Chapter two

Thank you to those who reviewed this story so far! Now, onward.

Poseidon's POV

Two minutes later, Poseidon found himself on Long Island Beach. (Don't ask how he got there, I never really knew.) He quickly looked around, searching for her. That's when he spotted her.

She was drinking a soda and sitting at a bar. She was laughing with one of her female friends.

Poseidon smiled to himself and walked up to her.

Sally's POV

She had been drinking her soda when the man walked up to her. She didn't notice him at first; not until he spoke.

"Um, excuse me? Miss?" a soft but deep voice spoke from next to her.

Sally jumped, startled, and turned to him. "Yes? Who was asking for…" that's when all thought left her.

The man had black hair and a small black beard, a deep nice tan. But what caught her attention were his eyes. They were a startling deep green, the color of the sea. Her hand slipped from her glass and it fell to the ground, where it shattered into millions of pieces.

The sound startled Sally out of her trance and she feverishly looked away from those eerie eyes.

"Oh, gods." She cursed. "I'm so sorry did it hit you or anything, sir?"

The weird man just smiled and bent down. "No. Not at all dear." He scooped up a pile of glass with his bare hands.

"Sir!" Sally cried. "Don't do that, you could hurt your…" he had dumped the glass into the garbage can and wiped his unscratched hands on his Bermuda shorts. "…Hands." she finished, absolutely flabbergasted.

"No need to worry." He replied.

Sally glanced behind her and noticed her friend Lizzie watching their whole exchange intently.

"Um…Liz?" she whispered.

Lizzie looked at her. "What?"

"Could you…leave us for a few minutes?" Sally suggested quietly.

Lizzie's eyes narrowed knowingly. "Uh, sure. I guess I'll be down by our stuff. Later, Sally."

"Thanks." She said. She turned back to the strange man. "Listen, I'm flattered that you want to take me out to dinner but I'm really not interested in a relationship right now."

The man's smiled faded. Sally didn't know why but her heart clenched when his happiness was extinguished.

"Ah, I see. Well, at least grant me this: what is your name?"

Sally blinked. "Oh, um it's Sally. Sally Jackson. What's your name?"

"Poseidon." He answered. "But I am also known as the God of the Sea. Well, I do hope we meet again, Sally. Until then…" He made a slight bow with his head, turned, and walked away.

Sally thought she noticed the air around him shimmering with energy from his aura.