Whoot! Another chapter.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own Vampire Knight.


5 Reasons Zero Likes Winter

5. The snow makes it easier to track Level E's (so he can return home to his little Hana).

Zero cursed when he lost sight of the Level E and its prey. The E had lost him somewhere between the Red Light District and the Art District. Think Zero, thinkā€¦ Of course! The Level E would travel somewhere quiet to eat, somewhere away from human eyes, like most recently fallen ex-humans.

He galloped down the roofs stopping when he came to the entrance of the park. He stopped to check the snow-covered grounds. A smile reached his lips when he saw the obvious indentation of footsteps. He followed the obvious trail, minding the drops of blood when the tracks grew obscure. If it were summer he would have to rely solely on his sense of smell, aura detection, and hearing (when many humans weren't around). Sight always made the Hunt easier.

He swiftly followed the trail through the thick foilage, footfalls hardly making a sound, senses stretched in anticipation. He approached a glade cautiously when he heard growling, smelled the pungency of blood. He stopped when the growling ceased, knowing it felt him.

Patiently he waited until he heard it feeding noisily before dashing into the open and lobbing off a bullet. The Level E lunged into motion but not before the bullet caught it in the shoulder.

Howling it glared at Zero, large amounts of blood coating its bared fangs and oozing down its chin, before charging towards him.

Zero fired two bullets, one embedding in its leg and the other in its chest.

It stopped and fell, turning to ash.

Zero looked at the mutilated corpse it had fed upon and sighed. What had been a woman was nothing but a bloody mess. He sighed. Damn. When he'd first started pursuing the Level E he'd gotten to see her unspoiled. She had looked young, too young to be walking the streets of the Red Light District. She'd probably been a victim of harsh circumstances and had had no other way to keep herself with the necessities except to whore herself out.

Zero turned away from the body. He sighed and holstered his gun, striding back the way came, pulling the thick coat to keep out of the frigid air. He fished his cell phone from his pocket speed-dialing their home number.


"Hey baby, I'm on my way home."

4. Aidou's coffee and miso soup.

Zero opened the door, the scent of miso soup filling his nostrils. After taking off his gear, he strode into the kitchen. He found Aidou stirring the large pot of soup. He wrapped his arms around Aidou's waist from behind, kissing his neck.

Aidou closed his eyes, putting a hand on Zero's. "Glad to see you home." He tilted his head as Zero kissed his neck. "I love you."

Zero smiled predatorily, nuzzling his mate's neck, fangs itching to be embedded in the creamy skin. "Mm-hm."

Aidou turned in Zero's grasp, tilted his head back so he could kiss his mate's chin then bite his bottom lip. Questing hands slowly crept up Zero's bare arms the creamy skin kissing his palms sending tiny electric snaps of up his arms. He loved touching Zero.

Zero pressed a passionate kiss to his mate's lips, fondling the innards of Aidou's mouth with his deft tongue. "I'm going to go take a shower."

Aidou nodded absently, lips inches from Zero's.

Later Zero stood amidst the steam, allowing the hot water to pelt him. A nice long shower was like his meditation. His post Hunt shower helped him calm down, to remember that he had beautiful things in his life and that he was not a monster.

He descended the stairs, grinning when he saw a bowl of steaming miso soup in front of his chair. He sat down in the cushioned chair, giving Aidou a loving gaze when he sat the mug of coffee fixed to his liking (black with two sugar cubes) in front of him. Of course, the only time he got this treatment was after a hunt or Aidou decided to fix miso soup (most of the time it was just coffee).

Zero took a timid sip of coffee. "Mmmm." Aidou made the best coffee.

"So Akatsuki called an hour ago," he started ladling soup into a bowl, "he's having a showing at a local high end art gallery. He wants to know if we'll attend."

Zero nodded. "Sure." He inserted a spoonful of soup into his mouth. Mmmm. Aidou's miso soup was freaking delicious. He didn't know how but the blend of spices were subtle but dazzled the palate. He heaved a sigh. "Dammit."

"What is it?" Aidou asked, sipping his coffee.

"Your miso soup is better than mine."

Aidou's eyes widened as if he'd just been told that vampires could breathe in space. "What? Really? Zero I don't know what to say. Zero what do I say?"

Zero took another sip of soup. Aidou was being a drama queen again. "Hana you didn't win the Oscars so just accept it without a speech."

Aidou pouted at him. "Well thank you jerk."

Zero smiled, reaching over to caress Aidou's hand. Aidou always brought his world back to its rightful orbit. "You're welcome my adorable little nerd." He chuckled when Aidou pouted at him and inserted another spoonful of miso soup into his mouth. After swallowing he gave a content sigh.

