Carly looked up from the laptop over at the bean bags. "I can't believe you two are sisters." Sam held a bowl of meatballs, her mouth smeared with sauce. Melanie was checking her makeup.

"Me too," the Pucketts replied in unison. Melanie giggled. Sam watched her and scowled. Melanie had just flown in for spring break and Sam was miserable.

"Shut up Melanie."


"So Mels. Any plans for the week?" Carly asked as she settled on a bean bag across from the twins.

"No I just thought I'll hang out with you guys. I can't wait to see Freddie though."

Carly smiled. "Freddie?"

"What do you want with that dishrag?" Sam added, looking irritated at her sister's comment.

Melanie wore the sweetest smile and stared of in space. "I had such a wonderful time with him when I was last here." She took a deep breath and exhaled as she remembered her date with Freddie. "He's a good dancer, he's got really gentle but strong hands and I love those soft pink lips of his."

"I still can't believe you made out with that dork!"

Carly smirked at her friend's outburst.

"One thing has me confused though. I've been thinking about it for the past year. After I kissed him, he was in shock and said 'We swore we wouldn't do that again.', but that was the first time I kissed him. So…"

Sam and Carly's eyes were wide open. They stared at each other, saying nothing.

Melanie, seeing their reaction questioned, "What are you guys not telling me?"


"Sam, did you and Freddie kiss?" She looked at her sister.

Sam started whistling and staring at the ceiling, "Hey Carls, you should probably tell Melanie about how Gibby managed to get that barbeque butt stain on your ceiling."

"Well Mels, it all started when Freddie dared Gibby to soak Sam with barbeque sauce before-"

Melanie cut Carly short. "What are you guys not telling me? Did you and Freddie kiss? Please tell me!"

"Pfft! No! Why would I even want to kiss that nub?"

"So you didn't kiss him?"


"So why would he make that comment?"

"I don't know what goes on in that tech brain of his."


Melanie was taken by surprise at the outburst. Sam glared at her friend.

"Carly how could you? Damn it Carls, you could never keep a secret." Sam's eyes dropped to look at the floor as her cheeks turned red.

"I'm sorry! But I can't lie to your sister and I've been wanting to tell someone or even speak about it but I couldn't. None of you guys ever mention it and if I do bring it up you two get all crazy!" Carly replied in disgust.

A smile crept unto Melanie's lips. She directed her gaze to her sister. It wasn't everyday she got one up on Sam. "So Sam did you like it?"

"Uh?" Sam looked at her twin with a blank expression.

"Did you like it?"

"It made me feel to vomit."

"Oh." Melanie replied. "So I guess that you wouldn't mind if I ask him out then."

"Feel free to date the dork. You don't need my permission." She continued eating her meatballs.

"Are you sure?"

The door to the studio swung open. "Sure about what?" asked the tech producer.

"None of your business dipthong!"

"Hi Freddie, long time no see," said Melanie in a sweet voice and a charming smile.

Freddie mouth dropped when he saw the twins. He pointed at them saying, "How… but you…sister…you and her… I…" (THUD). He fainted.

"Freddie!" both Melanie and Carly exclaimed as they ran to his side. He was out cold. They tried to wake him up but were unsuccessful. Sam set her bowl of meatballs down, slowly got up and walked over to them.

"Watch and learn ladies." Sam stuck her finger in her mouth then wiggled it in his ear. Freddie shot up, still in a daze. Carly and Melanie looked on in awe and Sam walked away with a smug look on her face. She really knew how to get to Freddie.

"I can't believe it… twins!" said Freddie who was still sitting on the floor but now mumbling to himself.

"Well nub, we did try to tell you."

"Yeah I guess," Freddie replied rolling his eyes as her rubbed his head where it hit the floor. He turned to face Melanie and smiled, "Hi. Let me properly introduce myself, I'm Freddie." He extended a hand to her.

Melanie giggled. She played along, "Hi Freddie, I'm Melanie." She giggled some more.

Sam looked on at what was going on. Her face turned red as the two continued speaking. She didn't pay attention to what they were saying but the fact that they were talking just pissed her off. Why was she feeling like this? Sure the nub and her shared their first kiss but that was all. Wasn't it? She knew that he kissed Melanie last year and was peeved about it. That resentment was surfacing again. Why was she feeling like this? Why?

Sam snapped out of her inner battle when she heard, "So Freddie, you wanna go out tomorrow?"

Freddie had a goofy smile. "Sure."


"I better get some ice from the freezer, my head still hurts from when I fainted."

"I'll go with you." Freddie finally got up from the floor and he and Melanie headed downstairs.

"Sam, are you okay?" She looked away from the doorway where the couple disappeared to her friend.

"What do you mean Carls? Of course I'm okay."



"Then why are your hands gripping into the bean bag and your face all red."

Sam relaxed her grip on the bags, "Because if they get together, and get married, I'll be related to that nub job. Can you imagine being related to both Melanie and Fredwierd? Uh, I think I'm gonna be sick." She stuck out her tongue to emphasize being sick.

"I think they look cute together."

"Whatever Shay, I'm outta here." She got up from her seat and proceeded downstairs. As she headed for the front door, she glanced over at the kitchen. Melanie was holding and ice pack to Freddie's head and he was all smiley.

"Uh. Get a room," she called out as she walked out the door, but they were lost in their own world.