A/N: ok I lied when I said I was going to update IU before this. Your welcome to throw random objects at my head. (but nothing sharp!)

For some odd reason I was thinking about my pin name before Turtle-chan666. It was Veronica Faith I think. Don't know why I brought it up, just thought you guys would want to know for some dumb reason.

Yay! So now this story can be called a horror story and I added a Lemon scene too! I'm on a roll today!

Let the reading begin!

Disclaimer- all I own that is Bleach is my Ichigo bankia poster, and my kon cap. All the character's were created by Kubo-sama.

Midnight Melody

Arc One: The Meeting


The crimson liquid slowly dripped down his long fingers. His hands still ripped apart the dead body's parts. Blood was covering the wall and white marble floors. So far half an arm, no head, one leg and a hole was through the body. But the man wasn't even close to being done. No, he was far from it. What a shame that his victims screaming had stopped about twenty minutes earlier.

He stood up and kicked the life less body. A dark smile grew on his face while looking at his work. He wiped the dried blood on his face causing some that was still wet to stick. Looking down to the dried liquid in his finger nails, an even bigger smile grew. This man didn't kill because he wanted to, it was for someone. His blue eyes hit the girl standing only a few feet away.

"Mistress Orihime will grow angry with you if you keep on killing random humans, she cares for them," the woman said. She wore a brown dress that hit to her knees. On her feet were white ankle boots which were now being stained by the blood on the floor. She frowned at the boots; her green hair covered her face as she looked back to the man. "Can you never clean up after your self?"

He laughed at her comment. "That's why you're here Nel."

She pouted at him and looked away to the blood smeared wall. "I won't always be here to clean up after you," she scoffed. Her boots were ruined now. She pulled the green strands of hair from her face and turned to the door. "The room is cleaned now, can we go?" She

then looked him up and down. "Also take a bath when we get back home, you smell like a slaughtered goat."

He blinked and looked around the now clean room. "One of these days you have to tell me how you do that Neliel," he said a little bit amazed. She glared at him and he backed off.

"Come on," she said. "The guest is supposed to have arrived. We should head back to Romania."

"You don't like America much, do you Neliel," he joked.

"You could say that," she said back. She walked to the door leading out. "But then again,

Americans start to scream when we attack, in Romania their use to our attacks by now."

"So you like to hear the humans in pain," he chuckled out. She was right, the humans in America screamed bloody murder while as in Romania they just pulled out a cross and hoped for the best. They weren't much fun any more.

"Grimmjow," she warned, know what he was thinking.

His blue eyes hit her brown, she glared at him. "Ok, fine I'll drop it," he said. "Damn, you can get so fucking moody…"

Nel didn't answer back as she descended out the door with Grimmjow following close behind.






"Sora, when's *Kaa-san coming back," Orihime asked. The room she was in was bright and green. Her small hands played with some small dolls Ulquiorra had given her a few days ago.

Her older brother smiled down to her, she could be so sweet. She was in a white dress that hit to her ankles. He'd have to thank the maids for always dressing her up so cute. "She'll be back soon; father took her to a meeting with the Order today."

Orihime tilted her head to the right a little. "Why does she need to see the Order?"

"Because Kaa-san leads them, remember? So she had to go and lead them."

She pouted at her brother. "But why do they need her so much? Kaa-san needs to stay here with me," she said to Sora and pointed at her heart. "You said that Sora and Kaa-san are in my heart, so I don't want her to leave it!"

"Ah, but Orihime," Sora cooed and kissed her on the top of her head. "She needs to make sure you have a better future."

Orihime crossed her tiny arms across her chest. "Well maybe I don't want a better future if Kaa-san isn't here to plan out the beginning," she exclaimed while pouting.

Sora laughed and ruffled his sister's hair. "You're such a smart girl, Orihime."

She giggled and gave him a big smile. But even she new it would fade soon.

Again, Orihime said in her head as she sat up from her bed. Morning shined through the curtains as her eyes tried to adjust to the light. Her room was a deep blue color and the floor was a dark brown, a table sat by the door and her bed stand was empty of any objects. She swung her feet over the bed making them touch the cold wood floor. Her hands lifted up to stretch as a long yawn escaped her pink lips. The doors opened revealing Momo carrying a glass filled with crimson.

