An: Okay, here's another story. I hope you like it, and yes it's M for a DEFINATE reason. Enjoy :)

Disclaimer: All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth! :B Ahh screw it, I want SWAC for I don't own it!

Warning: M content, well, not in this chap anyway.

There he was. Sitting across the room, mocking me with his good looks and oh so perfect smile. His eyes were an ice cold blue, yet they still had warmth. His sweet golden hair swept across his forehead in a precious way, framing his face. A sweet smile lay on his face, his white teeth shining through. He was perfect in my eyes, and I loved him.

But I could not have him. I was pretty on the outside, sure. On the inside though, I was cold. Never being loved left me like an empty shell, awaiting someone to come and fill me up again. This left me staring at him from across the room as he laughed with his friends.

Chad Dylan Cooper, the one that could never love me. He had a girlfriend, one who he loved very much. Sonny Munroe, she was my best friend who had everything that I wanted. She was a star, she was gorgeous, kind, loving, and just one of the best people you could. But there was only one thing I disliked, more like I was jealous of her in this one way. She had my Chad.

I had my chance with him; I've known him for nearly 10 years. We started out as stars together, on a kid's show when we were six. We were friends; I even got to kiss him once for the show. He was dreamy from a young age. I could've jumped on him while I had the chance. I had so much time before Sonny came along. I had time even after Sonny came. They didn't start to like each other until a year of knowing each other. I could've done so much.

"Tawni!" yelled one of my friends, it was Sonny actually. She looked at me like she had been trying to get my attention for quite along time.

"Uh, yes?" I asked her like I was paying attention to her the whole time. "What do you want?"

"Nothing, you were just starting to scare me. You have been staring at Chad for like 5 minutes. I don't think you blinked." She explained. "Why were you staring at me boyfriend?" she asked, starting to get all territorial.

I was staring at his amazingly good looks, I thought to myself, even though I would never even dream of saying that to his girlfriend of nearly a year. So I said "I was trying to see what you see in him, and I can't find a thing."

"I can see it and that's all that matters." She said with a huff, defending her beloved boyfriend. "He's sweet, and caring, and beyond handsome. He loves me, and that's what I look for in a guy. He's perfect for me." She said, staring off into space.

"Yeah, yeah, don't brag!" I said to her. "We can't all be as lucky as you to find the "perfect man." I complained.

"Don't worry Tawni, soon your prince will come." She said to me, grabbing my hand in a reassuring way.

He already came, you took him though, I thought to myself. "Oh yeah, one day." I mumbled.

"Well, I have a date with Chad in about an hour, so I have to get ready. Bye Tawn, stay beautiful!" she said cheerily. She stood up and waved as she walked out of the cafeteria.

"Bye Sonny!" I yelled after her. I doubt she heard me. She lives in her own little bubble full of cupcakes and rainbows… and Chad. If only there was a way I could enter her little bubble, just for a day. Don't we all deserve some sunshine every once in awhile?

"Where's my sunshine?" asked a familiar voice. The voice belonged to my joy and jealousy, Chad Dylan Cooper. He sat down in the seat in front of me, the seat the Sonny was sitting in previously. He flipped his golden hair out of his eyes and said "She was here a minute ago."

"Yeah, she just left." I said with a duh, weren't you paying attention to your own girlfriend kind of tone. "She went to get ready for your date tonight." Chad had a confused look on his face, like he didn't know what I was talking about.

"We don't have a date tonight." He informed me. "Is that what she told you?"

"Yeah, she just went. She said exactly 'I have a date with Chad in an hour.' Then she rushed out of the room." I explained to him. He sat back in his chair, astounded by the information I gave him. He gave me a look like I just told him a national secret. "That's what she told me anyway." I said.

"Are you sure that's what she said?" he asked me.

"Positive." I replied.

"Well, I don't remember a date for tonight. It's not Saturday right? I have date with her every Saturday. I think it's Tuesday. We never have dates on Tuesdays, in fact, she says she always has something on a Tuesday night." He rambled on and on, trying to organize his thoughts.

"Well I don't know anything else about it. If it's okay with you, I'm gonna go back to my dressing room." I stood up and started to walk towards the exit when I felt him grab my hand. My heart jumped a little bit.

"Wait Tawni, can you do something for me?" he asked with sorry eyes.

"What do you need?" I asked him, willing to do anything for this sweet cute guy.

"Well, I know I shouldn't be asking, and I shouldn't be this protective of her, but can you find out what she's doing tonight? If she's lying about me, I kinda want to know. I know this is a lot to ask, but-"

"Sure, I'll do it. It can't be that hard." I said to him.

"Thank you Tawni, I owe you one." He thanked.

"Your welcome, and I'm gonna hold you to you that you owe me."

AN: I hoped you liked it! Please review! I want at least 5 reviews, I have the next chap written with a splash of M and a twist so if you want it you have to review!
