Title: Something Borrowed, Blue, and Italian

Rating: T

Pairing: Leah/Demetri

Disclaimer: I own nothing from Twilight! Nor do I own the Song!

Summary: Leah returns to Forks and La Push to attend Jacob's wedding to Nessie. The invitation said plus one. How will the Wolf pack and the Cullen's react when they see Leah's plus one is none other than the Tracker of the Volturi Demetri?

AN: Ok, so I had to write this companion to 'Searching for You'. Everyone who reviewed 'Searching for You' wanted to see a sequel so here it is. So you all get your wish. I am sorry it took so long to write.

AN2: I really thought the lyrics I used fit Leah or Demetri's point of view. More so Leah's pov in my opinion. She doesn't care about Demetri's reputation, it doesn't matter to her.

I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation

You're living in the past

It's a new generation

An' I only feel good

When I got no pain

An' that's how I'm gonna stay

An' I don't give a damn

'Bout my bad reputation

-Bad Reputation by Joan Jett

"Your nervous." The tension filling my body seemed to relax when my imprint Demetri wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

I never could stay mad or worried when he was around. His prescence washed away any negative feelings inside of my body. It was almost like an overdose on zanax or some other relaxing drug. Being around my people eating parasite gave me a feeling of euphoria even with the stress of our current situation. We could be in the middle of a life or death battle and one touch, one caress had me lost in a sea of desire/

Rolling my shoulders I turned around to face him. My arms instinctively wrapping around his neck and winding in his short dirty blonde hair. "Not shit Sherlock."

Concern with a side of amusement flashed in his eyes red eyes. Eyes filled with the death of his latest hunt. "Afraid I'll cause a scene?"

"It's not you I'm worried about." I replied with a playful shove to his shoulders.

He didn't need to know how worried i actually was. It would only end up causing him to worry and because he worried I would just grow more concerned and to be truthful the whole up coming situation happened to be enough stress already. We did not need more tension on top of everything. Demetri and I were in a good place right now and I planned to make sure we stayed that way.

Truthfully I was considering skipping Jacob's wedding completely. I could come up with a suitable lie as to why I was unable to attend of this I am sure. He knows how I feel about the Cullen's and he respects my feelings. Unlike everyone else I knew Jacob would just be glad to recieve a card or phone call before the big day. He wouldn't pressure me to do something I did not want to do.

My leech seemed to read my mind even though I knew this to be impossible. He wasn't Edward Cullen who could rape your mind without permission. Yet he was my imprint and he knew me better than anyone else ever could. "We could always stay. Tell the pups you had something better to do."

In a truly Leah move I rolled my dark brown eyes. I knew he was about to make some perverted joke or comment. It was his way of trying to cheer me up. Usually it worked since most of his comments were beyond ridiculous. "And what would that be?"

Ruby eyes sparkled with laughter as he pulled me tighter against his body. "Me obviously."

Just like I knew it would his comment had me laughing my ass off. My face must have turned red because I saw his eyes darken a shade. Whenever I blushed and the blood ran to my face his blood lust would act up. When his blood lust acted up his eyes darkened. It was simple math if you thought about it. Leech loves blood. Blushing is blood rushing to your face. So obviously blushing would stir up hunger in a blood sucker.

"Is that so? And wouldn't it be someone better to do and not something?" I smirked and placed my hands on my hips the best I could with his arms still around my waist.

My tracker raised one of eyebrows and I felt my heart rate speed up. Damn blood sucker and imprint charm. "You understood what I was trying to say love."

Crossing my eyes I stuck my tongue out to show him I wasn't going to admit to that. After all me always told me my stubborness was one thing he loved about me. "Your the one always lecturing me on proper english. Which I may add is really stupid considering we live in Italy."

Demetri pressed a soft kiss to my left temple. "Are you trying to change the topic?"

"Is it working?" I asked while running my hands up and down his arms.

I don't know why but I loved his arms. He may not be huge like Felix or Emmett but he had really well defined arms. When they held me in the night as I slept I could feel the strength in them. They could break apart other parasites but never would they ever be anything other than tender with my body.

"No." My Italian lover drew out the word in a way that once more caused a blush to fill my cheeks.

Hey his accent was dead sexy and it isn't my fault he knew what his italian accent did to me. He used it on purpose I was sure. Whenever I accused him of it though during an arguement he would simple smile in his 'ha ha I win' way. The only reason he won so many arguments was due to the fact he'd bring on his italian accent and I'd be a goner in seconds.

Ducking underneath his arms I skipped, yes skipped across the room. I only ever skipped when I felt blissfully happy so luckily my imprint was the only one to see me act so girly. When he joked about telling the other guard members I threatened no sex. He never mentioned it again after that.

Throwing him a smile I shrugged my shoulders. "Then no, I wasn't trying to change the subject."

I thought for sure the conversation would be over now. Silence overtook our spacious bedroom as I threw clothes into an overly large and flashy suitcase. Demetri insisted I have what he considered the best travel equipment. No dollar discounts for his she wolf. Bitching at my people eating leech only made him determined I have the best.

Demetri often told me the reason he spoiled me was because he thought I deserved to know how a woman as beautiful as I should be treated. He beleived Sam Uley never did anything remotely romantic for me. I tried to tell him that wasn't true and Sam had been romantic before Emily but Demetri would counter by saying Sam used me and therefore anything romantic he may have done was now void.

Apparently my red eyed lover decided the conversation was not over after all. He took a few steps towards me as his eyes swept over my posture to take in my mood. He was very talented at reading someone's body language. "My sweet what exactly is bothering you?"

Shooting him my best 'are you for real' expression I flopped down on the bed. "Where should I begin? Oh right..My bestfriend is marrying Renesmee, the daughter of Edward and Bella. The same daughter you and the rest of the Volturi wanted to kill. Or did that little tidbit of information slip your mind?"