3. Watching Aidou Sculpt Ice.

It was a marvel to watch. Every time he watched it made him realize just the extent of Aidou's mastery over ice. It was after 2:00 a.m. and Zero sat on the stoop watching Aidou sculpt ice. Ice sculpting was an activity that Aidou performed only late at night in the dead of winter. He observed quietly with amazed eyes.

Aidou concentrated condensing the moisture in the air into a solid block of ice.

He drew his jacket close when a stiff breeze billowed past. Aidou had turned to him.

"What shall I sculpt now love?"

Zero looked around their backyard at the different immaculately carved ice sculptures. "A sakura tree." He smiled at the look Aidou gave him.

"You love to challenge me don't you?"

Zero grinned. He sipped his coffee and leaned against the snow-covered step preceding their back door. He watched as Aidou began to manipulate the block of ice. If he hadn't been an eyewitness he would never have believed that ice could bend, but he now knew it was possible. So there he sat, watching with enthralled eyes as the block of ice literally bent and twisted to Aidou's will.

It was always a delight to see Aidou truly concentrate and watch as he delved into the extensive mastery over his element. The spot between his eyebrows wrinkled and his beautiful face became a picture of focus as he pictured the sakura tree in his mind. Soon the featureless block of ice became a sakura tree complete with leaves and all.

He stood and strode to the center of their backyard, kissing Aidou's cheek and wrapped an arm around his slender waist. "It's beautiful."

Aidou smiled smugly. "Thank you," he answered, obviously pleased with himself.

Zero bopped his head fondly and nuzzled his hair. "Don't let it swell your head any more or you'll have to walk sideways through the door." The subsequent pout and blush combination that claimed Aidou's features were pricelessly adorable.

He gave a tiny smile because of his mate's blush, heart stuttering when the small blonde turned those doll-like eyes on him. Leaning down he captured Aidou's cherry lips before stroking his silky waves. "Come on let's go inside. I'm cold."

They crossed the snow-laden backyard, and entered their home through their back door.

2. Ice Skating.

Zero sat on the bank, lacing up his ice skates, checking the blades of both shoes. He glanced up, eyes instantly sifting through the other skaters to watch the small blond gliding across the ice on the other side of the rink. He watched with attentive eyes as Aidou skated, performing a series of perfectly executed triple axels, crossfoot spins, and ended with a perfect landing from a split. He shook his head amusedly when Aidou bowed to the onlookers before the small blonde decided to propel himself in his direction.

"Are you through putting your skates on pokey?" He bent down to thump his mate lightly.

Zero only gave a ghost of a smile, continuing to lace up his shoes. He would tell Aidou that the reason he was always so slow was because he liked to watch him skate, but if he did, well Aidou's ego was currently big enough. He finished and stood, casting a glance around the park. He allowed himself to be tugged by his impatient mate.

"What are you looking for?"

"The sweet potato guy."

Aidou sighed. Honestly he thought Zero only came to the park to skate was for the sweet potatoes. "Can we skate first?"

Zero tightened his hold on Aidou's hand. They started over the ice, gaining speed. Zero stuffed his hands in his pockets, content to watch his mate as he glided over the ice linking a Bohemian spin with a crossfoot spin before turning to find him.

Aidou smiled brightly at him.

Zero gave a tiny grin, heart melting. Zero knew Aidou loved attention and when he skated he loved for Zero to look at him like it was only he that existed on the ice. It was warming to see the child-like happiness that etched the small blonde's features and the subsequent tiny wave.

Aidou turned and began propelling himself over the ice preparing for another series of jumps.

Zero watched as Aidou did a full out back somersault. He landed gracefully before using his momentum to jump into a lay out. Watching quietly, he waited for the onlookers to stop applauding before skating to the little ham. "Showoff." He smirked at the tiny flush-faced blonde, tightening his grip on his hand and sped off towards the opposite side of the rink.

They glided across the ice, carving intricate figures into its glossy surface. Zero gazed at the small vampire skating next to him. Aidou's face was flushed, a look of child-like glee sparkling in his yes, his blonde hair ruffling in the wind. Zero couldn't help but think how sinfully cute Aidou looked in his blue striped earmuffs. When the tiny noble beamed at him his heart skipped and then melted. He loved Aidou more than life.

After skating for a while longer they stopped and decided to get a sweet potato from the vendor. Later they sat on a park bench with a wide view of the people gliding across the sleek surface of the ice.

Zero shook his head at Aidou when the blonde took a bite of the soft innards of the spud before blowing it. "Ow! Hot!"

Zero chuckled softly, watching as his mate fanned his mouth.

"Zero don't laugh."

Zero wrapped an arm around Aidou's waist. He leaned on the park bench, staring at the humans skating, slowly consuming his sweet potato. His gaze shifted to his mate when he felt him tug on his sleeve. "Yes my love?" He noticed the lack of sweet potato in Aidou's paper towel.

"Can I have the rest of your sweet potato?" He asked sweetly.

