Here's a new story by me, tkdprincess96. Tell me what you think about it, compliments or critism, I don't care, it'll help my writing in the end.

(Merlin enters):Dear Author, aren't you forgetting something?

Me: Umm, sleep? but who needs that stuff anyway? I have writing to do!

Merlin: No, not that. The disclaimer?

Me: What disclaimer? I OWN YOU!

Merlin: (sighs) The author does not own me, Morgana, Uther, Arthur, Mordred, Morgause, or any other characters of BBC's Merlin. She only owns the title of the story, and idea of this particular work of fiction, along with all others that she has written.

Me: NOOOOOOOOO! (author squares shoulders and admits in defeat) Fine, I don't own Merlin, lets just get this story going, shall we?

Now, on with the story!


Morgana heard screams in the distance, screams that sounded familiar. Mordred. She immediately started running to the screams, the pain and suffering. Had Arthur and his men found them already? Morgause had told her that the camp was shielded so that no one without magic could get inside. Then why was Mordred screaming?

Morgana rushed through the campsite at night, and felt trees snag at her dress, hair, and felt her bracelet slip off. She felt an instinct to pick it up, but remembered that Mordred was in trouble. She could retrieve it later.

She found the tent where Mordred was staying, and saw that he was lying down, sweating profusely, Morgause looking over him in frustration. "What are you doing?" Morgana cried out.

Morgause looked at Mordred and said, "He has a great destiny, he must be brought up to what his standards are."

"He's just a boy, he can't take this."

"He can and he will!" Morgause snarled as she looked up at her half sister. Morgana was shocked at the expression on Morgause's face. "Mordred is Emrys; he is the one who will bring magic to the land, and the one who will put an end to the Pendragons!"

Morgana was in shock. "What? The end to the Pendragons? You mean, Arthur? What has he done?"

"Why would you care? He's his father's son. He carries out his father's orders and mercilessly kills our people. You would let a monster like that live, and be satisfied with Uther's death?"

Morgana grew angry at the allegations against her adopted brother. "Arthur has done nothing except help us! If anything, under his rule, magic may return to Camelot. His tolerance for magic is higher than his father's and you know it. He told me about your challenge, how you had him put his head on a chopping block, how he did this because he gave you his word. Arthur defied Uther time and time again for what he believed to be right, and does not hate magic. He helped Mordred escape, and did not try to arrest you for your magic. Instead he encouraged it, desperate to see his mother again. Arthur is practically a brother to me, and I'll not let you kill him!" Morgana finished, breathing heavily.

Morgause was furious. "What's wrong with you? You're never like this, this isn't you." Morgause pleaded. Then she looked down at Morgana's wrist. "Why aren't wearing you're bracelet?" she asked, confused.

'Fell off. And I will have you know that I feel more me than I have in a while." Shock crossed over her face. "You tricked me! You enchanted the bracelet and practically possessed me. That's how you made me the host for the sleep, you used me!" her eyes flashed gold, and Morgause flew backwards and to the ground, hitting her head on a table and becoming unconscious. Morgana was astonished. Did she do that? She shook her head clear, grabbed Mordred, and ran, thanking the gods that the others were asleep. She half carried, half dragged the boy for what seemed to be hours when dawn poke through, and she could go on no farther. Morgana laid Mordred down next to a tree and sat down next to him, not daring to fall asleep lest Morgause come back. Eventually her eye lids got tired, and despite her best efforts, she found that she could keep them open any longer, and drifted off into a dreamless, natural sleep.

Morgana felt small arms start to shake her feebly, and woke to see Mordred pulling at her faintly. She opened her eyes fully, and saw that Mordred was still somewhat asleep, and was having a sort of fit. "Mordred, wake up. Mordred, wake up, WAKE UP!"

In the distance animals scattered, and there was the sound of other humans. Instantly Morgana stiffened, positive that Morgause had found them. She stood in a defensive stance over Mordred, who stated mumbling under his breath. Morgana thought of all of the ways in which she could use to defend both herself, and Mordred, both magical and Mordred. She grabbed a large branch and held it like a sword. Then, Morgana herd some cursing in the distance, one of them yelling at another person. Her heart uplifted when she recognized the voices, but, shrank when she remembered that she had Mordred. She shook her head, they would not care. Morgana immediately rushed out to meet them, to make sure that she had the people correct.

"Merlin, Arthur," She asked weakly, relief coursing through her as she recognized her guardian's son and his servant. "Is that really you?" shock coursed through their faces, and the two rushed out to catch her, as she was falling.

"Morgana?" Arthur asked, barely able to believe his eyes. She had been missing for a month, and people were starting to believe that she was gone for good. He and Merlin were on a hunting trip when all of the animals had suddenly disappeared. Arthur had at first blamed Merlin, who had ruined many hunting trips, but then heard screaming in the distance, and had gone to investigate. And now they had found Morgana, after a whole month. "Morgana, come on." He said as he started to pull her to his horse. He was surprised when she resisted.

"No, please, wait. I couldn't leave him there. They were hurting him." Morgana pleaded, her voice rising in pitch. She ran back to where she had left Mordred, still muttering, his eyes moving under their lids. Arthur and Merlin were shocked. What was Mordred doing here this time, and what did Morgause want with him? Their questions were left unanswered when Mordred let out a great scream, shocking the two into action. Merlin went forth, and picked the younger boy up bridal style, and started towards where their horses were tied up, not very far off. Arthur put an arm around Morgana and quickly helped her back to the horses to be greeted with the sight of Merlin strapping Mordred into the saddle of his own horse, worry clearly etched on his face. Merlin gave one last tug at the straps, when satisfied, he led Arthur's horse over to the two, avoiding Morgana's eyes, remembering that the last time he saw her; he had tried to kill her. He quickly helped Morgana up, and watched Arthur get on in front of her before taking the reins of his own horse and starting the trek back to Camelot, the last horse following close behind.

When they finally came to within sight of Camelot, Morgana smiled widely at seeing her home. She prayed in her mind that Uther would not kill Mordred, knowing that if he did, she might just try to find the druids once more, this time permanently, not caring for the consequences.

After all, trading prisons wasn't exactly ideal, especially if you had been in one long enough to call it home.

Arthur: What does it mean that Morgana's eyes turned gold, how does she push Morgause back without touching her? Author, you made a mistake!

Me(sighs): Calm down Arthur, calm down. It's nothing, nothing to worry about. Just turn around really quickly, OK? (hits him on the head with a lump of wood) That takes care of that.

Merlin: What was that for?

Me: Now we don't have to worry about him getting in the way of my writing, asking questions, idiot. Don't worry, he'll be back in a few chapters.

Mordred: Why did you depict me as helpless! I can take care of myself, and Morgana, I don't need anyone!

Morgana: Sure you don't Mordred. (puts a hand on Mordred and whispers a few words, eyes flashing gold. Mordred slumps against her, and is put to the ground gently.) Now that is how to get rid of an annoying boy.

I guess my notes shouldn't be this long, but hey, it's entertaining! Review if you want Arthur and Mordred to wake up!