Nodding the blonde came to sit beside me. His cold fingers running up and down my jean covered thigh. "Are you mad that we wanted to kill her or that we didn't kill her?"

"I'm so not answering that." I tried to come off as irritated but my half grin ruined the attempt.

To be honest I wasn't sure what my real answer would be. Years ago when the half leech Nessie was still a kid, my answer would have been and immediate yes I wish you had killed her. Yet as she grew up and I was forced to get to know her by Jacob I learned she was the exact opposite of her mother. Cause of that I took a liking to her. Plus she hated Sam and Emily so that earned her points as well in my book.

My italian boyfriend grinned right back. His lips curving upwards and he continued to stroke my thigh teasingly. "Would that be because I am right?"

Before I could answer our bedroom door opened and in walked Felix the hulk of the leechy world. He never cared enough to knock since he knew it drove Demetri nuts. I personally had a theory he just wanted to catch us in the act of intimacy. He was dying to see me naked. "Another lovers spat between you two?"

"Eat me." I said in a bored tone.

Suprising me it was Demetri who answered instead of the hulk wannabe. "Right now? Really Leah is this the time or place for that?"

Punching my leech in the arm I scowled. Had Felix's perverted personality rubbed off on my boyfriend? Since when did my blood drinking tracker develope a dirty mind? "I was talking to Hulk Jr."

The brute force of the Volturi guard actually preened when he heard my comment. He sent a wink in my direction and I shivered in discust. "Hear that Demetri? Your little wolfy wants me to eat her. Are you not doing your duty as her boyfriend? If your not up to it, I would be willing to take Fido off your hands."

"I don't think your up to it. Didn't they ever tell you that steriods can make your ding dong shrink?" Holding in my laughter at his expression was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Score for the she wolf. I'd have to mark this date on the calendar so every year I could rub it in his face.

Felix smirked and cast a curious look in my imprints direction. He could come up with comebacks almost as fast as I could. That's one of the only reasons I put up with him because he amused me. Kept me on my toes. "Do you know that from personal experience?"

Manuvering my body I ended up straddling my tracker parasite's lap. My arms wound around his shoulders and I turned my head to throw my own wink at Mr. Steriods my very intentive nickname for Felix if I may say so myself. "Trust me Hulk, Demetri has no trouble in that department."

Hulk rested his massive body against the wall and crossed his arms. "Really? That's not what Jane says."

"Blood sucking barbie better not be saying anything about my boyfriend." I snapped while feeling Demetri hold me to him so I would not attack his bestfriend.

He knew what bothered me the most was how Felix would insinuate Demetri and Jane had been more than just friends in the past. Though I knew it to be lies it still bothered me. Just like how the mention of Sam's name sent my undead lover into a rage.

Mr. Steriods must have a death wishe because he opened his mouth once more. "Jealous much?"

In a Clearwater move I did what I'd do to anyone in this situation. I gave him the middle finger salute. "Annoying much?"

A sigh sounded in my ears as Demetri's cool breath hit my cheek. He knew from experience if he did not stop the two of us this moment we could and probably would throw jabs at eachother for the rest of time. "Felix did you come here for a reason?"

"Relax Demetri I'm only messing with her. We all know Leah has you on a short leash."

My tracker bared his teeth and hissed in annoyance. "Felix."

I swear Felix is the evil version of Emmett Cullen. They are almost exactly the same except for a few small details. For instance Felix eats people while Emmett eats animals. Felix is an undead man whore while Emmett's just a big married pervert whose mind is dirtier than the most polluted of lakes.

The bigger leech held up his steak sized hands. He had on his goofy grin that he wore whenever he annoyed his fellow parasite guard member. "Ok, ok, Aro wanted me to inform your plane leaves in three hours."

"Thank you for letting us know." Demetri nodded his head in a dismissing his friend.

"You can leave now." I added when the bigger and much more of a pain in the ass tick did not leave right away.

The steriod taking blood sucker went to open his mouth but a pointed stare from my imprint had him scurrying out of the room. I think he knew now was not the time for any more jokes. Even Felix knew how dangerous this trip could end up being for us. The only reason he was not tagging along was because I thought it would only make matters worse. One Volturi member at a shifter wedding would be akward enough.

"Leah my darling she wolf you have nothing to worry about." I didn't bother looking at my boyfriend as he took my suitcase from me.

I knew he was trying to reassure me but in reality his saying that only made it worse. He couldn't know what would happen. Demetri was a tracker not a mind reader or prophet. He could not know how the Cullen's would react. Or how the pack would handle my imprinting on a vampire. Renesmee was half human and ate animals so they could deal but Demetri was full vampire and he ate people. He wasn't going to chance and I couldn't see my pack accepting it with a smile.

Instead of telling him this I tried to smile but judging by his expression it came out more as a grimace. "Yeah I am sure this will be a lovely event. No tension what so ever."

My imprint chuckled and grabbed my hand in his. His thumb rubbing over my knuckles in a soothing manner. "So glad you agree."

"I was being sarcastic Demetri." I replied rolling my eyes as we exited our bedroom.

Jane and Alec were standing outside watching as we left. I knew blood sucking barbie wasn't my biggest fan nor was I hers but she had admitted I was part of her family and if something happened to me it would hurt Demetri. So because she cared for my tracker she cared for me in a wierd way. She did not like the idea of us going to Forks anymore than the other guard members. I could only pray we both made it back in one peice.


AN: So here is the first chapter to the sequel of 'Searching for you' so I hope you like it! I am not sure how long it will be but probably not more than five chapters or so. Let me know what you all thought ok?

Please R&R like always!