"No." Zero drew the sweet potato protectively to him. However his resolve quickly crumbled when it came under the assault of those gorgeous azure blue eyes. Sighing he took a large bite and handed Aidou the remainder.

1. Cuddling with Hana

It was snowing. Hard. A bracing wind whipped by, driving the snow through the air adding to the already four inches of snow coating the streets. A lone figure strode through the barrage of wind-driven snowflakes.

Zero cursed silently as he trudged through the unforgiving weather. He walked with his head down, face snuggled into the high collar of his thick coat, a paper bag held in an arm. His teeth chattered when a frigid blast of wind roared into him, chilling him to the bone and causing the snowflakes to feel like tiny daggers pricking his exposed skin. This was the last time he dropped by a store on his way from his job when it was snowing. Aidou owed him so much right now.

He looked up, latching onto Aidou's aura and carefully ascended the step to their townhouse. Reaching in his pocket he found his key and hastily used it to open the door. Pervasive heat welcomed him when he entered the foyer. He set the bag on the floor and began unbuttoning his coat. "I'm home Hana," he announced a little surprised that his mate did not greet him at the door.

He hung his coat on the coat hanger and picked up the grocery bag, striding into the sitting room. He found Hanabusa sitting on the couch reading a book.

He leapt from his seat. "Hi baby!"

An automatic smile, albeit faint, graced his lips at the sound of the love dripping from his mate's tone. "Good evening my usa-chan." He pressed a quick kiss to Aidou's full lips. "It's cold out."

Aidou nodded. "I know." He relived Zero of the bag. "Now go take a shower. I'll make up some coffee so you can warm yourself."

Zero obeyed his mate's commands and ascended the stairs. After a relaxing shower, he strode down the stairs and into the sitting room, wearing a sleeveless shirt and jeans. He stopped when he noticed the two large cushions placed in front of the fireplace.

"Have a seat."

He looked to the svelte noble, striding from the kitchen holding a tray topped with steaming coffee, a saucer of marshmallows and graham crackers on a plate and flaky layered honey biscuits on another saucer. Zero raised an eyebrow and took a seat on the cushions, folding his legs. He took the tray from his mate and placed it on the floor in front of him. He leaned over to capture the noble's petal soft lips in a slow passionate kiss before picking up his cup to take a sip of coffee.

He shook his head when Aidou impaled a marshmallow on the sharp end of a metal rod. "Hana what the hell?"

Aidou glanced to him. "What?"

"You're roasting marshmallows."

"I know that."

"Why?" He took another sip of coffee.

"Because I want to eat them."

Zero sighed. "Whatever." Sipping his coffee leisurely he observed quietly as the small vampire unsuccessfully roasted several marshmallows. He couldn't help but chuckle when he drew back another burned marshmallow.

"Don't laugh," he whined. Discarding the ruined marshmallow he impaled another and inserted it into the fire.

Zero smothered a chuckle when Aidou drew out the marshmallow. This current marshmallow however was on fire.

"Oh no Zero!" He flailed.

Zero sighed. Aidou could still be dense even though he was a genius. "Blow it out." His eyes sparkled when Aidou blew frost on the tiny flame, frowning at it.

"Not a word." Aidou said to him.

Zero merely took another marshmallow from the pile and placed it on the sharp end. He sipped his coffee as he roasted the gooey treat. A moment later he withdrew the stick, holding a perfectly roasted treat from the flame. He proffered the treat to Aidou. A barely-there smile traced his lips when Aidou sandwiched the gooey treat between two graham crackers and took a bit bite.


Zero finished his coffee and started on the biscuits. "All these years and you still can't roast marshmallows."

Aidou pouted at him before thumping his shoulder.

"But your adorable face makes up for your lack of cooking skills."

Aidou rolled his eyes.

He drew his mate to his side, resting his head on his hair. They were silent for a few moments, Zero's stroking Aidou shoulder.

"Hey Zero."

Zero shook his head, because he knew exactly what the tiny noble wanted. "I'm not going back out in that weather just to get you a box of pocky." He took the expression on Aidou's face to be one of vexation.

Aidou tutted. "Don't be a baka, my love. I wouldn't do that." He snuggled closer to his mate, nuzzling his neck. "I just wanted to say that I love you."

Zero smiled softly at Aidou, falling headlong into the vast blue of his eyes. "I'm not a baka, but I do love you too." He snuggled Aidou close, letting the fire warm his body as the love for his mate warmed his soul.


Well my friends that is it. This is the last chapter of Snapshots, unless I think of one or any of you have an requests. Anyhow, I hope you all enjoyed the ride with Zero & Aidou. However it's over (T_T) at least for now. I want to give a hearty "THANK YOU!" to all of my reviewers and readers. So until I decide to write anything else, this is me signing off.

Ciao ^_*