A/N: I've been gone for a while... Here's a quick chapter while I go work on some other stuff... Half way through writing this, I got another idea for a story, but I know LeatherNGold will be pissed and tell me to finish the shit I've already started.

We have absolutely nothing in common. We don't listen to the same music, or the same subjects in school. After reminicing about the good ol' days, it seemed like everything else was just conversation filler. And once I think we're on the same wave length, she completely goes on the opposite spectrum.

She cleared her throat and took another sip of coffee. "Well, I'd have to disagree." No surprise there. "Why would I inflict harm on other people when they clearly had nothing to do with my anger or resentment?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I feel that I would want the world to know that I'm upset, and make others feel just as bad as me. Why should I be the only one upset, and have the world blind to the darkness of the world."

She chuckled and stirred her coffee. "I do agree that people should know that I'm upset, but it should be the right people. I can't just go around killing people, even though I always wanted to try..."

"What?" This perky, smiling girl before me wants to know what it's like to kill someone... Finally, we agree on something. "You want to know what it's like?"

She nodded rapidly. "Haven't you ever thought about it?" she asked, taken off guard.

"Yeah, I just didn't think you'd ever..."

"J-just to know... I don't have any direct, strong hatred towards anyone, really. I'm just fascinated at the action... I mean, I just don't get how someone can live their whole lives without experiencing the very essence of life: death... and not just their own death." I cleared my throat and stayed silent, completely pulled into her words. "How could you ever be alive without the experience of death? I want to see fear in the depths of a persons soul as I take away their connection to this world." She paused and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I'm just have odd thou-"

"No!" I yelped. "Please, continue... I like... I want to hear what you think." It was weird... The entire thing was just interestingly weird. This girl who is this completely tree hugger has this dark side. Not the type of dark side that typical mean girls have, she's grim reaper dark.

She shifted in her chair and continued. "I just think that people are naturally bad, so I would have a much easier time killing a person than an animal."

"Well, a lot of killers start off with killing animals..."

She nodded. "Yes, but the majority of killers found were male. Men have a different mindset... statistically. Men don't even have to know who they're killing. If they have the drive to do it, they would. Women, on the other hand, usually need a personal reason such as an endangerment to their family or a personal on going threat... Men don't need hate to kill... they simply need anger. Women need the hate in their minds... usually."

I think I nearly creamed myself from our conversation. "I honestly never thought of it like that..."

"Women are very hateful creatures, but mostly towards other women." she chuckled. "When you think about it, women hate their own daughters... It's not even just the hate, but they're jealous! Jealous of their own child! Could you ever imagine looking at what you created with such distain that you aren't even proud of their accomplishments?"

"I don't think I could hate another girl..."

She smirked. "In your case, it's quite different." I squint my eyes. "You're a lesbian, right?"

"Well, yeah... I had my share of women." Her eyes dropped down to her coffee when I said that. "How 'bout you?"

She shook her head. "You were my only one... girl friend, I mean... It took a while, but a lot of people thought it was odd that I didn't date anyone... and after you, I didn't want to be ripped away from someone like that ever again... So I started dating boys, and got stuck with this one ass hole..."

"Why did you like me so much?" That was something I definitely wanted to know... We were too young to know why we liked anything, just that we did like it. After all these years, she still has some sort of attachment to me.

She smiled at the question. I assume she was glad I asked, and maybe a tad embarrassed. "You made me feel beautiful when everyone else made me feel ugly. Everything you did, I couldn't help but watch... Even when you slept, I..."

"I remember." Her cheeks grew red.

"And it totally helps that you're an awesome kisser."

"So, you think I'm an awesome kisser still?" I grinned from ear to ear.

She smirked. "I was so caught up in our kiss that I simply can't remember. You'll just have to remind me."

She leaned across the table and went in for a quick kiss.

"Maybe we should just go to my car for that." I laughed as I looked around at the on-lookers.