"Good after noon Mistress," Momo said kindly. She handed the glass to Orihime who took it. She drank, but she didn't like it.

"Is it already that late," Orihime asked. She didn't really like sleeping late, who would sing with those black birds at sun rise if she didn't? "I guess I'll have to go see how Kurosaki-kun is doing. We don't want him to go in a room that might have a coffin, now do we," she got off the bed.

"Do you need help to get dressed Mistress," Momo asked. Orihime turned her head and smiled sweetly. She nodded at Momo who walked over ready to help in any way she could.

"Ah~" Orihime exhaled sharply. Momo could tie the corset so tight. "These corsets can be so tricky at times when I try to tie them!"

"Um, I think that's why you shouldn't attempt to do this on your own Mistress," Momo said while wondering when Orihime even tried to do this on her own. She finished tieing it in record time. "There," she said, "all done."

"Thank you Momo, what would I ever do without-" the door slammed open to show Ichigo. He was panting and his hand grabbed on to a near by table for dear life. When he saw Orihime and looked down to her chest, blood gushed out of his nose and he fell to the floor out cold.

Orihime looked down to him. "Is something the matter with him Momo?" She gave her maid a confused look.

"Just a human reflex, Mistress," Momo answered nervously. She walked over to his body and grabbed him by his feet. "I'll just take him outside and you can put your dress on." She dragged his body out the door and closed it behind her. Men could be such perverts at times.

"Reflex," Orihime stood confused then shrugged and went to her wardrobe to put on a dress. After all, she was only in a corset that hit billow her breast and it was drafty in her room






Ichigo blushed red as a strawberry when Orihime entered the hall. She was now in another black dress that it the floor, the neck line hit just above her chest (no longer in the corset he saw before that lifted her bust ever so slightly). Her hair was down and two hair clips were neatly placed in it. On her neck was the cross which held some type of gem. He didn't want to think about the little "Adventure" he went on earlier this morning and to add to his memory's the picture of Orihime naked was still carved into his cranium. He wasn't a pervert or any thing like that; he was just surprised is all. Ichigo was nothing like his father, who asked on a daily bases what his own sex life has been. No man should have to go through the never ending questions of if he had stuck his "P" in a "V" lately. He did not want to turn into his father, if he ever asked his children about that, he'd want them to shoot him. End of story.

She walked over to him and gave a smile. He gazed back at her. She wasn't embarrassed? She was fully exposed in front of him and she won't even give out a blush? He'd thought that she would slap him or maybe even make him pack his bags for a trip back to Japan (forever). But she just walked up to him and smiled. What kind of women was she?

"Oh, you didn't have to wait for me, Kurosaki-kun," Orihime said surprised by his actions. Her grey eyes looked him over; he was still a little red and a smudge of blood was on his shirt.

Wait, Orihime thought, blood? Her eyes locked on to the small crimson wet spot. Her vision was going blurry. She was still having thirst, and it was not yet time to bite him.

Ichigo saw Orihime grow antsy. He shot up from his sitting place on the floor. "Hey, are you ok Inoue," he asked. She was getting so pale, is she going to faint?

"I-I'm fine," she stuttered out. "And you don't have to keep calling me 'Inoue,' you can call me Orihime." By now she could smell the blood. It made her want to puke, how it smelled of iron.

"Can't do that," Ichigo said. "In Japan you can't call someone by their first name unless you know them really well, and I don't think I've earned the right yet." Maybe it was time to tell her he was a Doctor and he could help her…

He placed a hand on her shoulder. Gray eyes locked with brown and he felt his in sides melt like ice. Her eyes were beautiful, like shimmering diamonds. Of all the times to think of her beauty, why does it have to be now?

Why does it have to happen now? If she didn't faint from needing the blood then it would be by how close he was. It wasn't that Orihime didn't know that he was cute; she just wasn't use to feeling like this. Falling for him wasn't part of the plan! It's times like this she wished she was emotion-less like Ulquiorra!

