Midnight Melody


"Do you wish for more wine, Mistress?"

She sat in a lone chair, her dress pure black and the room around her a sickly purple. In her right hand was a glass wine cup, the liquid in the container was not even close to wine. Its color was crimson.

"Do not call me your Mistress," she whispered.

"But you are our Mistress; we protect you like a queen."

"Momo…" the beautiful auburn haired girl said like a warning. She put the cup down and looked at her servant. "Your serves is not needed. I am a lonely person who needs no one, but you know who I do need right?"

Momo Hinamori shivered at the glare she was being given. Her Mistress could be so scary at times. She liked it better when the Mistress was happy, but when that damn man came she would turn into the monster she truly was. How she hated that man. "Yes ma'am."

"Now tell me why you call this wine, you know very well what it really is."

Momo looked away and turned her violet colored eyes to the floor. Maybe she wouldn't stutter out her answer this time. "Because Sir Aizen says it will make you feel closer to becoming human. He says that calling it blood would ruin the effort…"

The Mistress looked out the window of her castle. The moon was full tonight. Oh how she loved a full moon. It reminded her of him. "Sir Aizen knows so much about the humans and I know so little. Tell me Momo, did you send the invitation to the address I gave you?"

"Yes Mistress, of course I did!"

"Good, you may leave…"

Momo walked over to the old grand doors leading out of the room when a voice stopped her.

"Oh and Momo, could you get me some more of this... wine?"

Momo looked at her one last time with her body starting to sweat from the fear and turned back to the door. "Yes, Mistress Orihime…"






*Got a secret, can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save…

Ichigo Kurosaki's body was starting to sweat again from the nightmare he was having. How many nights had he awakened with sweat coming down his chin and panting like he had run for miles? Way too many he could not even count by now.

He was shaking from the damn song that the girl from his dream always sang every night. Why this song, he thought. By now Ichigo could sing along with her.

Better lock it in your pocket, taking this one to the grave…

Oh how her voice was of an angel, but the pictures and visions she gave him made Ichigo want to scream. The horror of watching all those men and women being slaughtered with blood spilled all over the killer's skin. So much crimson he couldn't even see the face of the man, only the snow white hair on his head. The scenes looked like they were in some old horror flick. Black and white, but they did show the blood along with it.

If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said…

Sleeping was something Ichigo tried not to do any more, but that task was impossible. In the end he always fell asleep and dreamed of her and the killer. Every night it was a different kill and the same song.

Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead…

"*Toriko-chan, where are you Toriko-chan…" the white haired man sang out to the empty area.

Ichigo couldn't even see the man's face, but he could feel something bad was about to happen.

"I found you~" he sang out again


Ichigo couldn't believe it now, the voice that said 'no' was the girl who always sung the song in his dreams. He had never seen her before.

The girl's hair was auburn and her eyes gray but filled with tears.

"N-no, no, NO!" she screamed.

The man started to grab her hands and was beginning to rip her cloths off. Ichigo tried finding his voice to scream that he would help her, save her. But he couldn't move.

"You know you can't stop me, Toriko-chan. So why even try if your family sold you to me. I'm not going to kill you like the humans, they are our food…"

Ichigo saw her stop the struggle and let him have his way with her. Another image popped up with the an now on the floor covered in his own blood with the girl standing nezt to the body. More horror to his dreams…

The auburn haired girls eyes turned to him as she whispered, "I'll find you and bring you back… My Master…"






Ichigo opened his eyes and shot up from the bed. He brought his hand up to wipe the sweat from his forehead. "Damn…" he cursed. "Not again…"

Of course out of every one in the world it had to be him with the fucked up dreams. Why, he didn't know. Maybe his dad had done something to piss off a gypsy and she (or he) cursed me as a punishment. 'Cause Ichigo's dad did a pretty good job of pissing him off already and he didn't need more to the damn trouble, and his sisters didn't help him with the old man.

He scanned the bedroom and fell back to the bed. Taking a look to the clock on the night stand that read 5:37 a.m. Only one more hour till he had to get up...

He sighed and pulled the blanket off that covered his legs, wasn't like he was going back to sleep anyway. I can tell this is going to be another crappy day, he thought as he walked over to the bathroom, the thoughs of his dream gone.








The Karakura General Hospital is known though out Japan for its amazing doctors and medical science. The doctors with in Karakura General are saving lives every day and taking wonderful care with the people inside the walls...

"And I'm telling you he is not up tight!" Rukia slamed her hands on the white cafeteria table. She was getting ready to knock him out cold.

...Most of the time.

"And I'm still telling you, brothers little angel," Renji shot back. "That your brother is an up tight ass!"

"You don't know anything!"

"Pfft- NO! You don't know anything!"

A very annoyed orange headed man sat at the other end of the table watching the fight between his two friends go on. He was tired of the fighting and they were in a public place for heaven's sake. "Will both of you just shut the hell up," Ichigo whisper yelled. "We're in a freaken hospital for God's sake!"

"Oops..." Rukia giggled. "Sorry Dr. Kurosaki, I forgot about where we're at. It will not happen again."

"Quit calling me Dr. Kurosaki already Rukia. Your a doctor too..." Ichigo muttered.

"Ah, but I am no doctor in your area."

"Ya, but your a... Hmn what's that word again..." Ichigo said while tapping on his chin. "Oh ya, your a *Podiatrist."

Both men stop and burst into laughter at her choice of work. Rukia balled her fist together ready to make a shot at both of their faces. This is why I'm not married, she thought and kept it to herself.

"How did you even get interested in that area," Renji asked still laughing.

"Its none of you business," Rukia shouted with a blushed face and slamed her hand down on the white table again. "And like yours is any better Renji, you too Ichigo!"

