pulls a red curtain aside, revealing three people: his friends.

The one girl in the room looks up and smiles brightly, waving. He waves back and greets her, and in return she hands him a stick of bright blue ice cream. Silently, he eats. The moments between the four of them were always the same, silent ice-cream eating, occasional yelling, and of course reminiscing fond memories and laughing together. When they finish, all together, they toss their sticks away. He gives his male friends a handshake and hugs the girl, bidding them farewell.

What can I say? Maybe I've known you my whole life.

He continues his stroll. Taking a turn, he finds his second stop; the park, where many small middle school students were playing games and laughing. A soccer ball rolled over to his foot, and he kicked it back to a small boy wearing a beanie. The child waved, thanking him.

He waves back, accidentally bumping into a young lady with bright red hair. She rubbed her head, embarrassed, before bowing in apology. He shakes his head and smiles, claiming that it was his fault before letting her pass. She blushes again and waves goodbye as she continues her jog, looking back one last time before disappearing around the corner.

Is she the one, is it today?

He leaves the park, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He feels the breeze kiss his blonde hair, shifting them around, even though the spikes would never come undone. He slithers into the crowd, falling into stride with the many people off to work.

When I turn the corner…

He pulls away just in time to reach that intersection. Sighing, he starts his walk again - only to stop dead in his tracks.

Out of nowhere, a vision of himself as an old man flashed into his mind. Old and wrinkled, his beautiful blonde spikes worn and grey. His blue eyes worn, filled with knowledge he's learned over the years. But next to him, next to him is this beautiful blonde woman, with dashing icy eyes.

See my future in a beautiful face…

He comes back and finds himself staring, awestruck by the brilliance of this blonde's beauty. She giggles, a soft, wind chimed tinkle, before stepping around him, giving him a playful wink before continuing on her way to wherever she was going. He had to come back to his senses before following her, asking her name, setting up a coffee date. She was so beautiful.


All he knew, was that he would keep searching for his kind of perfect.

Song: My Kind Of Perfect, David Archuleta