Where the hell was Souske, he said he would help her with him! She could no longer handle it; her eyes looked at his neck. Her ears could hear the blood pumping through his veins. "I'm sorry Kurosaki-kun but…"

Ichigo didn't understand what she was trying to say, but as she got closer and closer he could see that she might just kiss him. A "Huh?" was all he could let escape his thin lips before she continued her sentence.

"I'm a vampire," she said and then bit into his neck while blushing.

Ichigo fainted after the blood loss, and Orihime went back to her room and looked at her wall mirror. Her hands landed on her face and she slapped her cheeks lightly. She didn't feel human at all. Maybe she had to wait for it to come…

The glass of blood Momo had left sat on Orihime's bedside table. She ran to it and drank. Her fangs grew out and she new it had to be a lie. Nothing about her had changed at all. No…

She heard a moan and looked at Ichigo's body outside the door. He wasn't suppose to wake up yet if she had killed him for her freedom. Souske said if she drank the blood of a Lycan then she would turn human…

...And Ichigo was a Lycan. His last name Kurosaki comes from a noble family of Lycans! His blood even smelled of them, so why was he still alive? Or maybe she turned him into a mix.

A mix of both Vampire and Lycan, but that has never even happen before.

Or has it?






"-saki," she moaned out as he slammed into her.

Ichigo didn't know how or why they were having sex right after she had kissed him, but he thought that it some how made sense.

He grabbed her breast and flicked the nipples. He rolled them under his long fingers and brought his mouth to the hardened berry and sucked. Her face was flushed which just made her look more beautiful to Ichigo. He slammed into her again.

He groaned as he felt her come and he was thinking that his release was soon coming too. He fondled her right breast and nipped at her neck. She moaned under his touch and he found himself moaning also.

Her red-orange was all around her face like a halo of light. He was on top and she just looked like an angel. He wasn't to sure on how they had gotten to her bed so fast, but he didn't give a damn right now. All that mattered to him was the "activity" they were doing right here and now.

She flipped him over so she was the one in charge. He didn't question how she did it, he just laid back to see what was next.

His chocolate eyes watched as she slowly slid down his body. She put his hard erected shaft between her breasts. Her small mouth opened and his length came in. H groaned has her pink tongue flicked out. Her soft hands held him as she made her assault.

When she was done she got up and straddled his hips. She slammed herself into him. He grabbed her breasts.

"Inoue…" he said.

She looked up at him with lust in her grey eyes. "Hmn," she hummed out.

"Shouldn't we-"

"Who's Inoue," she asked confused. She sat up and looked him over.

"Who' Inoue? That's you," Ichigo said and frowned. How could she have forgotten her own name?

"My names Toriko, Master Shirosaki," she said and got off the bed. 'You're the one who gave it to me after you bought me." Her naked form walked over to the table. In her hand was a small mirror. She brought it back to him and put it in his hands. "Look," was all she said.

Ichigo looked into the mirror expecting to see orange hair, tanned skin, brown eyes, and a scowl. But in the images were of pale skin, white hair, golden eyes with the sclera black, and an evil smirk. Around his neck was the same cross Orihime had been wearing.

"Toriko-chan, get your blade," the albino said. She looked at him and nodded her head. She opened the wardrobe and pulled out a black sword case, Ichigo could see the handle of the weapon; it was black and red with a broken black chain at the end.

Toriko walked slowly over to Ichigo with killing instinct in her eyes. She raised the blade ready to strike. "Zangetsu," she yelled, "for my Master who was killed by the Shiba's!"

He closed his ready for impact, but felt no pain. He opened his eyes and saw no angry "Toriko." The room was quite and he didn't know if this was a good sigh to show he was alone or to show that he was being stalked like some kind of animal. He looked some more to see Orihime sitting on the edge of the bed pouting down to the floor. Her hands were curled up in tight fists in her black cloth covered lap.

He didn't move so as not to disturb her thinking. He liked the image of her calm. Now that Ichigo thought he didn't even have the right to have a longing gaze in her direction because of the dream he just had. Damn, he thought.