Ichigo looked at her and smirked leaning down to the table. "I'm with the *I.M.S."

"*Cardiologist," Renji said, a smirk also playing on his face and nodded his head.

"Damn jerks," she muttered.

Looking at the watch adn seeing the time on it, Ichigo stood up from the table and got his coat ready to leave. Renji looked at him in wonder. "Hey, where you going?"

"To my office..." he said looking a bit spacy. "Why?"

"Oh nothing..." Renji said while waving his hand in the air telling him to just go. "Just go already."

"Um, ok..." Ichigo took one last glance at his friends and walked off to his silent office. Another bad feeling like last nights krept up on to his skin again. He shivered

Rukia and Renji watch him walk off to the hallway. Rukia lets out a sigh and Renji just grunts in response. They both look at each other and back to the way Ichigo left from. Rukia is the first to speak.

"My brother got a message yesterday saying that Ichigo is going to receive an invitation to visit the Mistress," she said with another sigh.

"Well thats not good," Renji comments. "What does the Order want now?"

"That is what were trying to find out hot head," she snapped back already getting annoyed again.

"Well sorry *Yukki-sama."

"I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Ya, but Byakuya would never want me to stop since your of royalty, oh honorable Kuchiki-sama," he said with another throaty laugh.

She sighed again and punched him in the shoulder hard, giggling at the wince on his face. She then grabbed her purse and pulled out her cell phone to dail a number.

Renji rubbed his injured shoulder with his hand, he looked at her puzzled. "What are you doing now?"

"What does it look like I'm doing you nit wit."

"I know what your doing stupid," Renji sneered and crossed his arms on his chest. "I ment who are you calling."

"I'm calling Tatsuki, Chad, and Uryu. They need to know that the Order is up to something."

"Shouldn't we tell Ichigo what he really is then?"

"You know very well who would be looking for him if he were ever to find out what he is Renji. That's why his dad told us never to tell him or else."

"Can't keep it a secret from him forever, Rukia."

"Thats why were letting the damn Mistress of the Order do it. If she bites him then he'll awaken."

"But shes not-" Rukia put a finger on his lips to shush him.

"We can't talk about stuff like this here you idiot," she whispered. Her hand was still on his thin lips.

He pulled her hands from his mouth and nodded his head. "Fine, we'll talk later."








"Dr. Kurosaki!"

Ichigo stopped in his tracks and turned around to see the one of the nurses running up to him. In her hand was a paper that she was swinging back and forth like a fan in the air. He almost ran to help her when she stumbled and almost fell to the cold marble floor but she caught herself in time.

"You need to be more careful Ririn," he said. "Your not any good if your the one being treated."

She slapped him on the arm. "Whatever," Ririn grumbled. "Got a message in your box today."

She handed him the white paper she had been swining around earlier. He looked at the paper and saw the black letters written in english. Who ever had sent this was lucky he could even read and speak it. Ririn tapped her foot on the floor waiting for him to say something about the letter. She couldn't read english all to well so she was very curious about what it said. She started to jump up and down from excitement.

"So what does it say," she asked him.

"You can't read it?" Ichigo smirked at her. She always acted so high and mighty, but she couldn't even read simple english.

"I wasn't too good in my engish classes back at college," she grumbled. "So whats it say?"

"Well, learn to read english and I'll tell you."

"What!" she screached out. "If I learn it then whats the point of you reading it to me?"

"Learn and find out."

"Damn you!"

Letting out a chuckle, he escaped the now hostile nurse to leave for his office. The large room held his desk, a leather chair, a bleack couch, a TV, and a book shelf containing some health books and Dictionary's for extra information when he needed it. Ichigo sat down ready to rest his head on the desk, but couldn't from the papers scattered on top of it. I'll have to clean that up later...

He leaned back in the chair and opened the mail to see more words in english. He read the note to himself.

Dear Kurosaki Ichigo,

You have won an all paid trip to Transylvania, Romania. We welcome you to spend three days and nights in our castle and take a tour of this wonderful country. We hope to see you on 10-31-10. Please join us and be one.

-sincerely Souske Aizen

Ichigo looked at the note blankly. He didn't need a vacation at all. Most doctors say how much this job gives them stress,but he didn't feel any at all. The feeling of saving peoples lives wasn't stressful, it was amazing.

Then their was his sisters who always told him to take a vacation. So why not? Take a couple days off and go to some European counrty to relax. Hell, he wouldn't have to face his dad's so called sighns of love by beating him down to the dirt every day. So let the vacation begin. The 31 of October was in four days so he might as well get ready.

Another cold chill filled the air as Ichigo got ready to leave that day so he could go home and pack.

End Of Prologue

A/N: I'm really good at horror storys and I love halloween so this story is very graphic and romantic! I hope you guys like it! Orihime may seem OOC at first but that is for a reason.

*The Dictionary

Secret- The song that Ichigo hears is from the show Pritty Little Liars. I love this song to bits.

Toriko- Japanese for prisoner/captive.

Podiatrist- Rukia's area in being a doctor. She specializes on the diagnosis and treatment of the ailments of the foot. Nobody knows why she chose this area.

I.M.S- Ichigo's area. He specializes on adults for treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, emphysema, and cancer. The I.M.S is short for "Internal Meical Specialist."

Cardiologist- Renji's area. He works on the treatment of heart and blood vessels of the circulatory system.

Yukki- Japanese for snow. When Renji says it with two K's that means "snow princess" if you add to U's then its the same thing. If its just spelt Yuki, then it just means snow.

When I put the * by a word, that means I'll put the word in the short Dictionary at the bottom of each chapter.

Hated it? Loved it? Needs work? So review it! Loves you guys lots!

~Turtle-chan out~