Greetings Mighty Seddie Warriors! It's been a long time since I've visited the iCarly fiction stories. I do hope I'm not disappointing you with this chapter as it is only an author's note for my absence during the last few years. I do bring some great news. It would be my pleasure to write Seddie fiction once more. Be it a prequel for Sam and Cat, the last few moments of iCarly, a sequel to this story, future fic or anything under the sun (might even be a cross over with Percy Jackson/Game of Thrones/Hunger Games or any fandom I'm familiar with). Just drop your suggestion in the review section below. Seeing that my twelve year old self can get reviews as much as that, I humbly ask you warriors to follow me through my writing once again, if it would please you.

I swear to you I have grown and matured as a writer, a lot can happen in three years. I have yet to learn many things from all of you. I missed you. I missed us. :)

~Princess of the North

PS. If you would like to read one of my original stories, feel free to message me. It would be my honor to link my fiction press account to you.