Feeling movement from the other side of her bed Orihime saw Ichigo's scowl grow deeper. He looks so cute when he scowls; she thought but then mentally slapped herself. Don't think of him as cute Orihime! He isn't even suppose to be breathing right now! Now I've gone and ruined the plan, what is Aizen going to do if he finds out I turned him into a hybrid? He might kill him and me! I have to get him out of here, but how?

She smiled at him. "Did I wake you up," she asked.

"No," he said. Ichigo got off the bed and walked to the wall mirror. Every thing about him looked the same. He sighed with relief.

"Is something wrong," Orihime asked, "because if you need something then I can call Momo to get it for you, Kurosaki-kun." She stood behind him with her reflection showing in the mirror. She wasn't the same blood thirsty girl in his dreams, so why even think that they were the same people?

"No, I'm fine," he walked up to face her. He couldn't remember what happen before he had fainted. She wouldn't look him in the eye, so something must have happen. "What happen before I fainted, Inoue?"

"N-nothing," she stuttered.

His eyes softened and he looked deeper. "Please don't lie to me Inoue," he whispered.

Tears were starting to form in her eyes and he new then that he was right. Something is wrong, she just is too afraid to say it. She grabbed his hand and looked up to him with the tears flowing down her pink tinted cheeks.

"You won't believe me unless I show you," she said. Her hands grip tightened.

"Then show me," he answered back.

She closed her eyes. "Let me take you to the east wing then," she pulled his hand along with here as she ran out to the hallway. Ichigo ran with her and did not refuse, he only followed.

The candle lit hallways were long. Huge windows showed that it was now night outside. Was I out for that long, Ichigo asked himself. It had only been about noon time when he had fainted so to think he was asleep for so long. Had Orihime been sitting there on the bedside the whole time while he was out?

He saw stairs coming up in their running path but before that was a painting. It was as if the world had stopped when Ichigo saw it, the albino man from his dreams was hanging on the castle wall. He stopped making Orihime also stop in the process. She tugged at his hand and he snapped out of it. She tugged again and he started to run again, making it to their destination, the east wing.

She opened the door to the outside. It was cold from the strong breeze. She let go of his hand and ran over to the middle of the east wings roof. She looked back at Ichigo.

"Here is all the proof you need, Kurosaki-kun," Orihime said. She grabbed her head and started to bend over; Ichigo saw two bumps growing out of her back. They ripped the fabric of her dress and revealed two black bat wings. From her lower waist a demons tail popped out and she flew near him, her hand caressed his face. "I am the head Mistress of the Order and also the head of all Vampires. You are a Lycan who has been bitten by me and some how you are transforming into a hybrid of both Vampire and Lycan because of it," she paused to look at the utter most shock on his face. "As far as I know this has never happen before."

"T-then how is it happening now," Ichigo questioned.

"I don't know," she said sadly. "I only bit you so I could become human, but it seems that it did not work. And now that this has happen, you and I both might get killed by Aizen because of this."

"Why would he kill us," Ichigo yelled. "Why kill us for something that wasn't suppose to happen?"

"Because," Orihime said back, "it is against Orders law for a Vampire and Lycan to breed together. I don't know what happens if a Vampire turns a Lycan into both, but it can't be good. It has been that way since the beginning. Vampire and Lycan can not love one another."

"What is the Order then?"

Orihime sighed. "I'll explain it all to you Kurosaki-kun. From all the chaired Mistress' to the last law of the Order," she said.

The Dictionary

Kaa-san: japanese for mother (or mom, mommy, mum, etc.)

A/N: yes, that was my first lemon scene for me to ever write! So ya it sucked alot. XD

For any one who wants to find out about Ichigo's little "Adventure" he had before he entered and saw Hime-chan naked, review and tell me you want to read it so I can make it an Omake for the next chapter.

Thank you R&R's too!

JammersFlood. BoyToys-and-Crystals. nypsy. Somerlia. NaruHinaFanboy.

So much support I might cry!

Loved it? Hated it? Needs work? So review it! Hury before I begin to ramble again!~

~Turtle-chan out~