A/N: And here we are at the start of another holiday season. It seems like just yesterday I was frantic to get my christmas stories out. Anyways, this year I decided to try to hit all the holidays, rather than just christmas, which is why we find ourselves at the beginning of a halloween countdown. And, just as last year's christmas drabbles were fluffy and humorous, these halloween ones are twisted and fucked up =)

I've rated it T since there isn't anything terribly graphic, but be aware that there are adult themes and hints from here on out.


Halloween Morning, 9:30 am

Watery light filters through backyard trees and into a messy bedroom. The twin bed against one wall is full, indeed living up to it's name, as a pair of twins are tangled together in the single set of sheets.

Roxas slowly wakes with the intruding light, shielding his eyes and trying to be careful of his brother, the brunet's face burrowed into his neck and a leg hitched over his hips. But when one wakes so does the other and soon lips are moving against one another like a mirror; equally hungry and eager, fingers wandering greedily.

"Happy Halloween." Sora pants against Roxas, trying to keep his volume low, trying not to scream at his brother's touch.

"Why don't you give me a treat then." Roxas murmurs right back as he holds Sora tightly, tight enough for Sora to groan at the new friction and heat. It's their secret, their sin, can't let anyone know, parents can't find out, don't want to be separated.

Fearful thoughts spin around in their minds chaotically, like a dropped bag of colorful marbles; skittering and rolling across the floor, knocking against other lust induced notions. But they don't care for the moment, it only adds to the excitement. Too many sensations, too many tastes; they'll try to keep quite like always and make excuses later.