Harry Potter and the Legendary Sailor Cosmos

By Serenity-Cosmos-10

Chapter 1: Arrival of the Sailor Scouts at Halloween


Beta'd by Princess Moonie of the Moon



Dumbledore was about to say "let the feast begin", when there was a loud thud and a lot of gasps and shock heard throughout the entire room as everyone turned to where Professor Lupin was sitting. Beside Professor Lupin stood were two women dressed in silver robes with their hoods up looking around the room that they had just appeared in. Not a second later, seven more women with similar robes with their hoods up burst into the Great Hall where they spotted their other friends up the front near a large long table where the teachers were sitting. One in particular sat in a large chair with a long white beard, suddenly he stood up and shouted "SILENCE!" and the entire room went silent. Just then Professor Lupin got up from his chair and walked over to Dumbledore and quietly explained who these women were, especially the one that stood next to him with the other one. Dumbledore stood up with Professor Lupin and ask the nine unknown women to follow him and Professor Lupin to his office for explanation of these unexpected arrivals. Professor McGonagall was given strict instructions for the students from Headmaster himself.

"Now everyone once you have finished your dinner, you are all to return to your house dormitories until further notice." replied Professor McGonagall.


In Dumbledore's office, Professor Lupin and the nine strangers gathered around Dumbledore he sat at his desk and conjured up seats for his guests to sit on.

"Now Remus what's this all about and who are these women?" Dumbledore asked with curiosity.

"Well Albus, it's a little difficult to explain as to where these women came from. I can assure you they are harmless, and don't belong to Lord Voldemort's followers I can assure you. For now I shall reintroduce my wife, Trista, whom you've met several times before. I believe after all, our eldest child has just started his first year, his name is Aiden and the Sorting Hat chose to put him in Gryffindor like myself when I attended here" explained Remus, before taking a deep breath.

"Remus, I think I should explain everything and who these women are as well." Trista spoke up as she turned to Dumbledore while continuing with the story.

"Well Professor Dumbledore first I have a question to ask you, have you heard of the Silver Alliance?" Trista asked.

"Well to answer your question Mrs Lupin, I have heard legends and myths about the Silver Alliance, why do you ask?" replied Dumbledore, rubbing his long fingers along the line of his chin as he did.

"That's where we all come from originally, Albus. Our story actually begins there so if you like I could start by introducing my friends their past, present and future names. Well the one who appeared beside me is much more different to anyone you may have met. May I present to you the past; Princess Serenity of the White Moon Kingdom, present; Serena Usagi Tsukino and the future; Neo-Queen Serenity. Our world mostly revolves around her, because without her our future does not exist," Trista explained, as she turned to the woman next to her as she knew it was her turn to talk.

"I go by different names in different forms. Now I mostly go by is Neo-Queen Serenity or just Serenity to stop any confusion, as I just recently took my role as Queen in my world and these girls are my guardians, advisors and protectors," Serena explained as she introduced herself.

"What do you mean by different names in different forms" Albus asked with curiosity on his face.

Serena sighed.

"Okay everyone on my cue we transform to scout form. I must warn you Professor what you about to see you must not tell anyone. Okay let's begin, Mercury you go first then everyone will follow suit then myself will be last since you all haven't seen my latest transformation" Serena ordered.


Albus look up as each girl pull out a pen like transformation wand while the other girl had a strange looking brooch in her hand and then he turned and watched the blue-haired woman that was about to start.

"Mercury Planet Power" shouted the blue-haired woman.

"Mars Planet Power" shouted the raven haired woman.

"Venus Planet Power" shouted the blond with the red bow.

"Jupiter Planet Power" shouted the brown haired woman.

"Uranus Planet Power" shouted short sandy blond woman.

"Neptune Planet Power" shouted the aqua-marine haired woman.

"Saturn Planet Power" shouted the youngest of the group.

"Pluto Planet Power" shouted Trista.

"Silver Cosmos Power" shouted a silver haired woman.


The other eight women turned and stared at their leader, friend and queen as she turned into the last and most powerful form that they never expected. Another powerful form of Sailor Moon but this one is entirely different. It was as if a legend that had been foretold had actually come true.

"You're probably wondering how I became like this, well to explain, in our last battle after you all had died at the hands of Chaos, all of your powers transfer into me and the brooch change colour and shape and that's how I became like this. The legend I remember is that I'm called Sailor Cosmos, Protector of Time and Space and Queen of the Moon, Stars and Cosmos." Cosmos explained as she finish the short story.

"Anyway Albus my name is Sailor Cosmos in this form. The same goes for the girls let's see that's Sailor Mercury in blue, Sailor Mars in red, Sailor Jupiter in green, Sailor Venus in orange, Sailor Uranus in yellow, Sailor Neptune in turquoise, Sailor Saturn in violet and Sailor Pluto in black. My main colours are a multi-coloured skirt which represents each of my scouts and the silver bodysuit represents my home world, the Moon" Serena lectured as she signalled the others to change back into their civilian form.

"Since you know mine and Trista's names, I'll let the other girls introduce themselves" Serena said as she waited for the other girls to start.


"My name is Mina Aino." said Mina giving the Sailor V sign.

"My name is Amy Anderson and it's a pleasure to meet you Professor Dumbledore." said Amy.

"My name is Raye Hino" said Raye.

"My name is Lita Kino." said Lita.

"My name is Hotaru Tomoe." the younger girl said shyly.

"My name is Amara Ten'ou." said Amara.

"My name is Michelle Kaiou." said Michelle.


After having everything explained to him about their lives and history, Albus had thought through with everything, what kind of life they had from their world and decided the only way solution would be to sort the eight girls into the houses and work it from there. By their ages five of them would be in fifth year, two in seventh and one in third year. He thought it through once again decided that is what he would do. He was going to have them sorted.

A/N – Whoa I finally updated the first chapter. I'll let you readers work out which they are in and I decided to make Harry and the rest older by a year and others a few years. Big thanks to Princess Moonie of the Moon for being the Beta for this story.