Now this is my first fan fiction and I can't really tell you where this is going to take me but I will love to hear what people think of it.

Blair's POV

Her chocolate brown eyes were drowning in tears. All she could remember was the look on Chucks face when he had declared war on her. God how could she have been so stupid. She wasn't even sure herself why she had to make Eva leave she just knew that every time she saw them together she felt as if she had swallowed broken glass. But how could that be she was over him and she sure as hell didn't love him anymore. I mean how could she right?

Everything in her mind was a swirling into a tangled mess. It had been two months since that night Chuck had systematically taken away a million little things from her. Really all she had left was school, Nate, and Serena. She had relapsed but been able to successfully hide it from her friends with no problems they were caught up in their own lives.

On top of her binging and purging she had started running every night. Within a month she was up to seven miles night. It is hard to dream good or bad when you are too tired to even undress before bed. Nate and Serena knew that she was running and attributed any weight lose to that. In fact the running made the purging easier for her she would binge right before she started running then halfway through her run she had to find somewhere to hurl she didn't even have to stick her finger down her throat anymore. Well enough of this dwelling on things thought Blair to herself it was time for her nightly run.

Chuck's POV

He was having trouble opening his eyes. He felt like there was a jackhammer in his head. He caught a whiff of the perfume that was clinging to the pillow next to him. Suddenly he bolted out of bed to the bathroom. He dry heaved for about two minutes before the events of last night came flooding back in garish Technicolor.

He had partied the night away at some club with a faceless blonde but had lost her somewhere in the passage of the night. Not wanting to face the night alone he had called Madame Yalaine and asked for her best girl. "Ohh Mr. Chuck where have you been hiding yourself?" the Madame purred. "I have a new girl named Clarisse and she will be perfect for you I will send her over immediately."

Chuck had quickly made it back to his suite. He quickly changed into his black silk pajama pants and matching smoking jacket that was black with a light lilac brocade running through it. He left a note on the door telling the girl to make herself comfortable on the bed he would join her in a moment. He went to the bathroom and put down a line of cocaine. Laying out just a single line to take the edge off and make the night more palatable. He took a deep breath and waited a few minutes for the soft numbing feeling to hit him. When it did it felt like someone was rubbing cashmere all over the inside of his skull.

When he had come out of the bathroom there were candles lit all around the suite and defiantly a body in the bed, he chuckled to himself. He made his way over to the bed and stopped dead when he saw who was laying there. The woman was lying on her stomach she had thick dark brown curly tresses that spilled all around her. She was slender almost frail looking with translucent ivory skin. Chuck had felt his heart pick up a notch and sweat had begun to pour down his back. His nostrils picked up a oh so familiar perfume now that he was closer to the bed. Half in fear he had reached out to touch her shoulder. His mind was racing surely it couldn't be her he hadn't pushed her hard enough to sell herself had he?

When she finally had turned over he had let out a sigh of relief. The mouth wasn't full enough and the nose was too upturned and though the eyes were big and soulful they were a lifeless washed-out blue. He immediately wanted to be away from there he had payed the girl well and kicked her out without a second thought. He called Arthur and asked him to bring the limo around. Maybe a drive would clear his head. It was tow in the morning ant the streets were mostly empty. Chuck took a deep breath and looked out the window at Central Park. His mind threw up a red flag there she is again but that can't be Blair. He could see a girl or at least he could see her back wearing nothing but red shorts and a sports bra running like a demon was chasing her. Long curly dark hair pulled into a high ponytail and skin so translucent and white that it seemed to glow from the inside. Chuck felt like his heart was in a vice and told his driver to take him home. When he got back to the suite he had thrown himself in to the scotch like a demon possessed trying to get the image of full pouty red lips and soft warm chocolate brown eyes out of his head.

Chuck came back to himself in the bathroom of his suite. With a heavy sigh he made his way back to his room. There was broken glasses and furniture all over the suite. He had stripped the bed of all sheets and blankets leaving only the pillow he had slept on and the pillow that still held the lingering scent of perfume.

I'm going to be honest I am a stay at home mother of two very little children so I will update as often as I can but it might not be as regularly as I would like to. I have no clue how long this story will be it will stop when it stops. Please review if you can so I know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.